You Need to Fast

Why aren't you fasting yet?

>cures diseases
>clears skin
>healthier hair (unless you overdo it)
>fixes obesity
>breaks addictions
>mental clarity
>spiritual cleansing
>body detox

If you're the opposite of all of those benefits, fasting can fix you in 30-60 days (no more than 30 uninterrupted). How does this happen? Simple. Your body uses the tremendous amount of energy you save from digesting to fix the body. Need some inspiration from your favorite historical figures?

>"Fasting is the greatest remedy-- the physician within."
Philippus Paracelsus, one of the three fathers of Western medicine

>"The best of all medicines is resting and fasting."

Benjamin Franklin

>"Everyone has a doctor in him; we just have to help him in his work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. eat when you are sick, is to feed your sickness."

Hippocrates, one of the three fathers of Western medicine

>"A little starvation can really do more for the average sick man than can the best medicines and the best doctors."

Mark Twain, in My Debut As a Literary Person

>"Humans live on one-quarter of what they eat; on the other three-quarters lives their doctor."

Egyptian pyramid inscription, 3800 B.C. (Kek)

Why aren't you curing yourself of everything yet?

Other urls found in this thread:

I liek to go fast

23/1 is god tier

This fucking post again...

>Why aren't you curing yourself of everything yet?
Because I don't want to "cure" myself of muscle.

Ramadan come soon, gonna get a JOOCY cut after i hope

When you say fast, do you mean not eating at all, or eating in a short period of the day?

How the fuck do I do it
I hate packing a lunch to work so I'd like to not eat until the evening but I can't focus on work when I'm so damn hungry

look into juice fasting.

Fasting = not eating at all.

Everything else is a variation of fasting.

what is 23/1 ?

i want to start fasting once a week

school me

What diseases does fasting cure?

youtube dr jason fung. fasting INCREASES hgh, broscience retard.

23 hours of fasting, one hour of eating

This is how Eric Kanevskiy became shredded as fuck

This is what fasting does, provided you're getting enough protein to stop muscle loss

Is this confirmed? Sounds fake as fuck, but I'd do it if it worked.

I work so much, I barely get time to eat anyways, if I'd only have to eat only huge meal for dinner a day, I'd be good.

> Obesity
> Insulin resistance (aka "prediabetes")
So at least 2 major chronic diseases.

Start by doing 16/8 fasting and progress to 20/4.
If you got weekends off work, pick a day to fast for >20h.

Just finished lent mass, as always it was a wonderful time and I feel rejuvenated.

Should I take vitamin supplements or will that break the fast?

Vitamins won't break the fast, proteins will tho.

ok, i like it.

every day?

and do you eat before or after workout?

gonna try this

Probably anything that isn't genetic.

Every other month i will fast for 24 hours

How does one do Ketogenic and IF? Do you only do full Keto on off days, and eat more carbs, less fat on training days? If I do keto on training days, I can't see myself going as hard.

Who else here "Moon Diet" and fasts for at least 1 day during Full and New Moons when lunar effects are most amplified?

I did 16:8 IF with keto and had some great fat loss. I've cycled off because I miss beans and rice but still do 16:8 with a bit less loss.

Just eat keto in your 8h window and you'll see results.

Hmm with the urine fasting thread and this post, someone(s) is clearly salty over my fasting thread. Get used to it.

Thanks. I'm doing more of a 4-7 hour window because my schedule is weird right now, and I get lazy. It's so nice to not worry about food all day like when I did 6 meals/day.

So on your off days, do you eat less carbs & more fat? I read that somewhere. I guess it's all experimental for me.

Work out before eating to help lose body fat more easily. When you do eat after fasting, just make sure you consume lots of protein.

Also, drink lots of water. Drinking water will help you through your fast.

Depends on your keto. I always strictly ate at or below 20g of carbs but you also have to be strict on your protein or it gets converted. 1g of protein per pound of lean body mass, no more.

It's a mother cunt unless you meal prep. Most, if not all, of your carbs need to be leafy greens. That and you need to supplement fiber, likely.

That and remember it's net carbs so carbs minus fiber but total carbs can't exceed 50g.

Fucking... keto, I swear.

It's actually a legitimate fast bro

That's basically what I'm doing on my off days. I jog at the end of my training days. Do people do cardio with keto?

I do high and low volume lifts.. h-how will i get through a big day?

and are you doing this fast EVERY day?

thanks for info

that shit gives you a fatty liver because of all the sugar

Explain the medical science behind "spiritual cleansing". Also show me how not eating breaks addiction.
Need to keep protein high throughout the day to prevent muscle breakdown as well as clean carbs for energy.
I bet you have salt crystals with healing lights along side your bed and drink lavender oil.

I fast when I sleep

>Need to keep protein high throughout the day to prevent muscle breakdown
[citation needed]

Been following 16/8 Leangains fasting, week two finishing up now.

So far, I think I am losing weight, it feels like it. I only felt weak one day, but that was when I was fasting for longer than I should have, around 17-18 hours and only ate an apple, but then I had a huge meal and hydrated and felt better. Don't go too hard with the fasting.

As for all the benefits, I don't think it's as amazing as everyone makes it out to be, but for fat loss it definitely helps.

The broscience in this thread is tremendous on both sides of the argument.

I'm a medfag and I personally do 23/1. I've lost 50 pounds, fixed my triglycerides, got my a1c down to 5, and still managed to put on muscle mass according to my dex scan.

That being said, I wouldn't recommended fasting to anyone, because 95% of people won't do their due diligence and build up the necessary foundational knowledge. Also there is a tremendous amount of broscience regarding the subject coming from both "wellness gurus" and medical doctors alike. Most people, especially the posters in this board, would just end up hurting themselves.

>As for all the benefits, I don't think it's as amazing as everyone makes it out to be, but for fat loss it definitely helps.

Well, you're only on week two. But yea, I'm not sure how many strength or muscle gains are really possible. We'll see. It might help because if one loses body fat, the body composition will change. And it stands to reason what replaces the fat is muscle.

Should help with bodyweight training.

Please post your typical meal on off days, and training days, and whether you do cardio on either. Do you have any proof like a hospital ID or something to verify you're a medfag (just blot out the personal info)?

It would be extremely helpful to us that don't know shit. Thanks.

ive heard bad stuff about fasting that it can lead to diabetes if your only eating one meal a day because youre so insulin sensitive.
can anyone confirm if this is true or not

I personally did loads on keto with the exception of leg day as I needed every advantage I could get on it.

I'd take my dog for a walk, go for a run then lift at night and finish each session with 30m on the elliptical.

Still do that, I just have carbs now.

fasting is godly m8, you gotta try it

I heard fasting cures cancer, is this true?

It also increases your sperm count and penis size.

I've been hearing a lot of about prediabetes nowadays.
Is it curable or "curable"?
Like if you make your blood sugar back to normal, are you still under the "prediabetic" category or not?

>want to fast today
>gotta lose that last 15lbs
>smell food from downstairs
>mom made fried zucchini again

Guess I'll fast tomorrow...

bump, i also want to know.

Alternate day fasting master race reporting in,I went from 95kg to 90kg in just one week.
Here's my plan:
- Fast one whole day
- The next day fast until you have finished your workout
- Eat one big,healthy,nutrient dense meal
- Eat nothing afterwards and the next day repeat it all
I hope I can make it until summer's here brahs

yeah i do that too.

the weight loss on it is disconcerting, however.

i'll almost always be heavier by a good 1 - 2 kg then all of a sudden I'll piss out a couple kgs + whatever I lost in like 2 hours a day or so after the fast.

I have stage 1 cancer and the only reason I'm fasting is to increase the size of my penis

Yes they will you fucking idiot.
Water and black coffee only.

>8 hour window.

Holy shit, do people actually do the 16/8 meme? That was made to troll people into being hungry and stopping just short of the IF benefits. Minimum 18/6 to get anything from IF at all you miserable cock.

Stop saying "that" so often you retarded piece of shit.

>You need to Fast

Agreed. My plan is that when I turn 30 I will start doing a 3 day water fast about 5 times a year.

doesnt this shit slow down metabolism and makes you yo-yo back unless you eat like 1000kcal for the rest of your life?

Supplements are fine, you just can't take in any sugars, proteins or fats.

Good thread.
I actuall start my fast today.
>one start day with very little calories to prepare the body, already banned salt, alcohol and other drugs (today)
>8 days without any calorie intake (just shitloads of water and tea)
>enema every second day
>3 days to recover, start eating slowly again

First time doing this, bit afraid of mood swings and the book with the plan says you smell really bad during that time because body gets rid of all the (literal) shit.

the key is to lower the carbs, and eat healthy foods with enough fiber and minerals read this if you like it might give you little tips and insights

I'm usually fasting 4 days a week.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Does wonders:
>normal weight
>healthy everything (just had a blood test done few weeks ago)
>easier to think
>more energy
>working out while fasting is easier (fuck if I know why)
>I can save more money

Coupled with a plant based diet it is pretty fucking awesome.

Fasting should help with that, as well as reducing artificial sugar from your diet. I have a relative who had great success and is diabetic. Make sure you consult your doctor beforehand.

Go full plant based diet, eliminate meat and dairy.

Absolute bullshit.

i like you and the things you are doing


>23/1 for a while now
>Dieting just over 4 months
>Still not lean
I get thinner but my self esteem only goes lower

Most studies show the opposite, fasting increases BMR.

Personally, I'm just getting into this because I'm bored, but after all the research I've done it seems as a society we have a:

> but if you don't eat every 6 hours you'll die!

A mentality that is founded nearly entirely on wives tales and urban legends, kind of shit that gets perpetuated on Veeky Forums ad nauseam.

Realistically, people can fast weeks with no real adverse effects, and people regularly do.

I mean, something has to given, every year as a population we get less healthy and more fat. Surely this is symptomatic of the fact the current system may not be 100% correct.

Most scientifically-minded people would see this, sit back, and think maybe there's something to this, this is worth investigating.

The ignorant will clutch their 'facts' tighter, close their eyes, and hum in order to not risk the humbling realisation of: but what if I was wrong.

suggesting anything naturally increases hormones in your body is more broscience than not fasting

he didn't fast one bit stfu

One of the dumber posts I've read on this website, congrats.

I'll try it, it's worth a shot.

These guys too afraid to try something different in case it shatters their worldview. It shows someone is lacking a scientific mind "but look at X and Y studies", you're just repeating results done by greater minds than you, that's Reddit-tier pop-sci worship.

A real scientific mind knows science tries but is always imperfect, we know the majority of what people "knew for sure!!!" on nutrition 50 years ago was completely wrong, most of what we "know for sure!!!" is going to be completely wrong.

>ha, ha, so I'm going to do the shit-eating diet, or the pizza diet!!!!

If you can't separate the plausible from the obvious bullshit, then you lack common sense. Also you're gay and a nigger.


Thanks user, good luck to you!

Anyone else take Adderal to get rid of cravings and appetite?

How would you fast, or when would your fast start, when you are working different shifts every week, like from 6am, 2pm, 10pm?

>Philippus Paracelsus, one of the three fathers of Western medicine
degenerate poly faggots. no wonder their kid is so fucked up.

Tbh the main issue i have with fasting is that i like masturbating et around 9 pm and if i'm fasting at that time i'll be hungry as fuck and hunger nukes your libido

Nope I just take it to get high and shred all my water weight

A warning: you might not be able to consume your cutting TDEE while fasting if you're not used to eating so much food during your feast time. Lots of water will help you slowly train your stomach.

You can just eat when you are hungry as long as you space them out long enough

He didn't fast at all you shill

He did a strict bro diet meal plan spread throughout the day

How is 16/8 even considered fasting? Half of the time is just sleeping, then you cut breakfast and there you go. It barely is beneficial, it's just a step to ease into a more decent intermittent fasting like 20/4 ~ 23/1, or into real fasting.

Haha you probably eat 5000 cals in sugary food then. Most muslims are fat.

I never thought to look for a fasting thread until now because it's so against the grain of what I know Veeky Forums for

I normally don't trust new age medicine and bro science because anecdotes and placebos can go fuck themselves. I've heard every health benefit under the sun and they just can't be true, like curing cancer, asthma, poor eyesight.

But I'm interested because it's really common to find people claiming water fasting dramatically reduces their scars and stretch marks because the body supposedly consumes scar tissue for fuel under fasting conditions. Scars are visually evident so I can't dismiss so many people as being mistaken, are they lying?

Anyone know if this is bullshit or not? I'm fat as fuck and on a diet. If I lose too much weight I won't have the opportunity to do a ~30 day fast again.

Also how would I not fuck this up? Wouldn't mineral water be better, with some salt thrown in for better retention? I'd take vitamins, fuck not having vitamins.

Because I have no self control or real determination to stick with anything. Why else would I be fat and unhealthy? I knowas the answer, I just can't make myself enact it.

Im testing 23:1 fasting. I like it so far. I feel like my skin is tighter, even if I've lost around 15kg so far. Not easy to know what is bullshit and what is actually facts. There are people trying to earn money on both sides.

How do you earn money by people drinking just water for a month?

I think people con each other for free. Fasting reminds me of jelqing and no fap.

I mean people making a web page or youtube video with click-bait names. They earn a lot on advertisement. The more bullshit they write, the more clicks they get and the more money they earn.

Every fad says:
I am doing .. SOMETHING .. and all my health statistics are healthy and normal

Normal body weight and normal blood results are NORMAL
Not having addictions
Having clear skin
having a clear mind
detoxed body
ARE ALL NORMAL... you are SUPPOSE to this way!

can't help but notice all the quotes in favor of fasting are older than shit.

anything recent and relevant?

Post your claims, faggot. 16/8 is leangains bullshit and that boy has wasted an abundance of time citing articles, studies and personal findings.

I'll wait.

I'll give it a shot, tommorow after dinner Ill start fasting for 48 hours.
Any tips to make it less painful?
I've read in the past that salty water helps

Being a fucking mudslime is the most unfit thing you can do. leave this place and never come back bombnigger

Ramadan in less than a month

Won't drinking tea break the fast? Or does it actually help?

Tea barely has calories, so probably not

But tea is a diarrhetic, so probably not a good idea as you are trying to retain water

I start 20:4 this week. So far sleep has been a lot better, evening meal is more satisfying even though fuck all daily calories and energy levels are fine.

I do one meal a day, which put me at about 700 calories a day, if I had an active day I will probably have two meals

It's worth a shot, why the fuck not?