Tfw you realize no one has EVER gone from skinnyfat to fit

Tfw you realize no one has EVER gone from skinnyfat to fit

Time to be the one in a million then, op.

took me literally 2.5 months to get here
I know I'm not Veeky Forums fit but by normie standards I'm pretty acceptable now

Good work man keep at it. You finding bulking hard?

Were you cutting here?

I'll prove you wrong OP. Give me 1 year

That's because skinnyfats go from bulking to cutting every 2 weeks because they can never make up their minds. The idea is to get over the fact you're skinnyfat and just eat a relatively high amount of calories for a long period of time until you've gained enough strength and muscle to the point where you can begin to VERY SLOWLY lean down. Just lifting and eating like 3000 calories or so is a good start. You don't want to under-eat as it will fuck up your ability to progress in the gym, but you also don't want to over-eat and gain stupid amounts of bodyfat.

Find a nice range that suits you. Once you've been on 3000 calories for awhile and you've slowly been getting stronger/bigger, you can then begin to start doing 30 minutes cardio a day, while keeping calories the same. Then once that stops working, put your calories to 2900 and continue with the 30m cardio per day. Once that stops working increase cardio to 40 minutes per day while still eating 2900 calories. Once that stops working put calories down to 2800.

The above process can take months, like 6-12 months. But just keep at it. That way you will slowly lose bodyfat while retaining ALL of your performance in the gym and muscle and you'll eventually become muscular and lean and be out of skinnyfat mode.

The reason people start skinnyfat is because they bulk on like 5000 calories (gaining shit loads of fat) and then they cut on like 1500 calories (losing all their strength and muscle) and they just end up skinnyfat again. The idea is to keep calories as high as possible while VERY SLOWLY losing tiny bits of fat while maintaining PERFORMANCE in the gym.

I'm first year uni which is why I got into skelly mode in the first place (first time actually feeding myself)
I'm quite lucky cuz I'm fairly decent on the money, it was just lazyness that made me turn skelly
besides that I find it fairly easy. My diet every day has been pic related, except I rotate the fruits that I eat (always 2 different per day) and the meat in the evening (though I have to cut back on fats if I don't eat chicken breast)

in the first 2 months I ate meat for dinner AND lunch (usually sausages for lunch and pork chops/steak/chicken breast for dinner) but I'm happyish with my frame now so I substituted lunch meat for protein shake. I'm still generally growing, just also losing more bf for summer. to start off with I ate 4k calories a day though.

also 5g creatine a day and preworkout really help.

did fullbody 3x a week for first month, then brosplits then switched to PPLPPL a month or so ago

Actually cutting first is superior.

1) you'll look better, faster. Going ~20% bf -> 13% even withoit muscle will make you look better (you'll make gains anyway tho)
2) higher testosterone
3) can actually have some definition

You don't need to be concerned with "maintaining" performance as a beginner. You can make gains cutting for like 2-3 months, get lean(er) then bulk.

also, brb, got an exam

>normie standards
Go back to r9k retard virgin.

This is how you REALLY do it.

Modest cut 2-3 months, keep lifting hard anyway.

Once you start stalling hard check it's not your form or rest or whatever. Deload once 10% and work up.

Then if still stalling - then just eat maintenance and whwn you stall again increase calories by 10% every two weeks until youre gaining again. It's that simple.

lul post body with timestamp

This is pretty much what I've ended up doing. Been lifting for half a year and really started enjoying it, but most of the time I've eaten at a deficit and barely made any gains.

I enjoy lifting so I'll just live with being overweight for a little longer. Eating more definitely made a difference

You weren't suppose to cut for half a year tho

2-3 months. Get the cut out of the way then bulk. I bet you just ate ~maintenance and lied to yourself.

Bullshit i was 120 lb when i started, im at 170 right now and im lean.

I did but it took 2 years. Just remember to keep hitting abs hard 3x a week so they can get show.

>did fullbody for a month, then brosplits then switched to PPLPPL

and people say do SS

for 2.5 months work thats not bad at all

Not bad but your shoulders look small as fuck compared to abs.

I think I qualified as skinny fat.

Yep my shoulders/upper chest is weak.

* without tren

I have had better results by cutting down to literally Auschwitz prisoner mode and then a very lean bulk.

It's more logical. Being lean with no muscle looks better than being fat, and you'll be more confident if you see abs for the fitst time ever.

no idea why the bulk meme is still pushed for fatties

>no idea why the bulk meme is still pushed for fatties
its pushed by fatties

I think it has to do with the "u will make no muscle gains if u cut!" Meme. Total bs for beginners.

baby arms
mirin, bulk the chest and shave the nip hair

Any before pics?

I did it. Kinda.

after photo from two years ago because i can't be bothered taking a new one

Nah you weren't skinnyfat




I'm going to forever be a chestlet. Flies of any kind cause serious impingement in my shoulder. I think it's because I broke my collarbone. Not exactly sure but I've never really been able to effectively isolate my chest. I don't really care about my nip hair. I think it's funny desu.

holy fuck from beta to absolute bad ass holy shit bro mirin

lifts/routine/diet ?

I'm fucking trying my hardest here to achieve this. Any inspiration or advice on gaining mass, I have been trying to hit 3k calories a day and my body fucking hates it but I do it for those gains. Also the gains are slow as shit still even bulking this hard, my metabolism is so fucking high.

Pretty sure I'm just fat and not skinnyfat, but what the FUCK do I do from here?
Went from 163 to 192 in 4 - 5 months because I decided to start lifting and bulking when I was still fat, wasn't tracking calories and I'm pretty sure I ate somewhere between 3k - 4k a day.
Got of looking like a balloon so 192 to 158 lbs in 6 months eating fairly inconsistently, started eating at 2200 for month, brought that down to 1800, then 1700, then 1500, back up to 1800 in the past month but haven't really been seeing a loss so I'm now back to 1500. All of my lifts have basically stalled since I started cutting too. Also cheat day every week because I'm a little bitch when I go out with friends or go to muh anime cons, I should probably stop that.

Should I continue cutting? Eat at maintenance? Bulk because it still doesn't look like I have much muscle mass? I have no idea how to eat right now. I want to be normie aesthetic at least.

Mirin Delts

Nice Cunningham's Law.

Wow, you're so cool for knowing that term.

Please don't bully Desu
I'm cutting atm I'm wondering will I become a hungry skeleton if I cut to 13 percent body fat, do you think I have any mass ? Pic related

Stats 170lbs 5'11
Bench 190 lbs 3 reps
Squat 2 plates 5 reps
Ohp 125 3 reps
Dead lift 2 plates 5 reps.

Forgot pic kek
Also do I have gyno

>Cut to 13%
>170lbs @ 5'11"

Holy fuck what is your BF% right now. Are you missing a leg?

this is impressive

this shit is gross

SL then PPL That was like 1 year 3 months of work. The transformation pic is like 6 months old now I'm bigger/leaner now.

I guess I'll never make it

your bodyhair is very unaesthetic desu but your moobs are probably gonna shrink when you lose bf% and you have a not horrible frame

start eating clean, eat caloric deficit (count macros!), do cardio, lift well, sleep well and you'll make it
also get rid of chest hair

Thank you sempai. I was planning to trim it today too, I hate being overly hairy. Hopefully I can be cbt in next 8 months


Pls resbond

did your face change too? and ur ding ding dong?

People just get fat and don't have the knowledge too cut