Am I fucked? I'm a girl trying to go from 175 to 135 and I'm afraid I'll never be tight and have abs

Am I fucked? I'm a girl trying to go from 175 to 135 and I'm afraid I'll never be tight and have abs

Post humans instead of niggers and you might get a response.

jesus dude

and nobody cares, stop whining and being lazy

Lose it slowly landwhale

just hop on anavar.

Listen, baby girl […] you're PERFECT […] thinking about you hurting

are you eating less and doing daily cardio? literally the only way. get your heart rate up and start sweating

>jesus dude
Do you know where you are? Black "people" aren't people.

Don't worry, girl, you're beautiful just the way you are. :)

Post tits.

Also unless you're 5'10 or taller you won't have abs at 135 without roids.

Lol I'm male and I've been winding now from 150. It's made me want to Kys seeing myself at the worst... Can only image for you being a "grill" makes that worse to I bet.

How about from the moment you read this comment you get your land whale ass to the fucking sticky read it and pratice and Follow through on that shit and go back to school with a body that you can be proud of.

>Do you know where you are? Black "people" aren't people.

Nice meme you sad honky. White people would be nowhere today without the advancements made by your African superiors.

What do all those niggers have to do with anything?

>do you even know where you are

Keep lifting, eat right and you'll make it OP. Might not have abs at 135 unless you're particularly tall or muscular for a woman though.

Boy, I'll beat your ass.

>>The only black egyptians were the slaves .

>threats of physical violence on a demisexual tibetan dating forum
Literally shaking

well said

Anything is possible if you put the work into it...
There are so many crazy transformations where people much heavier than you have lost more weight than you are wanting to loose.

So if they can do it so can you.
Google pics like related for motivation.

I guess the only thing I could say is that if you loose weight too quickly you could end up with some loose skin? but then there's surgery for that...

But since you are only aiming to loose 40 pounds I don't think that will happen!

Good luck :)

Why the hell would a woman want abs? That's just disgusting. A woman should strive to be a woman, not a man.

shoo shoo closeted faggot


>I'm afraid I'll never be tight
A common affliction for roasties.

eat less move more you retard

lots and lots of cardio, high rep liftan and cleeen foood

I'm a female with abs at 120 but I'm very lean

If I can gain 20 lbs of muscle in four months, you can lose 40 lbs of fat. But you sound pretty defeatist. "Am I fucked?"... probably, if you maintain that attitude forever.

Please fuck off to /pol/ you stupid fucks. I agree with things like the IQ gap but blatant racism is pointless. I've met some pretty shitty white people/degenerate rednecks in my life i bet you're one of them