Umm... WHY should I talk to you if I have hundreds of better looking options on my phone?

>Umm... WHY should I talk to you if I have hundreds of better looking options on my phone?

What context is this?


because the options on your phone are not actually your options, but you might never realize that

Looks like Lauren Clare

....because I have a gun?

Because those better-looking options fucked you when they were drunk and had struck out with prettier girls. You ain't in the club, you're in a tapas bar, you're looking for a relationship, the level of guy who will hold down for you is lower than a guy who's willing to hollow you out in a bar bathroom at 3am.

Because I can give you something that they cannot, I can make you feel shame, shame as you have never felt before. In years to come you'll be disgusted and ashamed when you think back on what we are about to do.

> t. Beta

It`s because I'm a fat ugly manlet ofc.


because you're my WIFE dammit
How could you do this to me?

Why should I date you if I have thousands of better looking options (all pure and faithful too unlike you) in my animes


is this what every beta is dreaming of?



This is what stops me almost all of the time. Why would they want me?

>Veeky Forums - Fitness

That projection user. the real question is why do you want them?

Because most guys are too spineless to actually make a move. I'm not.

If that's your mindset, then we've nothing further to discuss.
Here's my half of the bill, and I wish you a fulfilling life. Farewell.

It's not hard, guise. People like this look for materialism and status to cling to. If they don't express genuine interest in your character, then the hassle isn't worth it.

Those guys are probably jerks who will just pump and dump you. I don't want to hurt you like that. I don't care about your past relationships, phases, or even if you have kids by a different man. I can see you for the beautiful, strong woman you truly are.


>"hundreds" ? How is that so? I mean you look not bad at all, it shouldn't be THAT hard to find the right man for you

ok, so I just watched The Red Pill and I have a question to you guys. Have you ever experienced physical violence from women? Does that really exist? How is that possible?

I love it.

How much does your tinder fuckbois bench then? Lmao2plaet? Fucking 1plaet even? I am a beast of the steel, with a mind harder than the metal I put on my back. You wouldnt last a minute in my world. I could break your neck with just one hand, yet you dare talk to me that way? Be lucky I´m leaving you with your face, aka your only asset in this world, intact.

*Swirls cape to knock her drink out while leaving*

Jesus christ you whore. I thought this was a date not a job interview. Enjoy that drink, you're paying for it.

Actually you probably shouldnt if your only criterium for a night out is to get fucked by a guy with a hot selfie on tinder. Have fun with your phone.