How did this current consumerism-and-junk-culture-as-a-religion subculture start?

How did this current consumerism-and-junk-culture-as-a-religion subculture start?

Did housewives in the 1940's write Popeye/Brutus slashfic while their husbands were out war? Did soldiers in WWII snuggle with their Olive Oyle dakimuras before battle?

>Did soldiers in WWII snuggle with their Olive Oyle dakimuras before battle?
>He doesn't know

Sometime in the 80's with the rising popularity of the internet and it's huge potentials for profit. With individualization and more precise marketing, as companies attempted to invade smaller and smaller communities to expand. Around this time you also see blowback of sociological arguments brought by nations in attempts to secure culture, as capitalism was beginning to be seen more obviously as a type of imperialism.

Probably the invention and proliferation of plastics.

Fetishism is older than consumerism.

Capitalism does this

Yep, capitalism is fully to blame for so much prosperity people are able to buy junk they don't even need.

It's mainstream at this point

It started in 1920s in America.


Soviet Union was way more traditional and people respected their families and relatives more than your "obey thou consumerism corporation gods" corporation of a country.




t. dear leader

that's a creepy as fuck smile, how did they get away with it



Does what? Having nice things? Because people in the Soviet Union were even more obsessed with consumption. They just couldn't afford it.


>Toy collectors.



Yes, thicc is better than sticc