Most patrician religion?

>God tier

>Great tier
Mahayana Buddhism

>Good tier

>Shit tier

>God tier: Sufism
>Shit tier: Islam
Pic related is you and anyone who agrees with you

Hi! Looks like you're a little confused about what this board, Veeky Forums, is all about. You see, Veeky Forums is short for "Literature," which means that we discuss books, poems, plays, and the like. Your list, besides being asinine, has nothing to do with literature. Maybe you'd like to make another thread ranking the scriptures of these religions, or something else literature related. If that doesn't interest you, I suggest you try to get into literature by starting with the Greeks.

Why would you want to inflate good things out of existence?

>picking Mahayana when Theravada exists

Mahayana is very confusing
Theravada is literally the direct line from the Historical Buddha

>t. just watched evangelion

i know because i'm the same

my cannibal cult desu

say it to my face bitch boi

but actually Anglicanism is way more patrician, esp. considering you have a literal liberation theology pleb pope

>he bought the "theravada" is orthodox meme

The oldest Theravada scriptures are about the same age as early Mahayana ones.

Mahayana seems a lot more extraneous to me
Theravada focuses on the Buddhist psychology much more.

True God tier: Anglicanism


Different approaches may suit different people. That is a strength of Buddhism, not a weakness.

>literally exists because Henry the 8th wanted a divorce

>no orthodoxy on the list

Wrong board, buddy.

>here kiss this imams dick and dance in a circle for salvation

Sufism sure is goat tier

>Great tier
Spotted the yid

You do realize Sufism is Islam? or do you think Catholicism isn't Christianity

may as well be a kaffir

Apatheism is the only true answer. God is no longer relevant to humanity.

Not putting pantheism in the God tier

Some explanation would be welcomed



What next level brainlet are you to not realize Sufism == Islam

Sufism = Islam + caffeine rush + dancing