Is 23 too old for braces?


Nah, I had it at 25 while interning for an investment bank. No one gives a shit when you're an adult.

Visible braces or invisalign?

talk to your dentist, retard

you will look silly

nah lad but they're gonna be a lot more painful and you'll need a lot more visits the older you get

>No one gives a shit when you're an adult.

False. They are just mostly mature enough to not make fun of you to your face. The all make fun of you when you are not around.

No age is too old to improve yourself.

I'd rather look a little silly for a year rather than have fucked up teeth for the rest of my life. People always assume you are dumb if you got shit teeth

Nah man. I work at the dentist's, I've seen 50 year old ladies with them. If you want nice teeth and have the money, go for it.

I got braces at 26 and just got them taken out at 29.

I have missed feelings about it because I got talked into having teeth extracted that I don't think should've been.

My advice: don't just talk to one orthodontist. Get a second opinion on what kind of work you need. Some people will put their preferred practices over your needs.

Friend my mother 54yrs old got braces
She's the happiest she's ever been.
However she needs to wear this mouth guard thing to stop them moving back to before.
If you do it you'll have cut gums and cheeks and you can't eat sweets and stuff so plan for a cut of you do it.

Op here. Dubs get me to show my cock

no but 30 is too old for shitty teeth

>18 years old
>have had braces for 2+ years
>getting them off this friday
>teeth are looking white and straight

feels fucking good boys.

People have told me "you have the whitest teeth I've ever seen"...I lost my virginity at the age of 20 out of luck. Teeth don't get you laid, nor do clothes. Height + frame + dick + personality gets you laid.

>Height + frame + dick + personality

Girls cant see your dick before they fuck you so that alone makes your post invalid.

Face is all the matters. A 8/10-10/10 manlet will slay the top 10% of women, while an ugly lanklet will be left fapping in his basement. Just look at all the virgin faggot lanklets here on Veeky Forums lmao

>dropping the "face" from height/face/frame meme

Don't pretend like a good smile isn't a huge fucking factor for a top tier face. Crooked teeth automatically drop you down two points and make you look like white trash.

>implying girls don't know

I don't know how they do, but they do

good thing im 6'3, fit, with a good face and hair on top of my new beautiful teeth.

teeth never held me back from getting laid, im just excited to be able to flash a nice bright smile

You should always be improving yourself, OP, and if you think fixing your teeth will help, go for it like everyone else is saying.

There was this milf where I used to work (30 years old, had 2 kids) that got braces and it somehow made her hotter. Her teeth weren't jacked up before, and once she got the braces, all I could think about was jizzing in her mouth. Anyone got milfs with braces stories?

this. shit teeth makes you look poor

10% of this board gets laid

dont think anybody is gonna have a story
