Planet Fitness

Hello Veeky Forums

> be me
> be 22
> weigh 305lbs(dropped 15)
> want to start doing exercise
> gym too expensive
> hear how cheap planet fitness is

Is planet fitness a good way to start building muscle? I've heard bad things about it but I just wanna start doing exercise and build muscles

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Doing anything is better then nothing. Idk if you should lose more weight before workingout desu i started hella skinny and actively tried to get bigger. Also shit is like 10 bucks a month, thats like one trip to mcdonalds.

>Is planet fitness a good way to start building muscle?

It does the job. I actually go there because at my previous gym i was the weakest looking dude, but at PF i look high tier

By the look of your post, you should do some more research about routines you can do before starting, but planet fitness should work if it's your only option

It's my only option because I cannot afford a more expensive gym. I live on my own and like I said I've heard how cheap it is

Well I've been losing weight by eating less and eating well. Also, drinking lots of water. No exercise. I live an almost sedentary lifestyle. Which is why I wanna start hitting the gym to build muscles

You don't need a gym to lose weight. Just find out what you total daily calorie expenditure is and eat fewer calories than that. The occasional run or walk is helpful, but the most important part is eating less. You can consume 500 hundred calories in five minutes, but you minutes, but you can't burn 500 calories in five minutes.

I know m8. I am eating less calories. I also wanna build muscle, doesn't that help fat loss?

They don't have squat racks or benches from what I understand, and the dumb bells only go up to 70 lbs but that is sufficient for what you need as long as you learn dumb bell lifting

just understand that it is limited and if you are going to get more serious about lifting then you will have to go somewhere else

My PF has benches and allows deadlifts, it's no where near as bad as people here make it out to be. Just avoid it during peak hours

no. fat and muscle are two different substances. it will make you look better when you lose fat though.
honeslty if i were you i would just cut some calories, take an occasional walk/jog and do some body weight excersizes for a bit. after a while if you wana go build some muscle then sign up for the gym. planet fitness is a start for a gym and you can actually make great gains if you know what you are doing. if you are looking at the long term though it would be easier to make gainz at a gym which doesnt have a fucking sound alarm and has barbells. although like i said, just start off light for now.

planet fitness is shit and they make you put your monthly on a credit card. so they can keep billing you. i got a new credit card stoped going. and a year later they sending bill for like 200 dollars when i hadnt steped foot in that gym for over a year.

Thanks m8, I appreciate the advice

Better off buying dumbbells and walking

yw user. wish you luck on your journey to gainzville

you from Indiana too?

lol no. That's Tiny Tim Rauscheder from Youtube. Dude just eats fast food and chugs beer. Whenever I'm craving fast food I watch his videos and remind myself I don't want to be his size

I am 2xl shirts, size 46 jeans. That's already pretty big, I know, but I refuse to get larger. I am 6'0" btw

PF is a fine beginner gym.

Don't believe the meme, user, PF is a great starter gym. Went there for almost a year and g lost 30 something lbs. I live in Texas, so it becomes impossible to run outside in the summer, so that's what kept my cardio going year round. It's not great for building muscle, but just fine for cardio and low level lifting.

its one step above training at home with shitty dumbbells and calisthenics

the training atmosphere is terrible, the equipment is limited and, if the gym manager is especially keen on upholding the PF business model, its likely that you'll be kicked out for lifting too heavy.

are you a total beginner? planet fitness will be fine

especially since you should be spending a good chunk of time doing cardio

Yes I am a total beginner

>especially since you should be spending a good chunk of time doing cardio
explain yourself

just a couple of things i would like to add actually:
walks should be 30-40 mins and must be brisk, meaning you should be panting. you might get bored with that time frame but just keep with it. consider bringing music, listen to a podcast, or download an audiobook if that's your thing and listen to that while walking.
consider buying a set of dumbells, nothing heavy something like 10 pounds and do some light weight stuff on them.
dont cut too much calories or you will be dealing with loose skin later. keep the range to 400-500.
planet fitness is honestly not that bad as people make it out to be. sure there is somethings that you won't be able to do, but people really underestimate the shit you can do with dumbells.
consider watching some youtubers and do a bit of research if you want more tips on nutrition or fitness. i rec athleanx he has some great stuff to say, and consider reading the sticky there is some great stuff on here and it's a shame a lot of retards on here don't read it.
dont eat cheat meals they actually do mess with progress and dont eat sugar they are just empty calories (dont eat artificial sweetners either).
most importantly DO NOT give up. things might get tough but if you wana change your life style this is what it's going to take. you do not want to live a life of complacency and not accomplish anything, it's depressing and unfufilling.
best wishes user~

>consider buying a set of dumbells, nothing heavy something like 10 pounds and do some light weight stuff on them.
this advice is trash

otherwise this is grear but i'll also stress that this is very much the absolute foundation and you should not get too comfortable with ths. this is almost like a warm up period before you actually sign up for the gym and working out properly.

*otherwise this is great advice

Is there anything wrong with the safety squat/bench press racks they have at planet fitness? You can load them up to at least 200. I joined last week and they definitely give me a workout but it feels strange. Like there must be some negative side to it.

is it a barbell (or DBs for bench) moving freely through the air? if not then don't expect the same results. machines will build mass, but not as much, and they will give you zero strength to translate to other lifts or your life in general

if they are machines then learn one legged squats and do DB bench and when following a program that calls for back squats and barbell bench presses, always keep in mind that you're not doing those.

Nvm I'm dumb and new to this. Apparently it's a smith machine. I figure it's not going to be quite as effective as a free weight barbell since the balancing is done for you but is that true?

squats in the smith machine are downright injurious, don't even think about squatting in there

bench presses are fine but the same applies to this machine as to all other machine, which i mentioned in my other post. just because it looks like a barbell doesn't mean it isn't a machine.

forgot to add, leg presses are passable if you go through the full range of motion. i've never been to a planet fitness but if they have barbells you can substitute deadlifts with romanian deadlifts - they go well with leg presses and these two things will go some way to building up your legd (though you'll not reap the srength benefits or mass benefits as if you were to squat and deadlift)

god i'd hate to lift there

or you could always do what i did and build a home gym, it cost me about £50 ($70ish or something), the weights were about £150 though

What makes it so dangerous? I've been using it for bench presses, rows, and squats. I've only done this twice now though.

it doesn't allow your body to brace itself properly under a load, meaning that the usual tightness which protects the knee, lower and upper back and hips which is force to fire up when a heavy barbell sits on your back, isn't there to the same extent, and after you load it up sufficiently heavy your quads etc wil be strong enough to overcome the meagre tightness your muscles are providing to the aforementioned structures and you'll tweak, tear and pull yourself into snap city. additionally, it is near impossible to learn to lift the bar safely anyway (barbell squats TEACH you to lift the bar in a straight line, smith machine squats FORCE you to lift the bar in a straight line and believe no one who says there's not a difference).

Not op but Fort Wayne here

This makes sense but is extremely disappointing to me. I guess I'll have to figure something else out. Thank you.

>build a home gym, it cost me about £50

I plan on doing this but only after I get into the routine of exercising. I have been meaning to go back to the gym for years and years and when they built one right next to where I work I decided it was time. I'm enjoying the time I'm spending there but I need it to become a habit and a hobby before I can rely on myself to do it when there are so many distractions around.

>leg press are passable if you go through the full range of motion
i hope you arent telling him to lock out his knees...
but yea leg press is fine just DONT LOCK OUT YOUR KNEES

Any gym is better then nothing. Don't fall for the "lol dude just work out at home" meme. No, don't try to speed walk/jog around your town. No, do not buy weights and exercise at home. Go to a gym.

Part of the reason you (and I, and people like us) are fat is because we lack self-discipline. If we had it, we wouldn't be fat. It's too easy to eventually just ignore the weight set next your bed, or make up excuses for not going outside. By actively paying for something every month there is SOME kind of tangible obligation to stick to your routine, however slight. Plus once you get to the gym being around tons of fit dudes and hot chicks will motivate you.

The absolute best thing you can do to stay motivated and on task is to find a workout buddy, but if you're a robot or you have a weird schedule or whatever then at the very least just get your ass to the gym. You don't even need to actually exercise much when you first start going- just commit to going X amount of times a week and try to hit that goal of going every single time, even if it's just for 10 minutes of walking on the treadmill.

Don't knock planet fitness, I grew out of it but this was a year at PF then moved on to a more competitive gym

look up some stuff you can do with dumbells for now

starting weight loss, especially at 305, and at planet fitness...i mean, he/you will lift some weights, probably beginner tier stuff that doesn't burn a lot of calories, then he/you should do cardio for a bit to burn more fat/calories

nice job

Thanks I saved this video. I have a 40lb set I've been using occasionally. I'll start using it more often.

planet fitness niggerizes you???

Absolutely, went full latino mode

>No, do not buy weights and exercise at home. Go to a gym.
terrible advice

i have spent a grand total of £290 or something on my gym at home (home made rack, barbell with plenty weight, dumbbells with plenty weight, bench, straps, wrist wraps, belt, dipping belt, EZ bar and resistance bands) and i am probably bigger and stronger than you, and i wouldn't be where i was today if i had to bike 20 minutes to get to a gym before every workout. i'd have found excuses and missed sessions. its not for everyone for example you need plenty space and can't have it in a flat or anything but just dismissing that advice flat out is retarded.

well not terrible advice but you know, not gospel is what i meant, accidentally/autmatically typed terrible

Thanks m8, will go to planet fitness and sign up once I finish work

Yeah just don't be a slob and eat the pizza or bagels, incorporate cardio, whatever split u are gonna do, don't shy away from the free weights. Consistency is key, just keep improving and be positive about your self improvement.

I went yesterday and they had a few sad boxes of Little Caesar's on the lobby counter. I wish I had seen someone stuffing their face with it. I swear I will never eat pizza or bagels at the gym. Ridiculous.