Reminder that self-improvement is masturbation

Listen up, faggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else.


no one cares what a mentally ill autist thinks

Why not cut the one that matters faggot and do us all a favor?

do you need to talk to someone my dude?
I'm not even trying to meme you or anything

what's going on? why do you feel like this?

You completely missed the point of the scene, and that whole movie.

>implying i would take advice from someone who can't control the squirt of his ketchup bottle

Thats my fetish

Reminder that eating and sleeping are masturbation.

You're such a projecting faggot, just because (you) have no marketable value doesnt mean (you) can project it onto others. (You) are a loser, (you) have no value, (you) are a piece of shit. Now cut the vein that matters and delete this fucking thread before (you) embrace the void knowing (you) were nothing of value

Reminder that playing with your own penis is masturbation.

>listening to anyone who likes fight club

>as a man

>i watched fight club: the thread

How about you try coming up with an original thought

>unironically quoting fight club as though it's a viable philosophy not a cautionary tale that trendy anarchism has the same trappings and hypocrisies as consumerism

commit sudoku my guy

watch out you might cut yourself with that edge

O wait

never gonna make it with those scars over your muscles

literally worse than a tattoo sleeve

seek professional help immediately

I fucking love this board sometimes
We put so much work and effort into our bodies, no matter where we came from or how weak we started - so when someone selfishly throws away their potential and succumbs to mediocrity and self-destruction, we ridicule him for he is the embodiment of the weakness and cynicism we have rid ourselves of.
Fucking beautiful.

why do people do this ?

>Listen up, faggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else.
Yea but i look hot as shit

Nope. My decaying matter is harder and more functional than yours. Go fuck yourself.