C-can I stop lifting now?

C-can I stop lifting now?

>Written by: E. Alex Jung

Fuck off cuck boy. Stop posting your articles for views.

alexandra daddario is literally perfect

roidheads btfo

Oh fuck off. If anything they're not buff enough. Compare The Rock or Arnold in his prime, and Efron to the days of Steve Reeves and Reg Park in the movies. I wanna see movie stars get to the 1960s and 1970 bodybuilding mold. Sometimes I wanna see the idol on screen, the ideal to strive for, not the regular schlub.

But she doesn't even show tits in the movie.

Should be "The Rock TO Arnold"

>E. Alex Jung
i thought that was just a random reaction photo but its actually the writer

mother of god.....

This. I want my action heroes to look like masculine golden age bodybuilders, not metrosexual manlets. Hollywood needs a wave of new talent, because no one today is even close to the stars of the 80s in either physique or personality.

I mean yeah The Rock is kinda big for lifeguard but this is an action movie (a dumb semi-selfaware one) and action movie leads are supposed to be large imposing figures.


>muscles today are so ubiquitous
>in a country with 70% of people are overweight

Reminder that ottermode is the ideal body for health + women. Steroids should never enter the equation if these two things are what you're seeking.

>this is the bitch boy who's telling me how i should look

>Shitty remake of a show that is no longer culturally relevant
>Blames the buff stars for shitty box office performance

Man writers these days are so retarded.
Also this writer is a cuck

>ywn eat his cum out of her pits

>tfw you see this in the theaters and end up pissing all over yourself and popping multiple blood vessels in your eyes from constant laughter

Critics don't understand the raunchy humor behind this summer's #1 R-rated comedy!

>inb4 article saying male actor hairlines don't go back far enough

different article
same guy
people like this are pathetic.

and if i wasn't retarded there would be a pic there

wait, he is complaining that Efron is too big?

she's got awful feet


Alex Jung gets bullied by Chang Thunderwang and feels intimidated by his alpha wang

kek why should I take this fruit basket seriously?

>Chang Thunderwang


isn't dwayne "the stone" johnson the same size he's been through his whole career?

Yeah, like 6'2

Fucking Chang Thunderwang

If he had slightly bigger delts and arms he would look near perfect.

ayy lmao fpbp

>the same size he's been through his whole career?

Movie career maybe, but he wasn't nearly this big or insanely shredded in the WWE.

Must not've been around for 80s action movies, sweaty muscly bods everywhere.

She's got them crazy eyes though.

It's really only his left delt that looks disproportionally small.