Abs general

>Veeky Forums told me that abs were "made in the kitchen"
>Veeky Forums said that I just wasn't low enough body fat
>Veeky Forums said that compound exercises were enough of a core workout to get abs

>did 5-10 minutes of ab isolation for literall 4 weeks and I already have decent abs.

WHAT THE FUCK Veeky Forums why do you lie to me

Also, summer abs thread?

because you have low bf%


sage your gene pool you fat fuck

What exercises did you do?

Basically all variations of crunches. Also reverse crunches/leg lifts, and those like side foot touches that get your obliques

And it really took only 5 minutes?


If Veeky Forums told you "pecs are made in the kitchen" would you believe them?

Your problem is that you're a gullible motherfucker and you need the approval of random people on the internet to manage your own body.

>abs were "made in the kitchen"

because they are dumb fuck

>did 5-10 minutes of ab isolation for literall 4 weeks and I already have decent abs.

because you have low bf% dumb ass

>implying that asking fitness advice from fitness enthusiasts is a bad idea
We're just all autistic and I forgot for a brief moment

5-10 minutes, after every workout, 6 days/week for a month. Worked for me...


People forget that the abdominal muscles are still muscles. low bf % is important, but strong abdominal muscles are important too.

I just always thought they were just there and I wasn't low enough BF% or eating too much salt or something

Abs are only for vanity and serve no purpose. People who work out abs are lifting for other people and by very definition will never make it.

this. Veeky Forums is more like PSL and less like BB these days

what the fuck is PSL?

Ive been doing leg raises alot and seeing improvements, what other ab exercises can I do that workout other parts that leg raises dont?

cable crunches and side bends are pretty good.

I paired leg raises with reverse crunches, made it more of a fluid motion which was nice.

I really like side-to-side foot taps too, basically like oblique crunches.

Then I just mixed matches different types of crunches: legs raised, half crunch, full crunch, elbow to knee.

Never did planks, never did weighted crunches, never did hanging leg raises. I would either do them all in a circuit, or just do 1 exercise until I couldn't breathe and then move on to the next one.

Take semen out of your diet and you'll see better results

ill try these, thanks

I'm sad I'm losing my abs while trying to become a bear

>implying semen isn't a great cutting food

Why? I get 10000x more attention from girls when I have abs vs. when I don't. It's actually kind of really fucking infuriating.

ive been doing weighted crunches for months on end and i still cant see mine unless im under perfect lighting. im like 18% body fat, but i cant feel the muscle under the fat, either. how the fuck do i get thick abs?

Because I lift to crush my enemies not grills

it's bodyfat

emotionally crush your enemies by sleeping with your enemies' crushes

Also, I don't have abs for girls, I have abs for the attention. There's a difference.

yeah but shouldnt i be able to feel my abs under the fat? or are they really that small, even on shredded people?

I mean mine aren't bulgy, but they just feel like 6 flat plates.

Plus I live in the northern hemisphere need the fat to keep warm.

The majority of 1st world countries are in the the northern hemisphere, in which it is currently summer. It's time to cut senpai.

Nooooooo you can't make me.

As a muscle-less skinnyfat with a pretty big gut, would you recommend cutting to skelly mode then bulk? or just bulk and lift, and pray to God i burn fat in the process?

Abs are made in the gym and revealed in the kitchen.

Bulk first. I was never skinnyfat, but I definitely used to be skinny as fuck, and skinny-packs definitely don't look great. You need some muscle before you can cut.


Try eating at a slight bulk while lifting, then see where you are from there.

>removing protein from diet
>expecting BETTER results, not worse

hey whats your front squat max buddy

Pumpkin Spice Latte. DUH

Holy shit gotem

do you work your abs in the kitchen or some shit?
your squeemish little abs will barely peek through if you don't directly work them

Are you dumb? Abs are a muscle like any other. If you have weak abs you have a higher chance of injury from compounds.

>front squats
my nigger. Front squats are my favorite exercise, replaced my back squats with them. My core burns like hell after 5x10

Shit son

Sorry bro but you lift for vanity and other people. Just accept that youll never make it and move on.

what other ab variations are there?
currently doing
>cable crunch
>hanging leg raise
>captains chair leg raise
>decline situps
>dragonflag negatives

also fuck planks, i hate planks

>tfw some fuckhead stole the gym's ab wheel
>don't have any ab exercise to do any more

It's the only one I like. I'm gonna have to buy one myself if the gym doesn't get a new one.

we're not looking for decent.

train your abs with weight
hold heavy weight in clean position, heavy farmers walk, heavy uneven farmers walk,
afterwards hanging leg raises with db or planks.

>also fuck planks, i hate planks

I have very wide hips and a wide ribcage but narrow shoulders, when I had an oblique pump it looked even worse, should I stop training them?

And do you already have to have a fairly strong core to do hanging leg raises? I tried doing the ab crunches from a kneeling position looking at the machine and they felt weird and I couldn't feel my abs being activated and I kept headbutting the floor so I was looking for another exercise

ive been cutting for about a month but i still have love handles, what do?
yes i am dyel

cut harder, cut longer

also do some chest/delts and you wouldn't even look half bad

work your delts and do vacuums.