Ideals Thread

Post em lads
Lets see what you want

I'm too lazy to make one and I really only come in to look at the grills. So here is a grills.



fair enough
Fassbender all day every day
>no homo



Nice but this is a blue board you perv
9/10 good taste

I see you're a man of culture as well.

wej, hearty chuckle
cant see anything it's fine

womyns taste on point user, mary is a goddess
also emilia clarke went to my school, she was a few years older than me so i never spoke to her but apparently she was a mental bitch

9/10 just couldn't picture some of the styles in real life

8/10 good ol man

8/10 sick goal body

whos the girl in the bottom right? 8/10

8/10 text is kind of pointless, who doesn't want that?

lotta work put in to this but i gotta dock points for >vidya girls. 7/10

10/10 cohesive and to the point, nice work

moosefix is bloody qt
which girl?


nice girls
isn't that guy top right hand side the one who sniffs hair

that girl got a nice ass
leo and man bun are pretty shit


no homo

well it's not the man bun it's the casual/sweater, hence why it's in the "style" box, lol

far bottom right, in the white shirt

I have the hair, and the style, the bod is about 60% and the girl is currently my hand




r8 other people you mongoloids

Very good


Chinese cartoons are an instant 0/10

Excellent grill

Bold choice in women

8/10. I've seen her without makeup and she's honestly kind of a butterface, but then again, most girls are. It's a shame that we'll never really know what most hot girls actually look like.

Posting for grills


I didn't come here for tears in the rain

>anime girls and long hair
everything else looks good
good girl choice

