What do I say next?

What do I say next?

>are you an archaeologist? cause i got a bone for you to examine

Sometimes I do pushups. One for each point I think my tinder match has. Wanna know how many pushups I did for you Elizabeth?

something interesting

when should we fuck?"

trust me brah

>when i explain it

look up the natural lifestyles and rsdtyler on youtube, get into that mindset and from there stuff like this will flow easily

I have schizoaffective disorder the meds take away my spice

say you are going to masturbate to ANIME tonight

explain that you will masturbate to DRAWINGS made by slanty-eyed GOOKS depicting UNDERAGE GIRLS with ENORMOUS EYES and NO NOSE that make WEIRD SOUNDS WHEN TOUCHED

"stuff i like"

If she doesn't leave the conversation after that then you know you're guaranteed some pussy.

This tbqh famalam

I like men and stuff you knon

>going out with my friends
zero hobbies or interests. a human vacuum.

>I seem boring when I explain it
Concur with her.

Dubs has it

she looks like the girl from VHS.. don't get your dick n balls torn off OP

th first post, indeed good sir, is second to none, both literally and figuratively
>tips feodra

This. Stop wasting time

Turn down for what


just kill yourself please retard

>I do women I like. Want to watch Netflix at my place?

Nut up or shut up OP

what abouts trips?

I pick things up and I put them down.

You forgot about the disproportionately large breasts.

a women, yes.

Not related to fitness, fuck off

Bumble is a broken system from the get-go. Men are supposed to initiate, even if that means some men will be rude. By women initiating first, the man is in a supplicating, emasculated position starting the whole potential relationship on an imbalanced foundation.

What did you expect from a woman

It's 2017 gender roles don't matter as much

Pls respond

she looks ugly and fat, just unmatch her

if youre fit that was a bad move m8. girls like feeling theyre special. you just implied you match with a lot of girls, therefore she isnt really important
its good if youre fucking hot(more you can get away with) and the girl is a slut (she wont mind because she does that too)