Ideal female body

ideal female body

Braphogs are the ideal female body

Who is she user

they truly are black angels

This but white

I'd give her a fake name and creampie the shit out of that.

Can we have more marvelous looking black girls plz?



how do i downvote these pictures

fuck off with your spoiled BBC loving whores




Don't post in the thread




All 3 are hideously ugly. I see nothing wrong with this.


You misspelled this




fuck i i need a gf





>”oh let me put on my shoes so that my feet won't get dirty”
>proceeds to put legs on the floor
Why are women such idiots?

das it mane

her leg isnt touching the floor? and its a photoshoot, she didnt put the shoes on to keep her feet clean? why are you such an idiot t b h?

Oh my fuck, what I'd do to that


this thread is making me want to cheat on my hot white wife with a nigger from backpage

>pls stop






thats all I have thats blue board friendly, so I guess I will stop :^(


Post nsfw stuff its worth getting banned ma nigger


nah lad. Im a very important shitposter on plg

heres one more before I go tho

That's a dude.

Do you fucks not know what a blue board is?

>thinking it's 'safe' to browse ANY Veeky Forums board at 'work' or someplace like that

the fuck is wrong with you?


damn, her kitty fat mmm

if you like asians youre a closet pedo m8. sorry


You first OP

Yeh she looks like she could pick cotton all day long

lord fucking help me please

I prefer females of the same species desu senpai

>tfw want to betray race and have beautiful mixed babies


that's a nigger?

that is one ugly baby

She looks like an indian/black mix

Gee sure is jewish in here. Daily reminder for you white folks that black women's hair isn't naturally straight and they smell like shit.

the hair part is a bit complex since most of africa got raped by whites during colonization
so you can be nigger with normal human hair because 400 years ago there was a white ancestor
but yeah they smell pretty bad


It's depend of the girl

What did he post?

no memes that baby is beautiful

>posts an elf
Ya blew it



why does she only have four toes?

>Be /pol/ and what to save the white race

>Thicc Black women make my penis throb uncontrollably

Am I fucked?

>Implying you'd be able to lay anyone anyway

Like the best two looking specimens of each race, combined, made a being resembling a somali abortion at the welfare line.

You were fucked the minute you started taking /pol/ seriously

holy fucking fuck what

It is the white man's solemn duty to impregnate and uplift the inferior races user.

>I want to live in a society that hates me for being white
minority or plebbitor?


Tried to cheat on my gf w this mixed girl and straight up couldn't get hard bc of how her wig smelled. Like her skin wasn't that gross cracked out nig skin, and her hair wasn't even all that nappy, but just the niggerish wig itself smelled so fucking gross and lotiony (what even is that), my dick would have none of it. Ate her ass a bit, and kicked her out. Couldn't even kiss her.


Always cheat up bruh, never cheat down...

Black girls will always have receeding hairlines and fake hair though. I hate big foreheads. I like girls with bangs and not fake hair.

Sorry blaq girls.

All black women smell horrible, desu, blasians and mullato far left activist ones are the best

She's def the last one. P hot, just couldn't do it. Fucked her a while back without that godamn wig, and she had dyed short blonde hair then, so I think I was able to get there.

You don't know anything about me.

She kinda was. Although my current gf would set the hi test threads aflame.

This is receding?

this is a 10 stop obsessing over vain negresses who can only provide the depraved earthly pleasure of a thicc ass. True transcendent qts are pale skinny girls

No, that's just her skull shape.

I am really not a fan of these granny sweater things at all. Probably because it has been co-opted by fat women to cover up their "curves."

The best woman for any man is a woman from his own ethnic group, unless you're a self-hater with mommy issues.




Regardless of your beliefs - you couldve posted so many godtier paleskins and you chose this

>two ok looking people of different races produce something uglier
>destroys racism

it doesn't have to be the case in general, but that pic was the wrong choice

>she could've married a nice african man
>he could've married a nice european woman
>instead, they're memes on a marshmallow diy forum

She is not a trap.

theres to many to pick and most are nsfw

Anyone might know some fitness girls with a big ass and wide hips with muscly arms BUT not these huge ass roid arms?
I've been searching for something like that forever but never found one.
Close to this But not black