>Japanese slave women were even sold as concubines to Asian lascar and African crewmembers, along with their European counterparts serving on Portuguese ships trading in Japan, mentioned by Luis Cerqueira, a Portuguese Jesuit, in a 1598 document. Japanese slaves were brought by the Portuguese to Macau, where some of them not only ended up being enslaved to Portuguese, but as slaves to other slaves, with the Portuguese owning Malay and African slaves, who in turn owned Japanese slaves of their own.
Wtf Portugal?
Levi Butler
Yes and the English bred blacks with Irish women in the Caribbean. People who engaged in slavery weren't some kind of /pol/tards but businessmen.
Wyatt Jenkins
>so prosperous even your slaves have slaves of their own É Japão, onde nace a prata fina, Que ilustrada será co a Lei divina.
Jaxon Scott
Was this slave trade also mostly Jew-owned like the Atlantic slave trade?
Brody Turner
jap monkeys btfo
Henry Phillips
I thought le honorary Aryans were never conquered.
Christopher Lewis
how shit you gotta be to be a slave's slave nigga
Gabriel Rogers
Gee, it's almost as if imperialism inevitably leads to the mixing of different races.
Dominic Ward
They weren't. Japanese slaves were sold by their own people.
Jonathan Jackson
Josiah Gray
what are they even going to do, work the fields owned by the slaves? do the work the tier 1 slaves are supposed to do?
this is honestly fascinating, if there's some source I'd love to read it
Jacob Thompson
They were capitalists/Jews, yes
Joshua King
Top kek @ the cucked nip boi in the background
Robert Johnson
>tfw you will never see a qt Japanese girl get destroyed by an embittered African slave
Lincoln Adams
wtf i love portugal now
Jaxon James
why is his dick so fucking huge
Jacob Flores
Because its porn. No one wants to see a girl get barely penetrated by a coin roll length dick.
Cameron Perez
That’s what Jap subhumans deserve
Jack Murphy
Of course they did mulattoes are hotter than pure blacks thus more profitable. Even today americoons are very loved by pure blacks due to their white genetics making them more sexually appealing.
Jason Diaz
>the jews why are you still here please go away
Brandon Long
More like wtf Japan, they voluntarily agreed to slavery. It wasn’t forced on them like with Africans.
Nolan Gray
Did they had third-order korean slaves?
Lincoln Long
Sebastian Davis
>leftypol soycreature literally crying for a safespace
Connor Butler
The Portuguese didn’t have much contact with Koreans. Most foreigners came after the isolationist policies and they were just outright imprisoned in small remote village and were used for occasional translations. There was a book about Dutch sailors accounts on escaping from the Hermit Kingdom.
The Japanese might have gotten prisoners of war from the Imjin Wars in the late 16th century, but most of them were craftsmen families who were forcibly relocated to certain regions to make up for the industries Japan was lacking in.
I don’t know what third order means by the way.
Chase Phillips
Japan has a long and storied tradition of porn. You think hentai is something new?