Facial Scars

So I'm thinking about giving myself a facial scar.

Jason Momoa (Pic Related) said the scar gave him his badboy image.

I have a bit of a baby face and i think a facial scar will make me look more intimidating. Girls also really like scars.

I have ordered some numbing cream to block the pain and I'm also watching some videos on Youtube about scarification.

I just need to know where to put the scar.
>On eyebrow
Will look like I've been punched with brass knuckles, girls will like this one i think

>On cheek
Will look like I've been in a knife fight but people might mistake it for a fencing accident.

>Verticle scar going down my top lip to bottom
Could look like I've been in a few fights/knife fights

What's your opinion on where the scar should go Veeky Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


If you're not a bad guy there's no use

You have autism

Eye scar, unless you're a pussy

This, unironically

Man, the scar is only as good as the story. Also, halfway intelligent people will be able to call you out on it being fake, and that will make you look even worse. Just get a hobby like leatherworking. It's cool, not prohibitively expensive, and unique.

give yourself the ol subzero

you'll lose eyesight in one eye but you can tell people you lost it in a tournament for the fate of earthrealm

that's sick

>but people might mistake it for a fencing accident
what are you the fucking count of monte cristo?

I will make up a story on how i saved some kids from a burning building.

>halfway intelligent people will be able to call you out on it being fake
Scars can't be fake.

I don't play WOW anymore

I serioulsy considered doing this to solve a serious case of babyface. Then I read in a book that apparently duelists in the 19th century did it, they got cut and then put a hair in the wound so it wouldn't heal. Seems easy and rewarding.

Whatever place you choose, I would seriously consider cutting your face symmetrically (have you noticed how the unsimmetrical characters of the movies are always the baddies?). Maybe running down your forehead, or your chin, or something (Momoa is an exception to this)

The story being fake, dumbass.

And pick something other that leatherworking then, I just gave an example. Chicks dig guys who can make stuff with their hands (source: am carpenter)

Get pic related, you have to do it with a katana tough or else it won't work


this thread gave me autism

>Will look like I've been in a knife fight but people might mistake it for a fencing accident.

You don't need to provide your shitty source here reddit.

Thanks, I will keep that in mind :)

cut here for best results in your case

t. scars all over from street fights and military, and i think you're a gigantic poof

I have a large scar on my chest and I'm so insecure about it I have never taken my shirt off in front of someone, if I had one on my face I'd probably kill myself.

Called schlager, courtesy of the most autistic country ever

>I have a bit of a baby face and i think a facial scar will make me look more intimidating.

You'll just look like a deformed baby

the fact that I cannot decide if this is low-effort b8 or honest to god autism makes me reconsider some life choices

well, congrats, you'll not only look like a facelet but also like a facelet who's got shit knife-fighting skills.
>h-heh you should s-see the other guy tho

OP, you are a dumbass. Girls dont dig scars, they dig the kind of men that live the kind of lifestyle that gives them scars. Dangerous jobs such as deep sea divers, lumberjacks, firefighters and soldiers etc.

You wanna give yourself a scar because you are to pussy to earn it. The thing is everyone else can tell that you are and they'll be able to tell afterwards. If you do this you wont look like a badass you'll look like a pussy with a scar.

I have a scar through my eyebrow from an accident when I was a kid and believe me it doesn't make you tough and you get sick of people asking you where it came from.

Go have a real fight, go get stabbed in the face with a broken bottle, or beaten over the head with a bat or a plank. Then you'll actually have a good reason to look like a troublemaker.
If not you're just larping and are not worth more than a shit real fighters step in on a daily basis. If you consider giving yourself a scar to look badass, do yourself a solid and cut across the neck.

If you want a facial scar go and earn one in a fight you bitch. Go get stabbed in the face with a broken glass or beaten over the head with a wooden plank.
If you just wanna look and act cool, everybody will be able to tell how pathetic you really are. And you'll know it to. If you want to get a scar for aesthetic reasons,do yourself a solid and cut across the neck.


Dude, you have to stop giving a shit.
I have three large scars on my chest and belly, it used to be like in your case a few years ago, then I stopped giving a shit.
You see my scars? Fine, what the fuck are are you gonna do about it? Stare? Ask me how I got them? I'll just stare right back, and make up some ridiculous story about how I wrestled a bear and got three scars that look suspiciously clean, almost as if they had been done by a surgeon with a scalpel. You won't ask me if it really was a bear because doubting truthfuless of something like this would be very impolite; you'll likely think I'm bullshitting you, but you'll forever have that little voice in the back of your mind saying dumb shit like "what if it really was a bear and one of the claws was significantly longer than the others, and only that one claw ever cut while the dude was getting mauled, and some other dumb shit I'm making up on the spot?" Meanwhile, I have no clue who the fuck you are. You're just one of loads of people I told some bullshit story to.
Some other stories I like to tell: the mafia was torturing me but then realised they had the wrong guy, taking dumb dares while on coke, juggling with daggers in a circus and sneezing at the wrong time. The more absolutely unrealistic details, the better.

Stop giving a shit, mate. If you're in the gym locker rooms or at the beach or whatever, take your shirt off, let them stare, make up some ridiculous bullshit if they ask. Who cares?
What good it getting strong, getting big, stopping being a fatass, or whatever your goal is, if you're too fucking scared to take your fucking shirt off?

I have a scar on my jaw, have a reasonably good looking face and I'm pretty Veeky Forums.

Yet still I don't get laid (I'm in college btw). It's all about you're charachter. Confidence is important too and I have it because of the way I look but it hasn't brought very far. I have no problems initiating a converstation but after 2mins they all notice my social insecurities and autismo


Throw a girl with a bomb stuffed in her vagina out of a helicopter

nigga how the fuck do you expect to do a symmetrical scar without it looking absolutely fucking staged and retarded

Just let him be autistic and live out his rpg fantasy.
He'll probably end up touching a hot knife to his skin and pussying out like every other genius out there with this idea.

>What good it getting strong, getting big, stopping being a fatass, or whatever your goal is, if you're too fucking scared to take your fucking shirt off?

It's a very good point, and I hope I just get over it one day, but that's easier said than done.
How did you actually get your scars? Mine is from falling over in my home gym onto some broken wood with nails sticking out after squatting lmao. Not a great story, but I think I'd rather just tell the truth if someone did ask.

>having piles of nail-covered wood lying around in your home gym
>actually being this retarded

Yeah I wouldn't tell the truth if I were you

It's down the highway, not across the street you mong

Ass scar.

So people can tell that you were in a raping, but at least you struggled.

5 star post user, thanks

Why the fuck would you have broken wood and nails lying around your home gym Jesus christ

My equipment is at the back of my garage and the wood was stacked neatly against a wall at the front, it wasn't like I just had piles of broken nails on the floor. Niggas fall over, jeez.

Pick up martial arts and earn one

scars are the homosexual version of tatoos and piercings

and those are pretty gay too

>So I'm thinking about giving myself a facial scar.
Stop. Just stop. Don't. You'll either get one or you won't in life, then and only then will you be able to tell people the mediocre to just maybe slightly exciting story of how it happened; and perhaps an exaggerated one to tell your kids at bed time. But for the love of God don't scar yourself like an literal emo faggot

i have a scar shaped like a Z on my arm from my cat scratching it super hard

>doing military field exercise
>army patrol training, had role as OpFor so got to run around like a guerilla and ambush patrols
>while running around accidentally scrape my wrist hard on a tree branch
>cut turned into a scar
>literally looks like I just cut myself like an emo kid
>only scar I have

This is bullshit

I fell over and hit my chin off the edge of a counter. Shit scar though, I've never had anyone notice it. They spot the godamn bumchin right away though.

sounds like something that happened to brother when he was younger, fell and hit his chin on a curb and pretty much detached his chin from his face, he has no scar whatsoever though, makes no sense.

Getting a scar isn't going to give you a personality

I got one. I dont think anyone has ever commented on it.

>tfw scar on my forehead from jumping out of an out-of-control car when I was little
>kids at school used to try and tease me for copying harry potter

The stupid thing has faded almost entirely, so I can't even brag about it anymore.

How do I give it the freezing affect

That's because it looks like you started shaving your eyebrows.

They probably just think you are doing that slit thing with your eyebrow.

because it looks like you're just one of those fags that puts lines through their brow

Liquid nitrogen maybe?

>I hope I just get over it one day, but that's easier said than done.
Just fucking do it
Stop giving a fuck. What are they gonna do about it?
>How did you actually get your scars?
Bacterial infection misdiagnosed as flu, got into my heart, grew a lot, then spread all over my body. I actually have two more scars near my crotch, two fairly big holes (now closed of course) on my back near the left kidney, and small scars all over my chest; I have no spleen, artery going into my left leg, and part of my left kidney is gone too. Also I walked around with a piss bag coming out of my back for six months, which is actually pretty rad when you're a kid.
A few months sick at home and then half a year in a hospital, and all this when I was 12-13. Really fucked me up psychologically, I'm still recovering from it. Especially the part where my father was too much of a pussy to consent to the operation until the doctors literally shouted at him that either they operated right then, or his kid would be dead in twelve hours.
>Mine is from falling over in my home gym onto some broken wood with nails sticking out after squatting lmao. Not a great story, but I think I'd rather just tell the truth if someone did ask.
That's fucking retarded and makes you look like a fucking retard, definitely make something up.
Also, the point isn't just to bullshit for the sake of bullshitting, but to mentally distance yourself from the reality of the scar.

pic related (lighting/perspective is fucked up because it's night and my ceiling lights are in a weird position, but whatever)
If I stopped caring about all this stuff, you can stop caring about falling over into a plank with nails sticking out.
Fucking do it man, I know you can do it.

Op you are not right, please stop what you are thinking and talk to a doctor about it.

The scars aren't that bad, the part i feel bad about is your shitty chest hair.

You fucking idiot

Jason Mamoa is a god damn beautiful man, like absurdly beautiful.

It adds some really nice character to his otherwise flawless face.

Unless you look like him, it's just going to make you look worse.

>I have a bit of a baby face and i think a facial scar will make me look more intimidating

lmaoing at your lyfe

You are a basket case. Don't do this.

similar here, not a counter but same height.

>tfw can grow ear to ear beard technically (I tried)
>small bald patch around chin scar would always remain
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (post too long: 2400 more E omitted)

I have some small scars on my face from a dog bite and being hit with a golf club. I fucking hate them.

Don't do it you goddamn actual mentally retarded autist

that bacteria thing is kinda hardcore, mirin life story (aside from cuck dad)

I have a forehead scar from a drunken brawl. It's recent enough I'm still not sure how to feel about it. It's about 6cm long and kind of messy, since it was from when I hit the pavement.

Near your eyebrow or cheek you're probably going to hit that nerve ring and permanently paralyze half of your face. I sure hope you do you stupid faggot.

Well it's true. I have two facial scars and they add something to my face but kever in the world I'd think about hurting myself. Get them naturally so you have a cool story to tell. Also have some self respect.

Got a few of those chin scars as well, never really paid attention to them but I recently noticed that it affects by stubbled look, realized that while looking at my wedding photos. Still I doubt anyone else really notices and cares, so there's no good reason to worry

the most dangerous fighters are the good looking ones because no one manages tp hit them. all a scar does is show that you were too slow to dodge.

thanks for the laff OP

if you aren't joking just make sure you make up a good story to go with it

>I have a bit of a baby face and i think a facial scar will make me look more intimidating. Girls also really like scars.

Meme. I have a scar near my eye. I got called "cute" for the longest time man.

you're retarded
do you think good fighters are just born knowing how to fight?

I'm extremely skinny fat with a large pot belly that is probably the result of liver problems. How do I get rid of it? Pic related was takes of me at 155 ibs.

no you don't understand, imagine a 10/10 would fuck no homo lumberjack beard with a pale bald spot the size of a bic lighter right in the middle of his chin, literally reflecting light like those things you put on bike tires (scars don't tan). it looks godawful

fix posture, train abs, cut bodyfat

>tfw you will never have arrow tier scars
>Tfw you will never make love to a beautiful woman, and as you lay together she'll feel your scars and ask how you got them

man, the phantom pain was a weird game thinking back on it

>scheifer recorded like 5 lines for venom snake

fucking konami. or kojima. whichever.

I have a better idea OP. Gouge both of your eyes out with a spoon. That way you won't be embarrassed about how you look like and chicks'll be into the whole "I have no fucking eyes" thing.

You'll be rolling pussy.

I bet you were that kid that told everyone that you had asthma or allergies just to get attention and turned into a fucking snowflake retard.
Jesus Christ are you even reading the shit you wrote?
you want to run sharp things across your face in hopes off other people liking you or giving you attention.
what a fucking loser.
this thread is packed to the brim with retards

>You'll be rolling in pussy.
He'll never see the end of it.

Femanon: "Hey, so how'd you get that scary anyway?

OP: "I cut myself."

Femanon: "I gotta go. Don't ever call me."

>living a lie for the rest of your life, a lie that you can't hide and that will be the first thing everyone notices about you
>telling people that you did it to yourself so they will think "wtf, that guy is pretty crazy, what a cool dude" but then when they think about it a little bit more they'll realize you're just an insecure dingus who mutilated his own face for attention

though choice, i agree facial scars are pretty cool but doing it yourself is just not worth it man

I have a teensy tiny scar on my right eyebrow from the time I charged fullspeed into the corner of a coffee table as a baby. It usually gets a chuckle.


do it. though get into a fight with a bear to look like pic related

>have scar on neck from cyst removal surgery
>looked kinda' cool at first
>now just looks like an obnoxious permanent hickey
>no one ever asks about it

I got a scar from a street fight. Long story short, I had a horrific split on my lip and face when it was over.

Finally, I thought, a cool scar with an authentic story.

Then it healed, and despite looking like a fucking machete wound the day it happened, it healed into a thin, slightly discolored line on my lip too small to be noteworthy. Most people claim not to see it even if I point at it, it's that lame.

No tough guy villain face for me. Probably better that way, but I still felt a bit cheated. I was a reckless idiot for years and can't even milk it for strange.

Top kek

>mfw I was crazy as a kid and used to hurt myself every day by being reckless.
>Always somehow managed to prevent the worst from happening, so the only scars I have are small and unnoticeable.
>Except those on my dick.
>Got circumcized by a shitty doctor in Egypt because my parents were too retarded to ask wether the procedure was available here in Europe (it was), so now my dick is covered in weird scars and has skin bridges all around it.

Doesn't really bother me, as I'll die a sorcerer, but if I'll ever have to show it to someone, I'll just say someone brought their dog to a gloryhole or something.

what the fuck is this thread

I've got a gnarly throat scar from cancer. It's been five years but it still looks really fresh, I really don't scar well. People have a strong tendency to glance at it when speaking to me for the first time. It has gotten me laid in the past, believe it or not.

>My eyes are up here

Pic related

you should try to get a scar on your throat, ideally very deep and wide

Or you can become a mercenary and get them "naturally" like this guy:

The pictures are gone now, but I saved the thread with the complete pictures while it was online.
Here it is:

I have a shitty eyebrow scar, mines horizontal not vertical like his, i had thought about it like like 5 years before this thread. I got it falling out of bed when i was like 2

>Some little fucker in grade 3 used to pick on me and tell me i got it because my parents were drunk fighting and throwing plates at eachother and one hit me.

what about scars on females? I don't think they have the same kind of attractiveness

>tfw forehead scar from childhood accident long ago

depends. can be hot on some bat shit crazy harley from batman type girls or some mature russian military type etc but looks shit on most.

same for guys. op will still have a babyface even after cutting himself.

Pop or slash?


There's only one Veeky Forums approved real life facial scar, and it's pic related.

Everything else is either emo rpg, or somebody that is already so good looking that his entire face could be one giant scar and he would still look bad ass.

we still have this, it is called a schmiss done by the fraternities in their academic fencing. you however put salt in your wound.

Why the fuck would you give yourself a scar? I got this foot scar a year ago and still don't like being bare foot because of how gross it is