Only god can judge me

Only god can judge me



*tips finasteride*

Are those fish fingers
eat chicken tendies you fucking manchild

actually they are hashbrown sticks

>putting ketchup on hotdogs

Don't even know what I'm looking at

oh well that's ok
carry on


im not sure what else you would put on them silly.

mustard and sauerkraut you cuck

>all those carbs
was it worth it, user?

Step forth and be judged, mortal soul

what the fuck is that sauce on those hash brown looking things, it looks like icing but that doesnt make any sense

assume melted cheese


the hotdog and bun were almost cooked in butter overall i would say it was sorta worth it but now i dont feel so good
yeah its pizza mozzarella
kek icing


Looks to be a pile of mac and cheese bites breaded mac and cheese) with melted cheese.
maybe Jalapeno poppers?

You fat piece of shit op
I hope your a skinny person


>breaded Mac and cheese


what is breaded mac and cheese
what did he mean by this?