How is this going to take off?
NO ONE but you auts know about it.
prove me wrong.
How is this going to take off?
NO ONE but you auts know about it.
prove me wrong.
Other urls found in this thread:
I am mining this just in case, however I do not know what utility this coin has.
Then why are you wasting GAS fees on it?
You're literally just paying money to try and DOS the Ethereum network.
Does the creator of this coin even do anything about it? Will it get ever listed on exchanges?
I am spending really little per coin, maybe 2 dollars for 100 coins?
Mining with gas limit of 21000 and 1 Gwei, git good
Yeah, you, and every other retard on this board are.
What does gas limit do?
accumulation phase,
Hey man, you never know with crypto. This is really cheap to mine and when it gets listed on coinmarketcap and added to other exchanges it's easy money.
When there's a thread up I might as well ask.
So far I've only seen
>sending transaction nr 0
>sending transaction nr 1
all the way up to 10 followed by:
>Sleeping 5 minutes
If I succesfully mine will there be some text in the cmd to let me know or do I have to check in on mew on my custom tokens every once in a while?
No, default script is shit. Mining every 5 minutes wastes your gas for transactions that have no chance of yielding you token.
You need better script.
Oh I see, thank you I'll try to look around for a better script.
But let's say I successfully mine, does it show up in the cmd?
Depends on the script.
I wrote mine to display all kinds of statistics after each round of transactions so it shows how many BTCS I've gained, total gas used, effective ETH/BTCM etc...
I was totally fudding with this. i actually have a nice script going that gets me around 20% of the 50 coins each time.
Yeah it depends on the script. I'm looking to make mine more user friendly and add more statistics in to mine.
I'm having a lot of fun with developing my script so far, the coins are just nice bonus.
I'll probably write some trading bot next.
Are you me?
I was looking into the etherdelta API earlier. Might use that.
Would you want to get into contact?
> I'm looking to make mine more user friendly and add more statistics in to mine.
Also one thing I've noticed with my statistics is that the contract sometimes sends more than 50 coins. Either a bug or something fishy...
I havent observed that yet. I'll research it.
oh that's a shame, all the time to finally set up the thing mining and the basic script is getting out competed by people who actually know how to script.
I'll stop wasting gas now thanks for the honesty bros
I'm also mining bitcoinereum. I really think this has a future if we can market it well.
Let's try to find the guy too (he hangs around biz) and collaborate.
Let's get in contact through the discord group. I think we're onto something.
No one but us knew about link either desu, its not a good thing
This, these fucking shitcoins people are trying to scam all you plebs into wasting your time, energy and ETH on to try and get a small pump/gain/opportunity that will PROBABLY NEVER COME AS THERE IS NO USE FOR THIS COIN, IT JUST HAS BITCOIN IN THE NAME.
Which one?
that might be enough in 3 years when all the 12 year olds who heard about bitcoin when they were born want it to happen again.