PLEASE tell me you arent a Freddy Veeky Forums

PLEASE tell me you arent a Freddy Veeky Forums...

Jesus Christ Veeky Forums

Say what you will about Zyzz, but when he was here, this shit wasn't.

No one who takes the time to make this image is a Chad, Brad, Marcus, nor a Daniel.

Think about that.


Idk where to place my self on this one. I'm a manlet Marcus with above average face.

This is like the fifth male tier list I've seen today on Veeky Forums wtf is going on

yeah desu i only come here for people asking for advice. this place really turned into /r9k/


/r9k/ got bored of their tiny community and branched out

/pol/ did the same, fyi

And we have /pol/

To think that someone wasted time on this shit, and I'm wasting my time replying to OP...

>used to ironically call Veeky Forumsizens autists
>afraid my diagnosis is no longer in jest

This used to be a decent board.

>tfw Brad tier
>a Freddy tried to steal my gf away from me last year
>ended up getting ignored and blocked on all forms of social media

lmfao, gymcels when will you learn?

would you consider Scooby a Freddie?

OP doesn't know who Scooby is.

I'm brad, don't use social media though. Well Tinder, but I don't know if that's social media.

scooby is ugly now cause of his age, but if you look at him when he was younger he was pretty hot

What's with all these threads lately

>Chad tier
>Post Steve
You fucked up

>knowing you're in Daniel-tier because when you are assertive people tell you you're being an asshole

the solution is that i found different people to spend time with

fit and r9k are essentially the same place now