Low bf is the key to aesthetics

Low bf is the key to aesthetics

Prove me wrong

>pro tip you can't

Why would anyone try to prove otherwise?
Pic is literally just a cut, no gain in muscle at all.

That you? Good progress.

Good thread OP

>makes self-explanatory statement
> asks to be challenged

Your legs guy from the other thread

Well yeah... but that's like saying "lifting weights build muscle; prove me wrong"

The fuck kinda thread is this my negro?

In one pic easily

Behold faggot

What was your daily calories for this cut?

post a pic in the same lighting as the first one

Arms and shoulders are def bigger on the leaner pics.

>not being fat makes you aesthetic
More at 11

a good balance of muscle mass and low bf is the key to aesthetics
just like the twink in pic related looks like shit with low bf a powerlifter can look like shit with massive muscle mass
post a counterargument
>pro tip its wrong

this is what 50% of Veeky Forums looks like

And the other 50% are just /fat/

Pretty much.

Have you ever seen a Veeky Forums meet up before? They are all DYELS or Fat.

I remember seeing a University thread and some guy wanted people from his university to meet up at some restaurant. He later posted a photo of the meetup. Guess what. They are all fat, lol.

This thread: Water is wet
Prove me wrong

>pro tip you can't

Sun is Hot

Prove me wrong

< Protop you cant

Thanks I don't feel bad about my chest gap anymore

umm... duh? like wtf is this shit.

Holy shit and I thought my chest was small

>Not being fat makes you look better

what's if it's frozen solid?


You are 100% correct. It makes your face look far better as well.


all that broccoli

pictures of this dude/chick make me so fucking uncomfortable and I don't know why.