Had a loser relapse, how to get back up?

I didn't get the job and kinda let myself go. In found 2 part time jobs but barely able to pay my shit. Haven't worked out in a while, didn't approach any cutie, no hobbies/friends, boring, no drive/chronic fatigue, eat bad etc...

Just a quick rundown what I should be focusing, advice, basic tips. It's like starting from square one again

Other urls found in this thread:


First and easiest thing is diet: youre prob poisoning yourself then asking why you feel like shit mentally and physically, have no energy, no confidence.
Do a massive overhaul in your kitchen, throw out junk and set up a dietary routine that includes veggies, protein, plenty of water. Might want to include a multi vita and fish oil to supplement.

This. I notice matcha/green tea are also very helpful for feeling better.

I already take some multi vitamins but I think my problem is eating a lot of bread. My parents own an organic bakery, meaning I eat lots of spelt, rye, kamut but I figure it ain't so good for your health. Also, I eat a lot of cheese/milk, may be the problem too.

What about kombucha?

kombucha is a meme. Variety is what makes a diet healthy. All things in moderation.

Ok I'll keep that in mind. I suck at cooking, what are some good books/youtube channels to learn?

Can't help you there, man. I eat yogurt for breakfast and a chicken or beef with green veggie mix for an early dinner everyday.

If i want to enjoy food, I go out every couple weeks.

Thanks user. Can you tell me what kind of hobbies you have? I wanted to get into boxing but schedules are fucking garbage, like 3x week for 2hours

Fuckin wished I looked like this :/

This is getting creepy now, user.

Not him, but what are your goals? Get hobbies that coincide with your goals.

Want to be an interesting person? Go do interesting things like climbing mountains or go on some road trips.

Want to be smarter? Go to Veeky Forums and ask for some cool books to read, or learn how to program.

Want to look better? Work on your discipline on going to the gym, and forget about your ego to start bettering your body in as many ways as you can.

fuck hobbies, friends, and girls. you need to get your shit together so you can afford to live retard


I just want to be a buff strong all around person with good job and great discipline. I lack in all of those right now

I wish I didn't went for a meme shit tier job. I am the laughing stock of the family and parents routinely make jokes about me

I can probably relate. I went for a job at management, even if it is making miserable, and all of that to impress other people that I know. I ditched my previous job with less responsibilities but same pay, just so I could work at an office.

I feel you and I are both equally shallow, difference is you went to make money, I went to become a good doggy goy


Sorry not trying to derail the thread but what happened to us?

Look at the guy in the picture. A perfect male specimen. And they were everywhere like that back then.

Its been proven that we have less testosterone than our grandparents (on average.)

What happened?

Digital revolution. Jobs have us mostly on our asses, therefore decrease in test which led to rise of numales more than usual.

I cringed into the sun thinking people actually believe this nonsense

Its true though.

Men have less testosterone than their grandparents


Are you delusional or just retarded

kindly shut the fuck up



Must be because of (((them))) and facebook right? DEUS VULT haha fuck the cucks

>refuses to believe in truth
>shown facts
>deflects completely


>These posts from totallylegitimateandnotbiased.com prove me right

no... just right


>says .org
>from the endocrine society

try harder

>I-it says .org xD that means men are all total cucks and le 50s were le best ha checkmate xD

Is it that hard to believe less active men make less test and that as a result of computer jobs more men are less active thus resulting in a global drop of test?

There is no conspiracy shit behind it.

>first says it's from a .com
>told its from a .org
>from the endocrine society
>specializes in endocrinology
>still doesnt believe it because... doesnt want to be considered unmanly

keep trying.

>Shilling a terrible site because le deus vult cucks le maga xD

>guys hes trolling you

its like when Galileo was put under house arrest when showing facts to the people because they refused to admit they were wrong

so no comeback?

hes trying to now since he was proven wrong.

someone post that old comic of a retard saying a retarded thing and someone calling him a retard. epic troll

You keep thinking le olden times were le best because EPIC BEARD MANLINESS XDDDD

still trying to come back from your fail?

you were proven wrong just accept it.

But user your entire post revolved around a circlejerky reddit tier epic beards bro identity of what a man is

>trying to redefine whats a man

numale pls go


>Plebbit spacing
Head back there asap

>lacked facts
>went with ad homs
>still lost with ad homs
>still trying

This post doesn't mean anything

>spotted a beardless bitch

I bet you don't even chop your own firewood.

0ne punch man is the only reason I've decided to quit smoking (after 20 years), and start exercising (after several years).

>tfw literally just going to become an ubermensch because of a joke in an anime

I bet you didn't even slaughter every animal you eat you fucking cuck

Well I bet you live in a manmade shelter you turbonumale.

>He hasn't created his own country with clones of himself
Fucking sick of numales tbqh

>with good job and great discipline. I lack in all of those right now
i feel ya.

here's some science

"Willpower is a muscle" so start exercising it. Do things that are hard, but that you'll keep doing.

Don't focus on end goals, just on the one good habit you want to introduce. strengthen that willpower bby

Once it's all strong (like muh dik) then you can do a bunch of willpowery shit at once without even thinking about it.

but right now you're willpower is all atrophied. focus on one thing to fix it.

Perhaps because we're eating chicken breast pumped full of oestrogen all the fucking time

Hmm never thought about it this way. How long till I reach 3pl8 willpower?

> multivita

stopped reading right there