Conquering addiction

>Been trying to quit video games for the past 3 years.

>started taking BJJ

>haven't touch a game in 3 weeks. It doesn't even sound appealing.

What have you done to kick you addictions?

started learning*

I was keeping a running schedule every other day but stopped.

BJJ is the best sport good luck in your journey

Get in my guard bro

vidya is all derivative pandering lowest-common-denominator bullshit anyway

>another triple-A lifeless sandbox thirdperson shooter/ action
>another indie roguelike with gimmick artstyle
>another steam greenlight early access survival game that will never be finished

that or play cs:go or dota for 10,000 hours

kikestarter was a mistake. early access was a mistake. the fact that these indie faggots can get paid when the job is 1/3 done, shit out some turd 2 years later & call it a finished product has ruined steam desu senpai

vidya is ok when you browse the boards every few months to find the gems like bloodborne, play them, and then forget about the hobby for another few months

Got a girlfriend but now I'm addicted to sex

I got to blue belt in bjj and got warts from some fuck in class i guess and now have them all over my hands and i havvent been to class in months because im too ashamed to go to class with somethinng like that.

wear long sleeve rashguards and spats to every class. if you ever get a cut, clean that shit and go right the fuck home.

> too stupid to buy wart remover

> I was addicted to food (yeah, fat)
> one day I struggle while I go upstairs
> I say fuck it
> in less than 3 years, I progressively do walking, running, swimming, muay thai, bodyweight fitness and lifting shit at home
> I lost more than 60 lbs (30 kg for glorious Europeans)

Before and after pics

>not bjj AND video games

I have some bas news for you user straight from the mouth of MMA legend Forrest Griffen

sorry its hard for you to derive joy from basic activities

Trying to kick booze, it's hard.

I'm addicted to the internet and computers. I'm on my computer practically all the time besides when at the gym or work. I need to fix it but I don't know the right way.

Keep busy and get a hobby. Something to get you out of the house. Got to get new habits to get rid of old one man.

I have the same problem, but I have no excuses now to go outside and be more active.

Thanks man, I appreciate it. How do you tell yourself you've had too much internet? It's so easy to get lost, I spend my days reading articles and even Wikipedia pages far more than I do watching things. It's like I'm in a constant state of ready to do something else off the computer, but I never do it. Fuck.

you are just normal.

A few pages later, he tells how he started grappling. You will understand why he sucks at it then.

Dude it was so weird. I just stopped playing. I think i was just tired of wasting my time with it where instead i could have been living a much more fulfilling life.

>Been trying to quit BJJ for the past 3 years
>started gaming
>haven't touched another man in 3 weeks, being gay doesn't even sound appealing

best day of my life was when i stopped playing vidya and cancelled my netflix account.

when I'm bored, I read and learn new shit which helps me move up the social ladder,

when i'm restless I lift and do meal prep

when its late at night I talk to sloots or look at my trading accounts.

never go back user, never go back

BJJ is the latest meme. I can hear your stupid undeveloped brain cranking up in order to put together the idiot sentences of why BJJ is so cool, bro, resembling some shit Rogan has repeated on his podcast at least 12 times

Jesus, user

>video game """"""addiction"""""""

>what's your addiction?
BJJ. I've been a black belt for 6 years. I have two prolapsed discs, scoliosis and kyphosis, and doc says I should stop, but fuck that.

>entertainment was holding me back

i know plenty of people that do what you do and still play video games and watch netflix. Just admit you are a weak willed person

>>haven't touch a game in 3 weeks. It doesn't even sound appealing.

You sir are not out of the woods yet, and you'll go back once bjj gets stale, all because you think you already kicked the "addiction".

If you are constantly putting off things, and avoiding friends and family to stay at home you are wasting lots of time.

Last year I stayed off Veeky Forums for a month, and I did everything I could to stay out the house. Was eating less junk food and sleeping at a decent time.

I was hanging out with friends again. The thing that kept me coming back to Veeky Forums was discussing movies and general shit. That is something that I always did with my friends instead of online. The need for discussion kept me coming back.

But at the same time I noticed all the threads where exactly the same as when I left. It's a endless loop if you don't have something constructive to do in your spare time.

Start small with something but be consistent. Good luck.

I stopped smoking by drinking I quit drinking by using nitrous and I quit using nitrous by smoking.

Yeah they're weak willed that's exactly the problem as to why they can't do those things

yea people invest thousands of hours into games like WoW to the point of entirely neglecting real life because video games are always a healthy, innocuous habit

Same here. Gonna sell the ol' desktop as a first step.

start again tomorrow my friend, i started again today and it felt great

its not basic activity anymore if you do it 4+ hours a day, of course he gets more critical of everything because he has already seen everything and has had all the fun in those games

Kicked heroin and crack in a rehab in FL where they basically locked you up for a few months. I lifted my balls off and ate like an animal.

Spontaniusly leave it, roll on the floor, read , think , be creative


Video game addiction was getting bad, had to quit cold turkey and just stop, uninstall and focus on other things, read some books, watched videos on depression, watched videos on changing your life and things are different

>Video games do not replace your life

>What have you done to kick you addictions?
I decided to stop being a bitch and man the fuck up.

That is how I quit smoking, quit snorting cocaine, quit drinking, quit smoking crack, quit smoking marijuana, quit playing videogames and quit fapping.

Now my only addiction is the gym, I go there 6 days a week.

My life has greatly improved, as well as my health.

>Moral of the story: Stop being a bitch and man the fuck up.

Thats cool but OSS is dumb.
I have no idea why all those chucklefucks started copying kyokushinkai karate's "osu".