Shit normies say

Shit you heared normies say about history
> the warsaw uprising was entierly done by jews from te getto
> modern russia is less corrupt than the ussr
> vikings destroyed the roman empire
> hitler build the berlin wall to segregate jews

> I'm browsing Veeky Forums

>Germany was the best militarily during the XXth century

>>hitler build the berlin wall to segregate jews

>the warsaw uprising was entierly done by jews from te getto
I thought most people didn't know about the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, not that they conflated it with the Warsaw Uprising
>hitler build the berlin wall to segregate jews

Literally the first time I'm reading this shit.


>> modern russia is less corrupt than the ussr


the USSR can't be corrupt considering that using the state to steal and murdering random people over arbitrary shit is just the machine working as intended

>doctors and taxi drivers receive equal pay in China

Unsurprisingly, the were Americans.

>Hitler divided Germany in two.

>Jesus would totally be fine with gays and Transvestites. He accepted everyone for who they are.

>nazis are so cool

>he didn't read the newest testament

I've also heard:
>Jesus was a socialist
>Jesus was against the death penalty
This "God is all about love and nothing else matters" garbage is usually spewed by Protestants but is becoming increasingly common in the Catholic Church too.

>communism is a society where everyone is equal

If God gave humans the choice of heaven or hell, why would he be a fan of a system of government that forces high taxation on its people "for the greater good" like Socialism

>sitting in history class as a hs freshman
>girl in front of me has a question
"Was it called the cold war because it was fought in the north pole?"

I have heard it before but only from those who are talking about the stupid shit they have heard, never head someone actualy say this.

>socialism high taxes
good meme

> the warsaw uprising was entierly done by jews from te getto

Normies don't know about the warsaw uprising lol

High, social democrat here.
Don't call me a socialist or I'll sic the Freikorps on you

>Hitler was evil!
>Hitler dindu nuffin!

>Hitler wuz even more evil than u think bcuz he liked to take a lot of baths

>using the term "Victorian period" when referring to places outside of British empire

To be fair, Britain was THE superpower of the time, dominating the world stage. Not to the same extent that the US does today, but it's not totally inaccurate to call the era Victorian

Alright buddy, time to go

>lmao bottom text
My sides, user, my sides

Victorian art and architecture is derived from French aesthetics and was commonly used by middle and upper middle class people in the US and France, as well as more affluent European-esque South American cities to a lesser degree.

>"a castle's just a big, stone building with towers, right?"

>Not to the same extent that the US does today
Yet nobody is spouting garbage like "Turkmenistan during the Clinton era".

people say "post-9/11" all the time in reference to world politics, not just American politics.

They only say that when mentioning terrorism/islamism, other than that it's a term completely exclusive to American politics.

>Protestants but is becoming increasingly common in the Catholic Church too.
Most christian socialists are Catholics IIRC

>Vietnamese who beat the Americans were starving peasants with shit weapons

Are you talking about normies or retards?

this is true in cuba, and was true in china for quite some time.

same thing lmao

>Holodomor is real
>9/11 was not an inside job but actual terrorist attack
>skunk ape is not real

Pic related

>did that one french chick really say "let them eat cake"?
>did they even like have cake back then lmao
While that quote is a misconception his reasoning was retarded

Interesting read, thanks for posting.

social democrat like someone who would give up his country for immigrants or social democrat like thilo sarrazin?

>If the U.S. hadn't dropped the atomic bombs on Japan, the Soviets would have invaded, and we'd have a North Japan and South Japan the way Korea was divided.

It's not that it's particularly prevalent or even that interesting, but it irks me because of just how many things you'd need to change from historical reality to make a Soviet invasion of Japan feasible.

It could have happened. The Japanese air force and navy was utterly nonexistent by 1945, they had a gargantuan air force themselves and had plans for an invasion of Hokkaido.

>calls every German soldier in WW2 a Nazi

No, it couldn't. The Soviets had no fleet in the Pacific outside of what the Americans were giving them through project Hula, and as of the time of the Japanese surrender, that only included 30 landing craft, of which 11 were sunk trying to secure the Sakhalins (which themselves were still fighting and only subdued as per an order from Tokyo ordering them to stand down).

The 19 remaining ones could transport about 4,000 men at a time. It is 889 km from Vladivostok to Sapphro, and those landing craft move at 16 knots an hour, so even assuming there is 0 time spent loading and unloading, or that none of them get destroyed (remember, they lost a third of them taking the well less secured Sakhalins), you can put down 4,000 troops every 60 hours or so. Even the shattered defenses of "mainland" Japan can easily handle that, regardless of their lack of airforce or navy. And this is a super-optimistic invasion plan, things are almost certain to go wrong, with with the "very little experience in amphibious operations" thing.

>and had plans for an invasion of Hokkaido.
Their "plans" to invade Hokkaido began with "Beg the Americans for more ships". Truman could have ended any such risk by simply deciding not to give them. There is no way in hell it could have happened.

>something happened in nazi Germany
>why did HITLER do X?

Undoubtedly, at the time of the nuclear bombings it was not feasible. But Japan might have taken months, up to a year to subdue, and that might have been enough time to shift focus from the west (which had obviously taken up all their attention thus far) and organized some kind of competent landing, especially with the Japanese engaged in an apocalyptic war with an established allied invasion.
It should be noted that by the time of any Soviet attempt, the Japanese population would have mostly starved anyway, or the Americans would have won, so I don't think you'd end up with a North/South divide, just that I can see Stalin attempting to at least secure a seat at the table, unlike what happened in history.
I also appreciate the detailed knowledge on the Soviet situation in the east, wasn't aware that it was quite so lacking.

but why do christians are so willing to throw tables around on issues like abortion and gay marriage and fall silent with everything else like inequality, encroaching of special interest into the church, marketization of faith, lack of piety; lack of actual morality in heads of state and so many other things?

You're talking exclusively about Americans.

Seems pretty clear to me that the "nice doctrine" clique got the message clear but refuse to follow through with the execution of it.

Going into temple and denouncing the money foci of modern churches is a quick way to get branded as anathema in the US; denouncing heads of state as sinful is a quick way to get branded onto a political side without necessairely being onto one and so on.

It aint easy being a christian. Sometimes you have to swallow your pride and denounce things you want to support. Especially on political matters.

This shit happens in South America as well as also in the entirety of the western world.


-a Chilean.

t. French

So you got christian groups less conservative and more focused on actual christian values on france? Thats cool news.

>being conservative and being Christian are mutual exclusives

"Why so we need to learn history? All these people are dead so it doesn't matter"

I wish i was kidding.

> the warsaw uprising was entierly done by jews from te getto

The 1943 uprising was

>prussian space marines
heh, nothing personnel kiddo, I havent even reached MAX discipline yet

I'm not sure who comes off worse in this desu

Normies have a habit of just parroting whatever pop history book they half-read. Guns, Germs and Steel; Hitler's Willing Executioners; Shirer; Irving.

Do you have the second part, user?

>Jesus was a socialist
This is a massively simplified idea but one that does have some basis in reality. There are socialist elements in Christ's teachings and the post-Christ cults

There're christian elements in atheist socialism, not the apposite.

>right wing memes are funny, short and to the point
>left wing memes are soy induced boring walls of texts


Maybe there's a reason why they're memes and not academic papers you eternal virgin

Brevity is the soul of wit.


>Galileo was executed by the romans

Martin Luther (the original one) had the right idea. He said, "The hands of the executioner are the hands of God."

>to the point
You got the latter two right. If you're the kind of degenerate who thinks "WHEN YOU KILL NIGS LMAO BOTTOM TEXT" is a real knee-slapper, you've already outed yourself as a lifetime iFunny user.

>killing nigs
>ever not funny

>the holocaust was real

Is Christianity based?

speaking of Martin Luther got on the subject of Christianity the other day with my mother the other day and found out she had absolutely no idea who he was. Even though she took "advanced" history in high school. What the fuck did they teach in 1980s history classes?
she also assumed every christian church used grape juice in lieu of actual wine for communion, since that's what baptists do (she's one but pretty secular).

I've never heard a person say any one of these things. I'm inclined to believe you made every one of them up.

Christianity and its cuckoldry led to this.

Led to what? This thread?

>germans used blitzkrieg doctrine in poland and france
also in shit "history" tv shows

>left wing doenst understand memes

great showing you guys -eeh comrades

Didnt they used blitzkrieg in france? I mean to call it a doctrine is retarded ,but germanies armies were highly mobile forces of combined arms (yes i know france had more tanks than germany)

even on stupid wiki it says that it was just a propaganda term

"The Koreans won the Hyperwar"

interisting well it seems im still a brainlet on alot of things ,but you always keep learning

>6 million Jews perished in Auschwitz
>cavalry was outdated during WWII and its main tactic was a frontal charge, preferably against tanks
>Lenin was a good guy, but then Stalin betrayed the revolution and commenced political repression and mass murder
>Kalashnikovs were used by the Red Army and Yugoslav partisans during WWII
>Western Allies deliberately stalled their campaign in order to allow the USSR's liberation of Eastern Europe
>USSR was Stalinist during its entire existence
>there was no civilization to speak of in Africa before the colonial era
>American Indians were defeated because whites deliberately addicted them to alcohol

Definitely different people.
Pretty sure the guy I posted was Cathodox (maybe from a more conservative and ritualistic 'high church' Protestant sect), considering how he:
>complains about Cafeteria Christians, which wouldn't be much of a problem in a sect emphasizing personal interpretation of Scripture
>posts religious icons
>says Jesus was persecuted because he was a revolutionary who defied the social order of the time

Meanwhile, your linked poster is probably a Protestant (specifically Lutheran)...
>very negative view of the OT
>emphasizes the Tower of Babel story as a case of hubris leading to sin (Luther was heavily influenced by Augustine, who believed pride to be the root of all sin)
>suggests MLK will either be absolved or be damned, no mention of Purgatory
>strong emphasis on how certain things can't be accomplished without divine aid
>repeatedly calls coming to God and being forgiven of sin a personal and individual act
>'The Spirit Transcends the Flesh', similar to Lutheran's emphasis on the Inner and Outer Man
>fully acknowledging and upholding the harsh and wrathful nature of God the Father
...who went full /pol/ack:
>suggests Jesus was persecuted because the Jews thought he was an inadequate Messiah
>subscribes to the Christ-killer theory, probably also the Khazar theory from the sound of it
>Christians, despite being united by faith and inevitable unity in Heaven, should remain segregated by race on Earth
>compares race-mixing and multiculturalism to the Tower of Babel (i.e., playing God)
There are some points where I have no clue what sect they're from, like mentioning how coming to God is personal and individual (Protestant) but saying free will plays a role (Catholic). But hey, I'm a Catholic who took two semesters of religious philosophy and now thinks he's hot shit, so what the hell do I know.

An English longbow can shoot through a plate armor.

Would have been 100x 'cooler' if it had been like that.

>Christ killer theory
How is it a theory and not fact? I mean assuming the NT is accurate.

It's not like Jesus talk enough about politics for us to know besides a few core issues at odd with modern day left.

He kinda loses his point about progressive christians distording the Bible because of their agenda though in the second part, seeing the endorsement of racial segregation in that is really sketchy.

>let's change the date of Australia day


>the Inquisition killed a billion people

holy shit i can't breathe

I remember a few from high school.
>20% of humanity are descendants of Genghis Khan
>people did not wear colourful/dyed clothing until the 19th century
>the Trojan war is also called the battle of Gallipoli
Someone in high school said this, I still don't know why. Maybe geographical proximity?
>general Winter beat Napoleon in Russia
a classmate parroted the teacher's metaphor.
>Franz Kanta, Fjord Dostoevsky

Troy was at the mouth of the Dardanelles.