How can I buy 2000 calories of food with this

How can I buy 2000 calories of food with this

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Jar of Nutella.



a bottle of coke


Give a handy in the alley for $3 and buy a frozen pizza

nuts or maybe a bag of potatoes


A pizza from Little Caesars

.07 gallons of gasoline has about 2000 cals and it stays fresh forever.

black beans

500g (roughly 1 lbs) of oats cost 35 cents here in Germany. Hence you could easily buy 2.5kg of oats and a few liters of milk for 5 bucks. Will taste like shit of course but that's around 10,000 kcal with lots of protein, zinc, "good" carbs and fiber.

Buy some potato seeds and grow some potatoes.


Gallon of milk is 3.20 where I live

this get majority of the calories from cheap ramen, spend the rest of the money on some spring onion or any vegetable to add to the ramen and a chocolate bar.

gallon of milk
still have $3.32 to burn

maybe you can even afford a 4 pack of eggs.

>And a chocolate bar

yes. that way he can throw away a seasoning packet for one ramen and then melt the chocolate and have dessert ramen.

tofu is also 2 dollars or less.

That is a fine specimen, if I do say so myself.

2640 cal
100g fat
300g carb
136g protein

>tfw those are my exact macros

it's bretty gud

the sodium wrecks you though, 7520mg

3$? That's a deal. I remember when I was giving handjobs under the queensboro bridge for 15$ a man

rip in peace


Why are europoors so fucking gay?

What part of that suggest anything other than American?

Vegetable oil

Rice and beans

putting the dollar sign after the amount of money
>$3 = american patrician
>3$ = unamerican commie pinko


25.5 oz of olive oil at walmart is $5.74

25.5 oz of olive oil is 6,000 calories

hope this helps

The new taco burritos from taco bell are 550 calories each and only cost 1.49.

the guy literally mentioned the queensboro bridge in new york city and you immediately call him european. these levels of retardation are uncanny.

Adam pls get the podcast back on

performing fellatio on another man under a bridge in the states doesn't make you american. hell you probably won't even get a green card out of it.

This pretty much


I ate one a day for something like 8 days straight a few years back and took the most ungodly shit of life. It was massive, super dry and very sharp for the first half. It sliced my asshole up and I bled for quite a while. They are an easy way to get calories but don't make it a regular thing

>no Europeans ever travel to NYC
wew lad. spot on observation there.

>Europoors spend a ton of money to travel half way around the world to give a handy under a random bridge for a payment that might cover the cost of a small bottle of water in the area.

I see no flaws with your logic.

5 mcdoubles with no bun...go Keto

olive oil


Buy a bag of rice, that's like 20000kcal for a 5kg bag.

Oats milk and eggs

If you're willing to destroy your butthole in the process I recommend Taco Bell. Specifically the rice, bean and cheese burritos for a buck. Get five of those suckers and you'll be golden.

a bag of tostitos and a jar of salsa

You're right, they do. Because they're. So fucking. Gay.

not really. it gels up after awhile


Buy mayonnaise

I had to look up the price, holy shit I thought uranium would be expensive but it's dirt cheap.

This. Keto for life.

That's unrefined AKA useless. You could pick up a random rock and it have plenty of uranium.

>AKA useless
>he doesn't know about breeder reactors
Fuck environmentalists.

5 lb bag of sugar is 30000 calories.

Bag of rice.

Can of beans.

Get a lil caesars

Taco bueno whole lotta box is 4350, spread over 3 days is 1500 cals a day, its only $10, if spread over 2 days its 2150. $5 a day.

2 $2 grits and gravy at mcdonalds. puts you a few hundred over.

Just crumble it up and eat it, each $5 bill has about 2000 calories in it as is. Doesn't take good, but it'll work. Saves the trip to the store.

You Dirty Dog!

Eggs are 79ยข/dozen at quick trip this week.

2,304 calories in a gallon of whole milk:
Protein 128 g
Total Fat 128 g
Total Carbohydrate 179.2 g

2,880 calories in great value (walmart) peanut butter. (also $3)
Protein 112 g
Total Fat 256 g
Total Carbs 96 g

Eggs $0.79
Small bag of rice $1.00?
Can of black beans $1.00
Litre of milk $1.50
Prices may be a little off but that should feed you for about 2/3 days with decent macros
Alternative go away with the rice and beans and get oats

>2$ worth of oats
Then get a 3$ hooker.


Little ceasars pizza.

>he knows about breeder reactors

This, healthy too

>136g protein
has to be false

with cheese + peperoni nips i think its true

bananas and rice!

>136g protein
good one mr. shillberg

the cheese only pizza is 12g per slice, so 4g from pepperoni

4160 calories from a 765g bag of trail mix at Aldi for $5

Diesel fuel has a higher energy density though. If you want bang for you buck and convince, hard to beat

2240 calories
88g fat
256 carbs
112g fat

Where did you get those numbers?

From a google search, but searching again gives me the same as you. I can't even find my original source.

112g protons*

I like to eat these on a cut so I sure hope they tend to be closer to 2260

So as Uranus

Buy a pound of ground beef.

Taco bell 5 dollar box

20 bananas

You can buy 5,000 calories of bananas with this.


Ramen. You get 1520 calories a dollar.

literally peanut butter or just nuts

Ah yes it all makes sense now

Gallon of milk.