How To Do a Proper Deadlift

he deadlift is a critical muscle building exercise. The deadlift activates the biggest muscles in the body

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And then you inevitably snap your shit up

>consistently check form
>dont max out
>no mixed grip
>slow progression of weight

Swerve pass snap city.

why no mixed grip?

To ensure even lat, trap and forearm muscle activation
>Hurr just switch grip every other set then :-DDDD
I said activation, not hypertrophy

Creates muscle imbalances

The imbalances created from doing mixed grip deadlifts are so insignificant that any other pulling you do will rectify it.

Not if you do it correctly

No touch n go
No slow eccentrics(lowering the weight)
good form

So its more correct to throw the barbell on the floor?

>The deadlift activates the biggest muscles in the body
Not really, just the glutes and quads. Lats are better worked by rows and pull up/down

In my experience this isn't true after about 180kg but by that stage nobody is going to be reading retarded articles like this anyway

Hook grip has and always will be best for diddy

literally. wtf is so hard for people to understand? do they think one arm is instantly going to become swole and the other underdeveloped

>No slow eccentrics(lowering the weight)
what's good technique for sets greater than 1 rep?

Today I did...
Conventional Deadlift
1x5 at 315
1x5 at 365
1x5 at 405
1x1 at 455
1x1 at 475

3x12 at 315

Stiff-Legged Deadlift
2x5 at 315

Sump Deadlift
2x5 at 315

Bent-Over Rows
5x5-8 at 135

Then off to do curls, facepulls.and chinups.

Hook grip is terrible for deadlift becomes you're really going to fuck up your hands doing that.

Also I pull 250kg and notice no difference.

Reread , you didn't get my point

I pull 250kg mixed and have no muscle imbalances, hook grip is a meme, straps are fine but i find mixed is better for me.

You used mixed grip and straps lmao

Can you read?

I said I use mixed grip. Straps are fine since its a way to keep double overhand, but I have never bothered to buy them.

I'm currently pull 180 kg with mixed grip, but I've never changed my arms in the sets, should I change to hook grip before I fuck my back up in the long run?

Like i said never had a problem been pulling mixed grip same hands for years

sure big guy :^)

How long did it take for you to pull 250 kg? I stuck on 180 since a month, it seems that my lifts doesn't get higher, but I also don't train with a weightlifting belt, does that help?


Mixed grip deadlifts DO NOT count.

Deadlifts completed using straps DO NOT count.

GRIP is a fundamental element of the deadlift and you are a weak and pathetic human being if you use grip assistance to artificially increase your deadlift.

stop shilling your shitty website here, faggot

>says the guy who maxes at 135

But why there are so many competitive powerlifter who use mixed grip?

You know in your heart that you are cheating.

I double overhand 180kg for reps. My one rep max double overhand is 215kg. No mixed. No straps. No chalk.

I forgot to mention that CHALKED deadlifts DO NOT count.

For the same reason that there so many competitive powerlifters who use steroids.

They are cheaters.

Just put it down quickly.

Why would you limit your potential gains just because of your grip?

Everybody on competitive level use steroids, there is not one single clean athlete, but that's not the point, the point is that mixed grip does count because the jury on Powerlifting competitions counts them.

and finally, you realize that you were a weak little shitter who had shit form, thus putting ALL of the fault on you, the moron, and not the exercise.


I'm not saying you should. I'm saying that when someone asks what your max DL is you CAN NOT use a number you lifted using cheat-grips.

seems like a good thread to ask.
I've started doing deadlifts, but I have a question, is it normal to hit the area under your knees?

yes, it is normal to feel the effects of a deadlift in your calves.

maybe I wrote it wrong, but I meant to say that the barbell hits as in it leaves an almost purple area under my knees.

shoudl be in contact with your leg the whole time, but not pushing into it hard enough to bruise

Not "hit against" but "drag across" shins

What do you guys find to be the most useful cues for DLing?

For me it's all about the hamstring elasticity. Also I read somewhere you're supposed to keep your scapulae over the bar and that made a lot of things fall into place for me too.

>for me

i wish everybody here had this wisdom.