Do Muslim girls like Veeky Forums guys?

Pic related

Really want a Muslim gf Veeky Forums. Seems like hijab girls wanna be left alone

Will lifting help? What height, stats and mode for a muslim gf? Post pics of what kind of mode helped you

Any muslim Veeky Forums bros wanna give us advice



@HannyMadani is her Twitter btw

I going to stone her if you know what i mean

so thick it's haram

i notice brown and black girls at the gym a lot, anything to compete with white girls for white cock I guess.

now imagine 40 of these after you've blown yourself up

wearing a hijab to cover your hair for decency when it'd take more than a burka because you're so thicc. also this has to be bait. then again this bullshit is spreading so fast.
after the ariana grande attack, people were making posts on my facebook slandering anyone who had anything to say about islam. i don't even know what you'd call this anymore. stockholm? it's pampered people dishing out compassion as if it were online currency, and carrying it offline. one day we'll have enough. there will be a day soon when enough of us have had enough and kill all of them and their beta supporters.


They are all the same, regardless of height, weight, culture or skin color. They all want a good looking guy and would get wet over a muscular man.

Muslim women are whores just like the others.

>Will lifting help?

Lifting always helps.
Women mostly all agree that a fit dude is sexy, just like most men agree picrelated is sexy

I hate to be critical of taste, but this is a fitness board so here goes. I can't be with a chick that doesn't even look like she can run a sub 10 minute mile. Op just looks like a fat slob with great distribution.

Muslim girls are lame, I like sluts desu.

I fucked a full burka wearing Uzbek bitch in one of base portashitters. All I did was tell her I would marry her and bring her to the US.

Did you marry her?

Fuck no. I just needed to prove even burka bitches have inner sluts.

>I like sluts desu.
Then you like muslim girls.

i cant fucking wait. this shit needs to end

they are all burn the coal like no tomorrow
you see that they adopt black american culture

>Really want a Muslim gf

are you retarded or something?

Well, if you put it that way,

are you black?
they burn coal

>T H I C C muslim QT3.14 hit me up
>Currently have gf
>Only ever had sex with my girlfriend
>Could easily fuck this other girl without her knowing
What do I do brehs?

you gonna marry your current gf?

if not then don't pass up the opportunity

Fuck her, idiot

Most likely am, 4 years strong. I know its not worth it to throw it all away but the temptation is there

post pic of burqa grill

So this is why they make them wear curtains. 10/10 would penetrate.

You lose your edge if you dont look for other women bra
Any gf will want her man to get soft and obedient so he wont cheat on her, but you will also become stale and boring, if you show no risk of being able to find someone better than her she lose her interest in an instant

Ask yourself: if she finds out, can you make it up to her? Can you blow her mind to the point she have to accept it because you are so amazing?
If you cant do anything other than bawwing and saying sorry dont do it
She will see you as untrustworthy AND desperate

Anyone else think shes too big?
Her ass looks especially disgusting


Here's the only advice to getting a muslim qt.14 you need
>90% of hijab wearing muslim girls, in North America only do it for social reasons among their muslim circles
>70% of muslim girls in North America are freaks and/or whores due to repression by their parents
>They genuinely don't care about dick size
>they all have different tastes in how fit they like their men. They have an unusually large chubby chasing population tho.
>again, different tastes. Some like skinny aesthetically superior guys. Some like ripped af buff dudes. Some like just the general Veeky Forums dude.
>height, much like this, differs largely person to person. If you're a manlet, you have a real chance.
>about 80% of them LOVE beards. Sometimes even to the point of only dating men with beards
>They tend to have fetishes for white, and asian dudes. There are basically no white and very few asian looking muslims. Lack of these races, makes them desirable (much like white grills have fantasies about brown, black, arab dudes)
>you'll need to be/pretend to be muslim (atleast in front of her parents)
>50% of them like to be dominated. 50% like to be dominant. You'll need to figure out what ur muslim qt likes better.

As a /muslim/ dude, this is the most important /adv/ice I have to give to you.

>sex before marriage

Can i have your oil?

>Implying muslim grills in the west actually care about their religion
You do realize that's it's all a sham right? A large percentage of muslims don't even believe in or follow the basics of their relegion. Much like Christianity, after muslims youth are educated by a modern source of education, and are exposed to a modern society, they start to realize relegion is a sham. Sex before marriage is illegal in all the Abrahamic relegions, however, barely anybody in the west follows this

I'm from Kashmir
The only oil we have is the oil terrorists use to burn our homes (and people) down

You have to give her father a goat

Go ahead. Be a piece of shit


It's like you get all of your info from Fox

>50% like to be dominant
>wanting to be dominant
>50% of them
tripfags need to leave and never come back

even worse

in b4 THICC

it's a damn miracle this fake Muslim whore hasn't been stoned

Stop being a faggot
Since muslim women are dominated their entire life, they develop a fetish for being dominant as an act of rebelion (strictly in sex I mean)

>muh repression
nice try freud but it's not working here

>wear hijab for conservative religious values, mainly modesty and tradition
>wear clothing so tight it looks like it was spraypainted on
God I love living in 2017.


>yeah im in a stable relationship
>i should probably cheat on the girl
Christ you faggots make my blood boil.
Don't if you want to be with her, if she's boring and you don't see yourself with her just break up with her instead of giving her emotional scare. Don't be cheating fag, just break up.

The fact that you're thinking about it means you're current gf isn't the one. Do it.

If you thinking about it, then you have your answer.

but she has no ass

not really though

break up with your gf and fuck her


why are arabs so often short? woman and men alike

is it genes or what they generally eat, or perhaps because of things like ramadan they stop growing in height?

Muslim girls want to get left alone, because if they're seen with you, they get acid thrown in their face, and tied to the bed and burned alive

just fucking do it. It's only in movies these things come back around to bite you in the ass. In real life, you get away with it.

after writing that, I realise I sound like your penis

>why are arabs so often short

How are you this dumb.

Not a mudslime.

Height is genetics. Short/tall no genetic advantage from natures perspective but from socially acceptable taller is more 'attractive'.

>Height is genetics. Short/tall no genetic advantage from natures perspective but from socially acceptable taller is more 'attractive'

wtf am I reading

>wtf am I reading

"The people of Japan's Okinawan islands live the longest lives in the world. They have about seven times the rate of centenarians as do other industrialized countries, and the lowest rates of cancer and heart disease in the world—and they are even shorter than the mainland Japanese. The average Okinawan man is four-feet, nine-inches tall."

idk I'm 23 and never saw a vagina irl

By the Fuhrer

there is nothing more repulsive than a muslim

but if you want them to like you you should probably do a lot of explosive exercises.

As a man I claim her to be ugly

Why the Fuck throw all away, what are you talking about??

I fuck other Girls with every opportunity. since 2 years in a LTR.

Fuck that muslim bitch and have fun.

What are you, a fag?

Go lift and die as a virgin pussy.


Do you want a Muslim girl per se, or do you just want a thicc brown girl with disapproving parents?

>Really want a Muslim gf
lmao keep dreaming
unless youre a muslim yourself, but you likely aren't

Every muslim girl gets at least five brothers. Out of this five, at least four are Achmeds who will honor kill you.

middle eastern women are easy lays, just be white and she spreads her ass for you(pussy is harambe, they are anal-only-virgins)

sounds hot.

Just tell her to cover up and don't let her drive. She'll be goat butter in your hands.

working out with that thing on must suck

Don't fucking mix races you retard monkey

lel me too and I'm about to be 24...

>just like most men agree picrelated is sexy

>fake tits

yea ok

more like status and wealth

Not really, I lived in Malaysia for a year, muslime women have this shitty elastic hijab thingie, its not even properly tied and all just like a slip on thingie. They are usually lazy af to even do it properly and it has hair hanging out from all sides of it n shit. But yeah, they have like a ton of different hijabs and shit for different occasions. Hiking, swimming, cycling, working out, traditional shit, loose shit, idek

What would the prophet's reaction to this be?

Do you constantly want sand nigger brothers/fathers who threaten to stab and kill you constantly for dating their daughter/sister go for a muslim girl!

t. dated one



>all muslims are of another race
Just keep to Iranians, Berbers or similiar non-semites. They all belong to the caucasian race and many have european traits like bright eyes or red hair.

Make sure her family is secular or you're going to have a fucking problem on your hands, more than a bitter ex gf.

Its nothing special, some look like a predator looking to pounce, some smell like shit, some taste like piss, some are dry and you have to drool all over your dick, some are so wet you cant get friction, but all off them are attached to retarded girls that will bring you nothing but grief.

Fucking cute cunts....


wait, isn't the thing on her head supposed to symbolize modesty or something like that?
using strong make up, wearing tight clothes and even pulling them to accentuate proportions while taking selfies showing off her body kinda defeats the purpose of that cloth on her hair doesn't it?


it does, but whores gonna whore.

Where is this queen?

FUCK I just want a cute muslim girl who'll be pure and traditional and who I can convince to do haram things with me even though she's embarrassed about it

Why do Christian girls all have to be impure girls

>Muslim women are just like every other woman, only with headscarves

Wow man color me surprised

..Yeah as a brown man who's been with women of all different races, can confirm muslim women are exactly the same as all other women. In fact the ones who outwardly seem the most pious are often the biggest hoes. Constantly saw girls in hijabs giving bjs to lads in the park.

This. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fucking retard.

Women like dick and hot guys. Their religion has no bearing on it. You're an actual permavirgin if you think otherwise. Just be a hot guy with a big dick and/or money. Same as any other women on the planet ffs.

I gotta be real, I'd be equally cool with a hijab bj.
A blowjab, if you will.

I've got an A-rab friend who's deep into his uni's Muslim scene.
He says that the modest hijab-wearing girls are the biggest hoes there. Think about it, 90% of ME guys are rich playboys with good hair genes. You think any of them take their religion seriously?


Well okay think of it this way

You can have a girl who's a slut and acts like a slut, or who's a slut and at least pretends to be modest

>Get muslim gf
>She takes off her clothes
>It's dark but you can just make out 0:03
> o shi-

>going for a muslim girl

Are you mental? Do you want to get fucked up by her family?

>wearing the hijab when the rest of your outfit is designed to show your curves to everyone
for what purpose?

Fuck your current gfs pussy rotten until the other girl is fucked out of your head