Just a reminder

The Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire was humanitarian and akin to the Allies toppling the Third Reich.

>convert them to christianity listed as a positive
Nice try Schlomo.

>medieval Spaniards
>knowing anything about sanitation
wanna know how I know you're a normie?

Wanna know how I know you're a normalfag?

Varg, please

> modern ideas of sanitation
You wish. Emperor Motecuhzoma Xocoyotzin is reported to have bathed twice a day. Emperor Charles I n is reported to have bathed twice in his life.

>Aztecs didn't have writing or sanitation
>Spaniards didn't enslave anyone
>Spaniards didn't commit countless atrocities
Saying "WELL THE AZTECS WERE BAD TOO" is like the stormfags who shout "WHADDABOUT MUH GOMMIES"?

How dare you sacrifice people with great honor to prevent the literal end of the world? Instead, you must torture them for fun in the name of god for no reason whatsoever.

>kills 99% of the population with disease

Truth is, the aztecs deserved it. The Maoris had it coming.

Only the Incas actually didn't.

No the arabs did teach them some stuffs.

Not enough to where the Spaniards weren't still surprised at how clean the Aztecs kept their streets.

Are aztec genes to blame for the barbarity of Mexicans today? See cartel videos.

>2000 years of european history
Yawn. You kikes will say the same thing about Islam in two thousand years.

See also the movie 'The Other Conquest'.

The Aztecs also had their own aqueducts (Chapultepec aqueduct) which brought in fresh, clean water to Tenochtitlan.

t. 65 IQ

Aztecs were mor hygienic than the Spaniards

Aztecs were unironically cleaner than the Spanish

Spanish were dirtier than Aztecs

>The mendicant Spanish monks, according to their practice of setting up a directly antagonistic principle [to the Arabs], considered physical dirt as the test of moral purity and true faith; and by dining and sleeping from year’s end to year’s end in the same unchanged woolen frock, arrived at the height of their ambition, according to their view of the odor of sanctity, the olor de santidad.

>Cardinal Jiménez de Cisneros, a Franciscan - wrote Ford - persuaded King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to close and abolish the Moorish baths after their conquest of Granada. They forbade not only the Christians but the Moors from using anything but holy water. Fire, not water, became the grand element of inquisitorial purification.

>One of the first things the Spaniards did during the Reconquista was to destroy the Moorish baths (just as the Visigoths had destroyed the Roman ones). Even after that, suspicions remained: Moors who converted to Christianity were forbidden to bathe. During the Inquisition, one of the worst things that could be said about Jews as well as Moors was that they were ‘known to bathe.

Wh*tes BTFO, Aztecs conformed for BLACK KANGZ

Wrong. Amerindians had a higher development rate than europeans.

no, genetics has nothing to do with that

Spaniards ended up enslaving tons of natives, more so than the Aztecs and unlike them worked many to death.
>human sacrifice and cannibalism
Cannibalism was only practiced very rarely. And Spaniards were killing more people in the name of the state and religion than the Aztecs. Not even talking about the inquisition either. Pic related
>teach them to read and write
Aztecs already had books and their own writing system.
>convert them to Christianity
forcing an inferior belief system instead of the more sensical Toltecayotl of the Aztecs was a major mistake,
>ideas of modern sanitation
Aztecs were far cleaner, even the Spaniards of the time say this.

>deep cultural impact
Communism has a also had a "deep cultural impact" on my country, doesn't mean it's good.

Did you forgot moors taught them how to bathe? man you white devils sometimes

Speaking of devils, nice try satan.

im going to need a source on all 3 of those excerpts

for you

While Aztec Empire was, indeed, built on deliberate cruelty for cruelty's sake, the Spanish have also ruined the Inca Empire: the unique society of virtue and compassion.

I hate when people moan about the European conquest of the Americas. The primitive people were barbaric and I uniroronically think it was a good thing. The Aztecs and Incas were both brutal yet all we hear is how bad the Spanish were. The difference is that the Spanish were more advanced and thus better at their conquest.

Most battles were won by Incas. The diseases wiped them out.

>The difference is that the Spanish were more advanced and thus better at their conquest
>le superior technology meme
The Spanish technological advantage in the early 16th century was negligible in the wake of poor logistics, and even poorer numbers. The army that ultimately defeated the Aztecs had around 1200 Spanish troops in it, which made up less than 1% the total size of the army. And even then around 1000 of those Spaniards died. Disease, diplomacy, and luck is what allowed the Spanish to conquer Meso-America and the Andes the way they did.

>Spanish were less brutal than the Inca
Yeah, no. You haven't read jack shit on the state of the silver mining operation in colonial Peru if you honestly believe that.

unironically the best post of the day, /pol/ and /pol/ enablers btfo