Tfw Just took 600mg caffeine

Can anyone explain to me why caffeine pills feel weak ass fuck compared to my morning coffee?

Every morning I brew an almost full pot of coffee (11/12 on the pot's markers) using 4 scoops of finely ground french roast. I feel quite buzzed for a few hours and have good energy throughout the day.

Due to digestive issues and general teeth yellowing concerns I decided to give caffeine pills a try in place of coffee.

First I took 200mg and in about 15mins felt very little. Then another 200mg 30mins later and felt a bit more but the feeling waned quickly. Finally another 200mg all within a 2 hour time window and feel about 1/4 - 1/2 that of my morning coffee.

What am I missing here? It's shit.

Just take more

Wait an hour.

It has been suggested that the coffeine in coffee is more potent due to the other ingredients in coffee. Probably true, my caffeine tabs dont do much, just keep me alert barely if taken before a workout. Coffee works better for me as well.

Don't be a pussy, take real stimulants.

Why doesn't anyone make a coffee pill then? I want all the supposed beneficial compounds without all the crap.


Have you tried one of those french roast or something cans, where you screw the top on and the water + coffe boils up? Thats great tastying.

Brush your teeth after coffee?

Caf isnt doing it for me anymore.

Thinking about DMAA, anybody have experience with it?

its because your fucking blood vessels can only get so constricted or else you'd die

french press? no but yes they're great. i just prefer to use drip makers in spite of the inferior byproduct.

b4 u od on adderall like me

sip. no teeth staining, delicious taste.

600mg of caffeine front loaded will give you uncontrollable shaking/tremors, an uncomfortably high heart rate, and shallow breathing

that's because they put sugar or fake sugar in it. both are shit. also not economical. energy drinks are okay from time to time but aren't a good daily drinker.

I took over 1,000 mg of caffeine and was rushed to emergency because my heart rate wouldn't go down and I felt like I was gunna die , couldn't lift for a week.

They do make 'coffee pills'
Just go to a doctor and tell him youre having problems focusing

Is your coffee concentrated as fuck? I remember i use to load my coffee maker with a shit ton of ground coffee beans. You might be ingesting way more caffeine than you actually think.

4 level scoops of fine ground french roast. it should be about equal to drinking four cups of coffee.

I would drink one cup of coffee today. Super fucking strong in my french press. That shit lit me up with the first sip

Im taking the pills nows. they get the job done, but dont give me the dopamine surge that coffee did. actually i managed to slide back from 600mg to 200mg without really withdrawing at all. the caffeine pills have a really clean burning feeling

not french press, a french press is the same as a cafetiere

not with a tolerance you fuckwit


Caffeine is a wonder drug, have like one coffee a day and you reap the health benefits and very little of the negative, although you might feel a bit tired if you miss a day.

You're fucking up your heart by taking so much, get your shit together.

caffeine gives you a limp dick so you cant have sex or jerk off.

Why do all of you think you need stimulants to get through a workout? If you're eating and sleeping well you should be able to show up to the gym and perform fine. Just warm up properly and use some music and you should be ready to train hard...

The average poster on fit isn't DLing >4 plates, squatting >3 or benching >2 plates for reps so wtf? I would guess the intensity of everyone's workouts isn't that high either..unless you're doing max testing or race training cardio I can't see why you'd need stimulants. Professional athletes aren't taking 600mg of caffeine every day before they train so why the hell are you?

read the fucking post m8

Take pre work out instead of coffee you dumb nigger

or both
an a bit of meth on the side

i noticed the same thing when having a energy drink in the morning instead of a freshly ground coffee from my espresso machine. felt like a hollow empty buzz, none of those warm comforting feels that comes from coffee. with that said, i still think coffee and caffeine in general is poison and recently quit caffeine of any sort and have much better sleep, focus, and motivation. using caffeine everyday is like walking around with a minor coke comedown at all times

because caffeine suspended in liquid will cover a lot more surface area and diffuse into blood much quicker

caffeine pill has much less surface area, only outside of the pill is exposed

if you want the same rush, crush it up and parachute it

There are other stimulatory compounds in coffee besides caffeine.

nature's alkaloid blends are always nicer than synthetics, take cannabis and heroin for example

Yes, this is right. Also, steeping probably increases the amount of caffeine that is released from the beans.
Temperature of consumption shouldn't make an appreciable difference to speed of caffeine absorption though (given that two drinks have the same caffeine content i.e hot coffee vs sips). Thanks for reading.

In reply to myself, I just read this in regard to steeping: The solubility of caffeine is 2g/100mL at room temp vs. 66g/100mL at boiling). So steeping temperature and steeping time should change the amount of caffeine in coffee. Thanks for reading.

Tolerance doesn't mean the substance won't kill you, mongoloid. Do humanity a favor and ingest 1200mg of caffeine


Caffeine cant be absorbed in the stomach, so it wouldn't make a difference. You could however let it dissolve in your mouth instead, even though they taste like ass.

Maybe if you're 5' 6" and 120 lbs.

just drink the coffee you fag

You've exposed your brain to so much neurotoxin that it's used to it. Coffee is the devils drink. Get some green tea and chill out brah. Oh and if you have heart palpitations go to the fucking er.

yes it does. a tolerance means you can ingest way more, its the same for most drugs, if you were to take a heavy addicts std dose of cocaine you would most likely hav a seizure and die. a heavy alcoholic's nightly consumption would put a normal person in hospital or worse, hell even druggies kill themselves by accident after taking their std dose after a tolerance break

Why doesn't the argument hold that total absorption will be faster if the caffeine is over a larger surface area, regardless of where it is absorbed?
e.g Absorption in mouth and small intestine over a larger surface area from a liquid would be greater than absorption rate from a pill w smaller surface area? Crushing it and gumming it would increase absorption speed as well obviously.

it will dissolve in the stomach

Yeah true, I guess I had mentally imagined this sort of half dissolved pill exiting the stomach, which is wrong. It would totally dissolve.

>drink 3-4 tall americanos every morning
>still get raging morning wood to the point where I have to jerk off or cum in my woman just to get the fucking penor back down

Anecdotal for sure, but I've never had a problem with it.

Take it sublingually

It tastes bad but you will feel it immediately

Caffeine is water and fat soluble, so it will cross the blood brain barrier

This skips your GI tract entirely and will give energy independent of how full or empty your stomach is

Good luck bro enjoy the high

>not sipping

Literaly why?

The pills are a cleaner high. Pills are like pure mdma and coffee is like ecstasy.

maybe it's me but I feel like caffeine is an elaborate troll or something
I can take 400 or 600, I even have taken 800mg at once, and not noticed anything
I drink coffee for taste
don't tell me it's tolerance. it never worked on me

lol nice

I never drank coffee cause I don't like the taste, but since I started cutting and my energy levels have been rather low I decided to give caffeine pills a go
the dude at the supplement store said that the 100mg capsules are equal to about two cups of coffee, and considering I've never drank coffee nor anything with caffeine in it, I thought this would do the trick
needless to say 1 capsule doesn't really do shit, I usually take two before my workout and then I feel a slight buzz, might try 3 or 4 once just to see if I get a rush
anyway OP, maybe try pouring out the powder from the capsules and mixing it with water, that might make a difference even though pure caffeine taste like garbage