What causes depression?

What causes depression?


a wide range of neurochemical reactions stemming from genetics, environmental exposures, and negative thought loops.

Inferiority in the sexual market place, which causes you to beat yourself up masochistically to improve your immune system.


>being under 6'2"
>having a benis under 7 inches long
>having small wrists

everyone has bouts of depression. The human body can't be happy 24/7. People who are 'happy all the time' feign happiness. Religion can't make you 'happy all the time either.

Just power though the bad times by distraction. You might not feel happiness but you can still feel other emotions. Read a book.

Not lifting

Not winning in life

depression is not a lack of happiness, it is a lack of emotion. being sad feels better than being depressed, which is why you should accept emotional pain rather than ignore it.

Fuck man, that's the most true statement I've read in a long time.

Many things, among them traumatizing experiences combined with poor coping skills and poor way of living with regards to nutrition, sleep, occupation, ...


I bet most depressed people on Veeky Forums has escapism as a coping mechanism, which is a really shitty coping mechanism which leads to suicide in many cases.

I'm clinically diagnosed with ASD (Autism spectrum disorder) and severe depression. My doctors believe I was born with ASD, the depression came later (at around 10) and hasn't left since then (30 now).

My psychologist both hold doctorates and are specialist with adult ASD and they agree my anxiety/depression is most likely due to the fact I have depression because of the fact I am well aware of social norms and expectations, but I simply unable to obtain any of it due to my impairments. I am not even going to bother going into my life-story here, but I cannot do basic things like drive a car or attend family gatherings, never been able to make friends at any point in my life. I've been lifting for 5 years, but I only lift at night when the gym is empty. Other than that I basically do not leave my house.

If you really think you have something wrong with you, like a mental disorder, go and get professional help, don't spend 20+ years of your life (like I did) pretending like nothing is wrong and that you'll eventually grow out of it and keep putting yourself through a life of constant hell for no real progress in life.

The team of medical experts believe drugs will do nothing to help me, because the issue that causes my depression cannot be fixed. Chances are you don't have this, if so your depression probably stems from (at least in my eyes) something insignificant and easily treatable. If you're sitting here being depressed because you only have a $30,000 car instead of a $80,000 car, or only had 5 girlfriends instead of 20 girlfriends, or because you're only 5'8 instead of 6'2, then your problems are fucking pathetic/stupid.

What cures depression?

What's a better coping mechanism then?

I think many people here have a milder form of what you describe, I know I have severe impairments in forming relationships with humans and that I've always felt at least mildly depressed.

I'm still undecided of whether I should go to a doctor to get a diagnosis, it just seems that this will make it even harder to be able to live a more-or-less normal life. A diagnosis would be stigmatizing. What's the consequence of your diagnosis? That you know the why and that you have some prognostic information?

I've always thought that everybody was faking it more or less anyway, and that fitting in and relating to people was just something not everybody learned at the same pace, but I could arrive at an acceptable degree of skill a few years down the line.

am i lying to myself if i say im not depressed?

Others may argue but I think it is purely dissatisfaction with your life.
>I hate my job
>I don't like my place in the world
>I don't like my lifestyle
>I want more but feel like its impossible to get there

For younger kids I think it's a lot of struggle with home and family life and how they're doing academically. That and the social aspect of school/friends.

I don't know. Personally I realize i'm depressed because I'm not getting where I want to be in life due to various factors.
(I'm ignorant though)

My boss who was once my idol has this habit of immediately seeing any obstacle as easily oversomeable (if that's a word) and any feedback as fundamentally positive.
It's a strange mental filter that works really great for him, he's one of the most positive and successful people I've ever come to know about.


Although he's also the single most hard-working and at the same time most intelligent person I know, so I don't know what part positive thinking really plays in his unearthly success.

no because I only have 1/3 and have depression

Leaving humanity behind.

Affleck took Steroids for Batman, then after filming he stopped taking them, his wife got divorced from him and his dream of playing Batman became true, but critics shit on him and the movie (despite Affleck was clearly the best part and the script the worst), then his dream project flopped and he was destroyed by critics again. I can assume that for a guy who was just 2 years ago one of the most critical acclaimed people in Hollywood it felt like a massive downfall.


Well you need to see a doctor before you can be referred to a clinical psychologist. Being 18 it's all 100% confidential. Any job you would get cock-blocked for is something you shouldn't even have in the first place.

I'm in Australia, I can't join the police/army (not like I ever would) or own firearms (never owned one anyway, most people dont here) etc. That's the only negatives, everything else is positives, because you actually get help from the system to make it so you don't ever become completely isolated, poor or homeless.

casein makes me feel good

>you actually get help from the system to make it so you don't ever become completely isolated, poor or homeless.

What kind of help?
Doesn't that hurt your desire for independence and self-sustainedness?

Talk to friends and family, don't be too proud to express your stress and anxiety. "Failure" is ok.

Withdrawal is probably the most dangerous part of escapism. Maybe the withdrawal is because you never learned how to live properly in this world for some reason. Maybe because you had shitty role models or got bullied or something. So now you make sure you will never have to learn about the world by shutting yourself in.

You won't be sitting there in a coccoon suddenly bursting out to be a full alpha male. No you are just postponing it all.


building a strong aura through yoga and meditation

depression starts when you start blaming yourself for everything without acceptance or a plan of action to correct your faults.

it ends when you start believing in yourself and being kind to yourself. you only get one shot at life, try not to be your own worst enemy.

one thing is for sure: DO NOT TAKE ANTI-DEPRESSANTS. all they do is numb your emotional feelings, good or bad. You feel less sad, but you feel less happy too. You turn into a fucking boring mess that still has horrible self-hatred, but it doesn't bother you as much.

he looks so dead on the inside it makes me sad

Anti-depressants are actually amazing for people who have their shit together, but are beginning to slowly fade. The drugs work to help keep your shit together so you don't lose everything. They allow you to stop falling and gives you an opportunity to patch things up.

If you have nothing to lose, the drugs are pointless, and will only be a temporary fix for the anxiety you feel.

lack of sunlight

>all they do is numb your emotional feelings, good or bad. You feel less sad, but you feel less happy too. You turn into a fucking boring mess that still has horrible self-hatred, but it doesn't bother you as much.
as a guy who has taken antidepressants this is not always true

I agree with this

boredom and overthinking

Anti-depressants was great for me. It was like a crutch I needed while I was an emotional mess. Helped me actually work things through instead of just having panic attacks as soon as something mildly challenging happened (therapy for example).

But I know people who keep taking them when they begin to need the highs in life to motivate them to go forward. That's the fucking highway to suicide. If finishing a year long project with a lot of hard work gives the same high as a single internet meme something is not right.

Was depressed for over 12 years, changed myself within a month.

Depression is almost exclusively hormonal imbalance due to lack of the following:

>Regular exercise
>Regular sunshine
>Regular social interaction with peers
>Good sleep
>Good diet
>Good management of stress

If you're depressed and it isn't due to a recent traumatic event then you're 100% lacking in one or more of those areas and can fix yourself.

The one caveat is that some people have mental issues that can facilitate symptoms of depression- Anorexia and other self image issues, body dysmorphia, narcissism etc

Last two years of high school made me depressed, got it diagnosed eventually and all that other shit. I thought it was the severe mental kind that you can't completely get rid of, but after I nofapped, played less vidya and got a nicegirl gf I was going alright. Then I graduated (only just, I barely attended but did all the work) and my depression mostly went away. Then I started lifting and moved halfway down the country and I'd say I'm completely free of the depression nowadays. Even though I'm friendless and gf'less here.

Tldr it was my environment

>not performing a lobotomy or trepanning yourself

Being a faggot

>mfw smoke weed so basically the same thing

>having small wrists
delet this

you're falsely attributing your negative feelings to your physical inadequacy when it's a combination of physical and mental

A lot of people don't realize this. Environment plays a big role in mood. If you constantly try to escape through video games/porn/anime/drugs or whatever else you're mood is going to be shit. Gotta actively try and change your environment for the better.

I started with cleaning my room everyday and moved on to positively changing other aspects of my environment. After a couple years the depression lessened kinda like you.

kill all notions of irony, rationality, be volatile, unstable, violent, enter the void.

Fuck off. Weed is a meme for a lot of people. I know many dudes who had their anxiety/depression/etc triggered by weed. Look up dpdr. People need to stop glorifying it like one sizs fits all when it affects everybody differently.

>psychotropic drugs
>lowering sentience
Maybe if you shot heroin straight into your cock it would be different. Weed just makes you passive and submissive like a woman, gives you tits like one too.

>glorifying it
I was likening it to a lobotomy you fucking moron

maybe read what hes replying to family

>know i have mental problems
>don't pretend i will grow out of them
>refuse to get treated

luckily for me though my parents are loaded and the said i can live with them until they die

I'm already a depressed fuck, but anyone else find cutting to send them into a complete spiral of self-destruction?

Cuts are supposed to make you a bit crankier, but I just go mad. I want to kill myself, I find it hard to stop cutting because I develop a new eating disorder each cut, and lose interest in everything including lifting (I have to force myself to go). I have to hype myself up to even get up.

And when I stop cutting all of a sudden music sounds better, I feel more confident, I want to lift again.

See I'm fucking retarded from all the weed I smoked as a teenager

Socialism: group of old hags and Hitlers banning everything you love.

top joj

I can't get sunshine due to occupational and geographic reasons.
Also interaction with peers is not attainable for all, if you've had many negative experiences at some point you don't have the necessary legerite anymore, and socialising is harder after college.

>not loving Hitler
hello plebbit

Being a bitch

What cures depression 101:
Go out, force yourself to go out and fucking walk in forests or whatever, its gonna be fucking boring and shit in the beginning but as long as you keep doing it you will feel ALOT better overall.
I can notice myself getting depressed if i just go to work and then sit home everyday on computer. But when i go out even if i dont do shit it just makes you refreshed n shit.



>Loving Hitler
Hello r/the_donald

Imagine being enough of a basement-dwelling virgin that you think this is good or profound advice LOL

>he didn't join stormfront in 1996 and isn't an esoteric hitlerist by religion
Just lmao, fuck off reddit

>hitler killed jews
>trump married one

really makes you question how fucking retarded you are

lol, ben has bitch tits, the king of Chads HAS BITCH TITS EVERYBODY!

>trump married one
Melania is deep in "crypto" territory

Melania is a dude just like Michael Obongo and that skeletor tranny Macron is married to

I could almost see it, but her skin looks disgusting for a 47 year old man.

He fucked up his tranny juice regimen and killed his skin, hormone imbalances are the cause of like 90% of skin conditions

his ex wife, you ill-informed, uneducated parasite.

how2cure all those things?

Spending too much time here

run reincarnation game

My diary desu

>multiple wives
I always forget Trump is a degenerate fuck.

Genetics that determine neuro-chemical imbalances in things like the dopaminergic reward system, environment and upbringing, unresolved traumatic experience or prolonged distress from things such as detachment anxiety, social anxiety and insecurity. Poor nutrition in diet could also be a culprit.

There's a difference between a lack of happiness and a lack of ability to feel emotion.

Exercise, goals, good health, therapy, talking, meditation, escapism. Medicate only in extreme cases such as suicidal action. There have been studies claiming psychedelic drugs have the ability to relieve depression.

As a coping mechanism I'm constantly absorbing myself with something to the point where I get headaches from information overload. It's quite torturous since I can't just sit still and think clearly, but 5 minutes meditation can help.

Depressie is def. not emotionless
The pills u get when depressed make u emotionless


is this the best you can do?


Activation of HT2B receptors.
Activation of HT2C receptors.
Lack of BDNF circulating in your brain.
Lack of NGF circulating in your brain.
Lack of activation of D1 and D2 receptors.
Lack of activation of A1 and A2 receptors.
Underplay of HT2A receptors.
Overactivation of HT1A receptors.
Basically, eat your protein correctly, and go for a 20 min run in the morning.

hurr durr virgin basement dweller.
study some neuroscience and youll realize why nature is good for you fag

Go on brad.

You couldn't get by without that anyways.

yes it is faggot
>is this the best you can do?
what am I trying to do? I voted for him and I want what he promised in the campaign.

I had forgotten that he has been married multiple times and didn't know that a previous wife was Jewish.
I don't like his apparent interpersonal relationships.

>implying us normal people don't already go on long hikes at least once a week and even have sex sometimes too
I know it's hard to imagine when you've spent your life "studying neuroscience" in mom's basement, but giving this advice REALLY shows how out of touch you are.
>implying Trump isn't literally a zionist stooge

You seriosly think DEPRESSED people go out and do normal people stuff? Are you retarded?


I do those things

You arent depressed.

I am. I just do things even though I feel nothing.

>I can't get sunshine due to occupational and geographic reasons.
False, even Inuits can get enough vitamin D from sunshine.
>Also interaction with peers is not attainable for all
Not true unless you're stranded on Christmas Island or something. You having negative experiences merely makes it harder for you to chose to socialise, but that's still your choice. I didn't talk to anyone outside of family and shop assistants for close to 5 years before I changed, lack of experience has nothing to do with any new skill

>False, even Inuits can get enough vitamin D from sunshine.
different skin types absorb sunlight in different ways.


>mfw I'm white and my doctor had to explain that to me after blood tests saying I was vitamin D deficient

UKfag here. I wonder how different the country would be if everyone had enough vit D.

Also make sure you fags are getting enough calcium too, it affect vit D absorption (or vice versa, can't remember).

calcium and vitamin a
I believe it might be slightly nicer but most problems are caused by a lack of community and I doubt that's caused by SAD and not sociopolitical climate

basically no gf

Start going outside instead of officeceling and sitting in front of the computer Nigel
If you're not sub-saharan there is literally NO WAY you're not living somewhere where you can't get enough sun