You have 10 seconds to name one good reason your gym crush would ever pick you over the 50 other more jacked...

You have 10 seconds to name one good reason your gym crush would ever pick you over the 50 other more jacked, more successful, taller, more handsome, bigger dicked men at your gym

>Protip: You can't. So give up on the idea of ever talking to her, nerd.

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im a model so 95% of other males are less attractive than me, body doesn't even matter because I have FACE

I don't have a "gym crush", nor do I even lift

Well today she hung around me in the free weights room for 30 min, I'm pretty sure even the guy that works there noticed it. Didn't say a word to her but she placed her towel and phone on the end of my bench as I was only using the tip of it for some around the world

Because those other 50 guys are also thinking the same thing and there is nothing wrong with taking a chance and make a subtle but pleasant first impression
Otherwise - Back to cleaning my room I guess.

Looks like youre projecting your insecurities here.

>nor do I even lift
kek stopped reading there

>bottom of the dominance hierarchy
but does she know that?

I've never seen anybody taller than me at my gym, and my gym is full of weak people. I bench 115kg for a 1rm and I'm top five easy. Despite the shitty pool of men here, there are still attractive women pretty regularly. It's easy to stand out. This is why I go at 2:30 AM now, so I'm completely alone in there, because I don't want to stand out.

Jokes on you loser, I've already talked to her, she smiles a lot at me when we're talking, and im going to ask for her number next time I see her.

I AM one of the strongest/biggest/best looking guys in my gym though.

>I'm too much of a PUSSY LITTLE COWARDLY LOSER to talk to my crush let alone ask her out, so I'll PROJECT all my insecurities and failures on Veeky Forums so I don't FEEL so bad about myself, misery loves company!

because im the tallest, most successful, biggest dicked man in my gym (trust me, Ive seen them all). Plus I work as a model so am attractive and have that slim physique qt girls like

i dont have a gym crush. most of them are rich basic girls im not interested in anyway

>>nor do I even lift
>kek stopped reading there

That was the end of the sentence dumbass.

you would have to stop reading there. It was the end of the post

what are you, 15? lmao gym crushes get a load of this teen virgin
us big boys handle that shit outside the gym and go to gym to lift fucking weights not to compensate about insecurities like you do
if this is you bantzing jordan you´re a massive faggot and talk like a virgin boy, stop that

so you read the whole thing?

>It was the end of the post
Stopped reading there

"Married University Professor, Jordan B. Peterson, who recently made headlines for his opposition to a Senate hearing concerning gender pronouns, was arrested in his hotel room early Wednesday morning after being on what one witness described as a, "three day bender of coke and trannies." Prof. Peterson, allegedly in the company of three MtoF transsexuals and one frogkin, procured thirty-seven grams of cocaine and embarked upon a three day rampage in the Sheraton Marriott Hotel.

"Ze was in a manic state from the moment Ze checked in," recalled xir Tracy, the hotel's receptionist. "Ze was shouting about Harry Potter and a basilisk then began poking patrons with a stick, threatening to 'burn their deadwood' if they didn't tell Zim where the postmodernists were hiding." One guest claims xe then saw Peterson inserting the nozzle of a blue fire extinguisher into the front of zis trousers and a cloud of foam erupting from around his ankles.

The trouble really started later that night when hotel staff were called to his room by the neighboring guests. "I've never seen anything like it," said Xyr Richards, one of the hotel's room service technicians. "Peterson was naked with zis head on the floor and both legs on the bed. A frogkin wearing fishing waders had inserted his entire arm [CLICK TO READ FULL ARTICLE]"

based prof
everyone should listen to this:

>Implying my gym isnt 80% men and 20% women
>Implying the women don't have 1,000 orbiter chodes
>Implying I'm going to enter the beta gravitational pull
>Implying I haven't slept with 40 women OUTSIDE the gym
>Implying I didn't actually try once in the past to lock down one of the weaker females at the gym and take her virginity 3 weeks later

Back to /r9k/ with you

because im the tallest and smartest guy in my gym

I like it when you call me names because it proves me right.

You can't name one reason why a girl should pick you over other guys who are objectively superior to you.

I made so much money as a teenager that I get to be self employed at 24, makes dating weird, girls all seem to resent me after a while since I don't have to deal with waking up early or mean bosses and such.

I'm still working though since it's not like that previous money will last forever but people act weird with me once they find out I wake up at 10 every day.

>page not found
I admit you had me.

because we are human beings you autistic materialistic faggot

>Why should a girl pick you over the ten other guys who are taller, more handsome and just better than you in general
>"Because I'm a human being"

Wow, compelling

hahaha you really fucked up with this post my dude

i can rate two girls both 7/10 and can have a strong feeling and a good connection for one and nothing to the other.

Sure, personality is a factor (though a much smaller one for women - why else would they date tatted felon "bad boys" who beat them? Because they're "omg so hawt") but I'm operating on the assumption that the guys who are better than you aren't "douchebags" like we often like to assume about people who are better than us - "sure he's rich and jacked but he probably has a bad personality! I'm really nice!"

>gym crush

>You have 10 seconds to name one good reason your gym crush would ever pick you over the 50 other more curvy, more successful, sexier, more beautiful, bigger titted women at your gym
Women also have insecurities this is why almost every one of my gfs wanted me to stop lifting becasue "she doesn't care" but in reality they were afraid i'd leave them for hotter women.

>40 women
I literally don't think I know that many single women.

Where do you meet them?

Based Peterson. Saw him talk in person at McMaster on st patrick's day this year

>single women.
Lmao you seriously think that women in relationships don't cheat and then lie about it to their bfs?
That day when your girlfriend was at uni she was at some guy's dorm getting fucked and same day kissed you and told you that she missed you when she came back.

> why else would they date tatted felon "bad boys" who beat them?

they dont. stop coping and go back to redpill
what you do is
>im autistic
>therefore personality doesnt even matter its all about the looks haha
>im the true measure of greatness so if it doesnt work for me it wont work for anyone

>they dont


>>im the true measure of greatness so if it doesnt work for me it wont work for anyone

hehe I totally said that :)

have fun with your gf who eventually cheats on you with a superior male

>omg how could you do this?! I'm so nice!

l o l

>while im PLAYING video GAMES my gf is gonna CHEAT on me with a CHAD

this is what you meant?

i genuinely dont know what you redditors mean by a "bad guy", do you live in a ghetto or something?

I'm literally the most attractive male in my gym by a wide margin so it's fine.

hang on I'll find a picture of one


p.s. I don't know if this guy would technically be a "bad boy" since I don't actually know anything about him, but he definitely has the look. If he's got the requisite felonies/lack of education then he's perfect.

you know, its all about your vibe. dress normal, attract normal girls. dress weirder, attract weird girls, yadda yadda.
this guy seem to have a bad tattoo and is wearing that cap like a 14 year old. from this one pic i would say he attracts the "im 14 and my boyfriend is 24" kind of girls.
would he attract my girls in my school? (im in medschool) no.
would he be more popular in a bar in a college town? wouldnt say.
but he certainly has his audience. its all about what you aim for


girls in my school, not my girls

>gym crush

what the fuck bro, are we in grade 8 phys-ed? I don't have gym crushes. I see a meaty ass and I store that shit in memory to jerk off to later followed by a soft cry session.

Why didn't you open your mouth and say hello you pussy? She can't make it any more obvious than that.

>I see a meaty ass and I store that shit in memory to jerk off to later followed by a soft cry session.


statistically unlikely any of them have a bigger dick or more money than i do (7.75'' and 285k/yr salary), but i can be pretty tomyself which can turn into standoffishness.
if i just want to fuck a hot piece of ass, i can get an escort or a sugar baby. i lift to be strong and healthy, the occasional qt i pick up at the gym is just a bonus.

I have plenty.
>good genetics: 6'2", beautiful as said by multiple peers, light eyes, clear skin, naturally muscular/strong, 7.5" pen0r, no history of bad diseases and am still surpassing my natural limits in strength and physique
>useful: CS degree and skilled in permaculture, construction, mathematics, economics, speak fluent Deutsch and learning Francois, Nihon-go and Russkiy yazik, also own a couple million in cryptocurrency which will spike to billions in 30 years, broke through depression and became stronger because of it, have climbed the dominance hierarchies and got bored
>creative: skilled in philosophy, photography, sketch drawing, design, music, writing and poetry
I am a top 1% male specimen, really. No one on this board will come as close.

top tier males need not apply

>body doesn't even matter because I have FACE
Actual attractive men don't talk like this, only incels do.

My latest fap was a girl I saw yesterday. 5"3, brown long hair scraggy kind of, thicc, glasses for that qwerky nerdy thiccgirl look. D titties at least perfectly on display. The perfect amount of cleavage and bulge. The kind that look "stuffed" in the right way, I just wanted to go up and bongo on those thangs.

Decently thicc ass that I wanted to see jiggle as I pounded it.

Then why are you even here? Guaranteed you're a lanklet

I have a big dick.

why do I keep seeing jordan peterson posted here lately?

I make close to 6 figures.

he's trying to rescue us from the belly of the whale (Veeky Forums)

Now THIS is comedy

Because my self worth is only controlled by me

>more jacked, more successful, taller, more handsome, bigger dicked men at your gym
that's my gym crush tho

>close to

that's not gonna cut it, buddy. Gym bunnies aren't going to give you the time of day for less than six figures and the first digit isn't "1"

You right my dude.

Buddy fugly girls don't even like me, the thicc qts at my gym I wouldn't even give me a second glance

Because I'm in the goldilocks zone of attractiveness. Not too good to be intimidating, not too bad to be not worth looking at.

Because I had the confidence to talk her and they didn't.

because they don't have my personality

because he's proof that even your average 4channer/redditor can get a PhD with enough time+money

its probably your grammar and constant syntax errors that they hate the most


but you're a miscer, so....

I have a home gym, checkmate

I have speed run world records in 5 different video games

I work right next to Peterson's lecture hall. Should I go listen to his lecture next week?

they dont get it.

I'm more charismatic.
I've gotten girls out of my league, it's just a lot more work without looking great.

Now you have ruined it as she thinks your either gay or not interested.

Good job squandering that fleeting opportunity user.

list games? have twitch or something?

only i will make her sad and happy just the way i am going to

My greatness is spared from that shitty site, thanks.

Because I keep a steady supplies of eggs in bowls at home that she has to eat

>stopped reading there
stopped reading there

She stares at me sometimes and smiled at me once but in the back of my mind I just assume she just thinks I'm legit autistic and is just being nice
I've had girls admit that they used to be into me but assumed that I was only after freindly so they got over it
I know that I will never have the guts to approach anyone so I never even try and focus on doing other things and being happy in other ways
Is this volcel or super advanced incel

This is the funniest thing I have seen in a while

>one good reason your gym crush would ever pick you over the 50 other more jacked, more successful, taller, more handsome, bigger dicked men at your gym

Because I'm the only one who approached her

Because I am the gym's clown, I could give her a flower balloon if I wasn't so autistic.

My gym crush already has a boyfriend, but he doesnt lift and is ugly as fuck... do I have a chance?

>had a crush on gym crush for a long ass time
>got to the point her looks are already fading
>it's not super obvious but you can tell she doesn't look as good as when I first saw her

Too bad


Wait a sec, there are people who have crushes after high school, or everyone in this thread are underage?
I don't know which thought is more terrifying.

Post pic then u fag

>gym crush
Hah okay, you say it like its the norm.

>unable to feel love

im sorry bro

Back to lookism Ahmed

>learning Francois

this is either bait or a larping faggot but knowing Veeky Forums this is a sadboy dreaming.

stopped reading there

He has a good dealer.
Threw in an extra gram for good measure.

Abso-fucking-lutely. He is a good, honest and wise man.


I know it's Francais and I know I fucked up and it's partly because of auto correct and how I type fast. Doesn't disprove my superiority, yet.

Look up his Maps of Meaning lectures and decide for yourself.