If capitalism is all about maximizing profits then why do so many companies keep pushing SJW shit when it's clearly a...

If capitalism is all about maximizing profits then why do so many companies keep pushing SJW shit when it's clearly a waste of money?

Having a diverse workforce increases productivity.

because we are shifting towards socialism

step 1. atomise workforce
2. increase pool of labour to drive down wages
3. guilt employees into obeisance to company they already depend on for salary

If so, then socialism is causing the stock market and international markets to boom.

4. avoid getting boycotted by SJW dipshits that can start a social media shitstorm which in turn will galvanize more normies that will also boycott

because if they didn't they would be called racist by other sjws. imagine the shitstorm if some massive tech company only hired Asian and white men

because companies need their customers to be dumb enough to waste money on things they don't need

Because the majority of people aren't right wing (aka mentally ill) so they're ok with left wing stuff

They're trying to stay ahead of the curve with social issues because if you're not "progressive" you're basically a "nazi" to young airheaded millinials who will be the dominant generation with the most purchasing power after the boomers die off and the gen-xers are old fuckers.

how come?

1) They're oriented towards profit, not perfectly capable of perfectly maximizing it. Institutional madness can hit them just as hard as any other institution.

2) Fear of being tanked by a Progressive PR campaign.

3) Employment law, particularly employment discrimination law, gives powerful incentives to companies to have some plausible, "Look! We care about diversity too!" set of policies in motion so that they can discourage and fend off potentially-crippling lawsuits.

tl;dr it's half mainstream cultural insanity that they're not immune to, and half driven by incentives created by law, not the market.

because happy worker is productive worker, problem lies in people not companies

it doesnt. dont listen to those retards

Because everyone has their own ideas on how to make profit.
Companies go bankrupt every day.

> I invest in companies based on women in management, women in the line and women in the board, as well as fundamental analysis where the company should be easy to understand.

Because we also need to have fun

I don't think you understand how much time some of these SJW's have on their hands. A company I work for once had a comedian perform at a function and he made a joke about how you never see asian men with white women, and a local asian man organized a boycott of the company that actually grew to over a thousand people. We quickly gave into his demands because we didn't want the publicity.

Now we're being proactive about it. Every day we have to go to a mountaintop and shout about how much transgender people are the real heroes, and how black people still don't have any rights and we're the only ones who can see that. If we don't do all of this, one of these unemployed heroes might organize another boycott, or write about us on their blog.

that is the only reason

The Rothschilds make it the law in every country for companies to have diversity regulations. Pretty obvious.

Flooding company with diversity is the best way to keep it on the leash. So they are trolling each other who is not diverse enough.

This diversity at all costs meme is just an opportunity for you master race asian white and pajeet males out there to form your own small nimble efficient and focused company.

Your HR dept should consist of a soiopathic lawyer whose paycheck is tied to company performance. He should also be able to file health insurance ppw.

Youd should also have one black science guy in your company that way you can say yes you're sexist but no your not rasicist. He should be jewish just for fun.

sjw's are consumers and must be pandered to in order to maintain a status of supposed goodness in order to prevent unnecessary losses.

Do you remember occupy Wall Street? Most people don't, and class is always absent when 'SJW's discuss privilege or whatever. When occupy Wall St first started it was only about income inequality, but the well was quickly poisoned by gender/race politics and the media immediately seized on this fact and began publishing stories about how disorganized and aimless the movement was and how the people camping in the park were lazy, jobless bums (mostly true). The entire movement quickly collapsed shortly after and was never heard from again.

Now it's difficult to say if those intersectional types were planted there intentionally, but it sure is convenient that identity politics has dominated the public discourse since then, and some of the biggest proponents of social justice are the corporations. It really makes one think, doesn't it?

The problem is that it's become more profitable to do the diversity bullshit so as to avoid lawsuits and boycotts.

It's all about image. A bad image impact profit.

It is ALWAYS about profit.

because the markets aren't competitive enough


Every fucking time

Actually that's Trump's doing.

Moreso when he releases his major tax cuts later this year :)

Because capitalism is about profit, but society has a higher meta which is Power. If a player can increase their relative wealth in the short-term by decreasing absolute wealth, they'll do it if they expect a payoff in the long-term. Meaning that people like Soros will gladly fuck the world over if it allows them or their dynasty to be the top dogs in the future.

The disintegration of the west is a proven strategy for "leveling" competing centers of power. America leveled Europe and pozzed the shit out of it to neutralize the threat of continental hegemony, and now the demon has grown too big for it's host and will neutralize America, it's former host, to secure global hegemony. Whether the canal will succeed or not is open to speculation.

>People still falling for the Trump meme in 2017

Who is the demon and what canal ? Did you mean cabal ?

back to /pol/

why do you think?

Its because jew/APAC and Israel agents infiltrate every single large company and force this

go back to losing money, sweetie

>If capitalism is all about maximizing profits then why do so many companies keep pushing SJW shit when it's clearly a waste of money?

lawsuits. also if you dont push sjw shit you'll lose your job