How did the British Empire go throughout its whole history without establishing a nice aesthetic? Germany, France...

How did the British Empire go throughout its whole history without establishing a nice aesthetic? Germany, France, Russia, say what you will about these countries but they all had aesthetically pleasing design. They were at the very least unique and recognizable. How the fuck did the Brits in all their history always have such stale and boring aesthetics? Outside of maybe the Union Jack nothing really comes to mind when I think of pleasing design in regards to the British Empire

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British aesthetic exist, it's just too spread out that is hard to recognize just as English language don't seem very "unique"; German, French, Russian... aesthetics all have a lot of British influence

>not mentioning the american cold war aesthetic.
for shame user.

farrken hell

Go and walk around central London and look up at the buildings. Until then, shut your mouth.

the british did create the business suit which is quiet stylish even to today.

but you are right they were culturally insignificant.

Everyone appropriates British culture.

>pleasing design
Elaborate, what are we judging by its aesthetic?

Are you serious OP?

This is actually true.
The victorians are responsible for the widespread use of the blazer and tie suit when it comes to formal occasions, it's just so widespread that we take it for granted.






When I hear brit aesthetic I think warm colors like red bricks, kitsch, overgrown gardens, buildings black from fumes of industry, men in suits, criss-cross alleyways with many shops and railroads. It emanates thrift and industrial activity.





fuck I have too britaboo shit on my computer

Thatched rooves, countryside cottages, farmers called bob that go "oo arr"

>implying the redcoat wasn't aesthetic as fuark


Literally every businessman and politician in every country wears a variation on the classic British Savile Row suit. Its the uniform of the British gent and it's still synonymous with wealth power and prestige the world over

>red coat
>khaki coat
>colonial coat with bobby helmets
>the business suit
>suton hoo helm
>shitting on Charles I's court

>>sutton hoo helm
Yes, because everyone in victorian Britain walked around looking like a dark age warrior

You are so drenched and saturated in British culture and norms you can't even see it. It's like describing water to a fish.

Look at pretty much any historical film and you can see the influence of victorian writers on the aesthetic of the time.
You've also got the works of Dickens, shakespeare, carroll, Austen and Tennyson that just seem generic in modern culture which reflects their influence

Because its so widespread that its become generic, being shared between Itself, Ireland, Scottland, Canada, Australia, Newzealand, the United States especially.




Top hats. Top. Hats.