
It's been awhile since we had a meathead thread. all my /dumb/ friends get in here and feel with me.

>at uni today, taking English 12 (again) since I flunked out of HS
>teacher asks a question about run-on sentiences
>really feel confident about this one since I vaguely remember it from HS
>completely bumble out my answer since I was rushing my words
>teacher stares at me like I'm retarded
>try to answer again but it's too late, the damage is already done

fast forward to test time
>breeze through thinking I got this
>test comes back
>2 correct out of 25 questions
>Metal freakout and self hate commences
>I can't even do basic fucking grammar
>teacher asks another student to sit with me and try to help me figure out what I did wrong
>he stares at my paper for a little bit before admitting he can't read my writing, and that its "way too messy"

that's was as much as I could take. after that I went home and was holding back tears the whole drive back. I hate using my brain. it doesn't work.

messy writing has nothing to do with being dumb senpai

It feels like it though. knowing that my own writing is incomprehensible to other humans just put me down hard.

user don't give me up. Keep trying, you will get smarter through hard work and dedication. No one is born a /prodigy/ you have to be bred for it and have the correct environment. Try to replicate that and keep motivating yourself. Everything takes time.

>very good in biology related fields
>absolute ass at math and theoretical science
>required to to take advanced math and physics classes for my biology degree

Rofl topkek thabks for the laugh OP

>I hate using my brain. it doesn't work.
Stole the words right out of my mouth. The last time I tried to do math was in grade 10. I couldn't handle even the retard math. Thank god the only counting I do now is in reps and plates
Your too smart for this thread buddy.

>implying I don't feel like a fucking moron failing tests in college

I know that feel too well
>needed at least college algebra at community
>failed 4 times
>go to uni
>need at least calc
>physics required
>prereq is college algebra


Same situation but I also need Physics II and Organic Chemistry I and II. I'm fucked.

at least you can memorize shit.

my memory is all but completely worthless. the worst part is, I can't remember if it was always this bad or if it's degenerated to this point.

>play football for 11 years
>wrestle for 6
>feel like I can barely remember formulas now
It's probably brain trauma.

Based on his story the writing wasn't just messy, it was illegible and that's definitely related to being dumb...

>probably gonna fail physics II final
>might fail the class
>considering seeing professor once the grades come out and passive aggresively intimdate him with my gains to give me a passing D

Its not might I didnt have time to study because of two 10-page papers and an ecology final

>Decent enough at math/science in high school
>absolutely hated English/Literature
>Junior year, doing Poetry, the worst of the worst since it's not even a straight story but everything needs interpretation
>got asked by teacher what one passage meant, I had no fucking clue
>after class she said "you need to start figuring this out"

I mean read this fucking shit

Salute her, with long fingers –
Caress her freezing hair –
Sip, Goblin, from the very lips
The Lover – hovered – o’er –
Unworthy, that a thought so mean
Accost a Theme – so – fair –

She had a fucking hardon for those hyphens, one of the questions I'll never forget from a test was "what were the significance of the hyphens?" WHO THE HELL CARES

e/lit/ist here, absolutely love big strong dummies
anyone need a bf?

any user's need help in math/physics feel free to ask.

>4th yr at uni for Aerospace Engineering
>taken up to multivariable calc & differential equations
>taken majority of physics/thermodynamics/vector mechanics.

>knowing this little about the reprinting of her poems and their reformatting into regular stanzas

It isn't, and dont come talking shit when you couldn't even remember to clear autofill information.

Not a leftist one

You might be in luck.


Is sip a gainz goblin?

>iq tested at 135
>failed out of community college

I usually understood individual concepts in math, but my memory was so bad my understanding crumbled quickly since so much builds on previous lessons.

Other part of it was the abstraction. I was learning elaborate ways to juggle symbols but I rarely knew why. Had little to no context.

Looks like some submissive porn shit, the man is playing a servile role in bed because he feels he he isnt good enough for her