Its coming

You deluded af pajeets buying at these prices are going to get BTFO.

You deluded af pajeets not selling at these prices are going to get BTFO.

Do you think the institutional investors who bought in this year are looking at these charts and saying "hmm, looks like natural growth to me. i'll stay in and HODL!". Nope you fucking idiot, they're going to want to realize their gains and wait for the impending crash.

Do you think the normies who are all hopped up like meth addicts on these gains are going to keep holding when we see a 10% correction? Nope. They're going to shit their fucking pants and firesale their stack.

Do you think the whales who play the market give af if the price drops in half? Nope, they'll happily sell their stacks at the top to double up their position at the bottom.

Only the deluded mouthbreathing retards are buying at these prices. I hope you leveraged your whole fucking house to do it you cum dumpsters. I'll happily buy your bags at the bottom.

Other urls found in this thread:

Your right user but i'm still gonna ride the wave.

Korean's ain't done yet.

Always do the opposite of what Veeky Forums tells you, just bought more butts.

By the time the crash comes they're going to wish NK had dropped the bomb on them lololol

Excellent choice pajeet. Now you can buy high and sell low in true Veeky Forums fashion. Thanks for paying for my lambo for me.

you know you can short right?

>Implying this retard has any btc
He likely has zero because he put it all into shitcoins that are collapsing daily so now he posts shill threads about his bitcoin crash fanfiction to help cope.

Shorting BTC is too dangerous because this market is inherently irrational. Its clear to anyone with a functioning brain it'll crash, and soon, but picking the exact price all the pajeets pull their head out of their ass would require some magical tea leaves I don't have.

Just tether half your stack, use the other half to buy bargain priced alts, flip them for some easy 3x gains and buy back into BTC at the bottom. Its both the safer play, and the more profitable one. No point shorting for 2x gains when you can make an easy 3-5x gains with less risk.

We had a sample of what's gonna happen when it crashes. It crashed 10% and diarrhea was already coming out of their pants.

I was 100% in Bitcoin until this morning. Unlike you I understand none of these gains are actual gains unless you sell. Unfortunately for you, everyone in this game who's worth anything understands that exact same thing, and they're all going to want to realize their gains in the very near future.

If your plan is to hold until the fork date, you'll already be too late friend.

That's a nice narrative, but it's not reality.

Tether could be the reason it crashes though. Look up its ties to bitfinex and the money conjuring they are responsible for.

Sorry friend, the delusions in your head aren't reality. You're too emotionally attached to your BTC to make it.

When you rely on memes to justify your bad decisions you're destined to live in a cardboard box.

Like every normie, you're going to shit your pants and sell for a loss when the crash comes. You'll hold your head in disbelief saying "how could I have been so greedy and stupid. all the signs were right there." but by then it'll be too late.

>OP on the defensive so hard he's going after those who agree with him

lololol. nah I'm comfy af. I hope nobody in this thread listens. I hope everyone on Veeky Forums keeps buying all the way up to the $10k they're all hoping for. I hope the deluded pajeets lose their entire life savings chasing the dragon so that when the crash does come they're too fucking poor to buy back in.

The creator of this video believes that USDT will eventually (or even soon) cause the bubble to pop due to the bitfinex fraud that is currently occurring. If you're currently in USDT user, I'd recommend selling it.

thoughts on alts to buy? neo hasn't dropped enough for me yet

did you go all in on link?

Nah I'll warn people about an obvious crash, but I won't play financial advisor.

The biggest alts will do alright once the crash comes and would be the safest bet, but the real gains will be from undervalued tokens that launched while this BTC madness had already begun that haven't even begun to see moon missions.

Look for anything that should have solid returns by Q1 2018. People are going to start dumping into them hard by December.

I'm so worried about my bitcoin

No I haven't touched that shitcoin and won't until there's something released worth investing in besides fanboy hype. I don't see it being worth anything substantial until the end of 2018.

I'm sure the Lehman Brothers weren't worried at all either friend. They too thought they were on top of the world. Turns out you have to be able to sell your assets to realize a return. Evidently that concept is too hard to grok.

thanks, your one of the more intelligent people i have read on here.

do yu realize how much media attention is btc getting now? do you realize that every fucking normie is now sending his id scans to all the fucking exchanges sitting infront of his screen like "HHNNNNNNNG!" waiting for verification/transfer wire?
this shit is going past 10k, maybe then it'll slow down, investors are not stupid and won't cash out when this bitch is going easily to 100k in a few years, and I'm not a btc hodler, I wish it crashed just as much as most of this board but it ain't fucking happening

Do you realize normies are easily spooked. If you're counting on them to save you from a crash you're delusional. They're going to SPEED UP the crash pajeet.

And if you think investors and whales won't cash out when there's a clear correction impending because they're aiming to hold for 5 years you a) don't know how investors work, and b) don't know how this game is played. I'd wager you have < 1 BTC in your portfolio based on the stupidity of your post.

This has all happened before in BTC's past, and it will all happen again. You're welcome to bet against me though. If you're so confident take out a second mortgage on your non-existant house and buy now. What could go wrong right? It only goes up 100% of the time... right?

So you're saying LINK still has a chance?
I can't believe its this cheap right now its almost at bloody ICO price and that sold out in 3 fucking seconds.

It has a chance when the team gives it a chance. Not until then though.

Makes sense user, got any more wisdom?

LINK and REQ will make you money one day. The only way they wouldn't is if they are literal scams.

stop projecting kid
just because you sold and are now shitting your pants doesn't mean btc will crash just because you want it to go down

Well I've also learned water is wet, fire is hot, humans are stupid, and gravity is a bitch.

Lemme guess. You just got into investing in crypto in the past couple years didn't you?

rate my oc

I don't doubt theyll make money but the question is whether they will outpace just holding pure btc I'm confident LINK isn't a scam they had 4 years development before even thinking about hosting an ICO. I don't know much about REQ but it looks like it didn't even get a chance to see any gains yet, its fucking under its ico price now