Anyone here unfortunate enough to have played football at any point during your youth...

Anyone here unfortunate enough to have played football at any point during your youth? How does it feel to know that you undeniably induced permanent damage to your brain? Any regrets/decisions to not let your children make the same mistake?

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What a generation of fucking pussies.

What a generation of fucking morons.

This is purely anecdotal, but I was a high school basketball player and had a good amount of friends on the football team. I ended up going through college with most of them, and what I watched was astounding. They ALL digressed into depressed alcoholics. These were intelligent, driven high schoolers that, after 4 years of football became degenerate pieces of garbage. I'm namely thinking of 4 specific guys, 2 of them had 2 concussion, 1 had 3, and the other guy had a whopping 9 concussions before deciding to quit. Now, the unfortunate cuck that had 9 is in his 7th year of school with a cumulative 0.8 GPA.

Seriously, don't play football.

fuck, is this for real? I played my first two years of high school, could that really have done that much damage?

I played lacrosse all four years of highschool and ended up with a total of 7 serious concussions. I've not noticed any decline in cognition or overall intelligence but my short term memory is pretty shit.

I don't think highschool especially JV would fuck you up that much but
At the collegiate level brain damage is pretty much guaranteed

Is lacrosse that contact intensive, or did you position put you at higher risk?

Every ex-football player I've ever met has been literally retarded so I wouldn't doubt the long term effects

tfw your chad football days turned you into a brainlet

Is there any way to reverse this kind of long term damage?

>he whines on a korean cok smoking forum
>while chad plays futball while banging all the stacies and 10/10
Tell me how does it feels like?

If your brain isn't Chris Benoit mode by the time you're 40 you're a huge faggot

Right?! Brain damage is fucking cool. The idea of being a human vegetable by 40 is just so scintillating, how can anyone but a weakling resist that?!

During high school:
>Man I wish I was tall and strong so I could play football all of the sloots suck QB Chad's dick before every game

After high school during career:
>I sure am happy I'm not a subhuman vegetable brainlet and have a fully functioning noodle, making 70k+ before the age of 25 sure is a good way to get pussy whenever I want

Stay jelly Chad, I can draw a picture if this post is above your reading comprehension



pro football players have lived more life by 40 than most do by 80

>i've not noticed any decline
>i have an obvious mental deficit

quit any activities that put you at risk of more concussions (concussions are more damaging if you've already had one)
do a shit ton of cardio, like become a marathon runner (increases neurogenesis)
get your noggin' joggin' (studying and mentally challenging tasks have been proven to prevent dementia, which is what you want to avoid if you have a history of concussions)

that's pretty much it. if you didn't play in the NFL then you're probably not going to end up a vegetable

You know, in my country children just play real football rather than fucking handegg. Only in America can letting children bash eachothers brains in be considered cool.

Speaking of which, why the fuck is boxing more popular than MMA? A normal "knock-out punch" knocks you unconciouss for a second or so and has you staggering around like a drunk for about a minute. Yet in boxing, you're not "knocked out" until your brain has sustained so much damage you're out cold for at least ten seconds. Meanwhile in MMA a match can be ended by a pin or an armbar (which can very easily be used as a follow-up to a "regular" knock-out). The fuck is it with all these retarded sports encouraging brain damage?

I'm as baffled as you. And when you question someone's obsession with a one of these "sports" you get called a pussy for not embracing lifelong brain injury. Only in the USA..

lol pussy

I don't give a shit, I'd take it in a heartbeat over the glorified garbage that is soccer

t. europoor

I was a fat fuck linemen and all I did was push people so I probably don't have brain damage.

While YOU were playing CHESS and doing your HOMEWORK like a NERD Chad was getting BRAIN DAMAGE like an ALPHA so he could SLAY pussy

Turning our brains into bubblegum is just part of american exceptionalism, fuck off eurofag

>Tfw had 4 loss of consciousness concussions before the age of 19, even had to get life flighted for one of them because I was out so long

22 now and I think i've fared pretty damn well. Graduated college with a 3.4 and I actually don't have autism but I can't help but wonder what I might have been without smashing myself into the ground so many times.

I'm happy for it, I was bullied by chads especially the futball lunks in HS (one was gay and sexually harassed me sometimes, later killed himself after outing)

Nice that there is some Revenge of the Nerds in the form of brain damage

Are you a pro football player?

> 3.4 gpa

So you're legally retarded? Ban football.

CTE isn't real. It's just something invented by people who want to kill football.

Played football since I was in 2nd grade, until I graduated college.

Had 2 concussions in ~16 years of playing.

I did 5 years of canadian football and 5 years of wrestling. Never a single concussion. My only real injury was a completely torn ACL at a provincial wrestling tournament.

This is no myth. Any repeated head trauma can increase the risk of various brain diseases and degeneration. Even jumping from moderate heights. I'll stick to lifting, thank you. Maybe jew jitsu, but I don't like the idea of grabbing other men by balls.

you can't notice something like that. The retarded new you can't comprehend it. I mean, I'm not saying it had an effect on you, because I don't think it affects everyone, but if it did, you wouldn't be able to notice it. It's a change that progress in a long time.

That's how you differentiate between a master boxer and just a good one. A master will talk normally in their 50s.

>hurr you arent getting brain damage all for some shitty faggy game?!

This. Seriously any former college (or even serious high school) football player is a complete retard by the age of 30.

bls drew the pic

you sound like a giant pussy

Fuck off, Alex Jones

Prove me wrong.

I'm actually working on a study about this right now.

what are your findings so far?

Although one severe concussion is also discussed to have decade-long sequelae, CTE refers to the effect of repeat small-impact trauma.


What if I played football for three years but didn't get any concussions?

Americans bash each others brain in.
Achmed bashes Europoor brain in.

I used to fight, had quite a few concussions. The symptoms were devastating, an dramatically changed who I was.

I stopped sparring totally, and got on amphetamine meds. A few years later and a lot of the symptoms have gone away.

you know that only pros get scrambled brains?
Chad used his self-esteem from fucking Stacy and succeeded in life. Today he is a millionaire and fucks even more prime pussy.

I will just leave this here.

Before stating "expert" opinions, please read the article provided by OP

The article discusses observed damage in cases where the athletes didn't report concussions. Signs of damage were still present in these players months after.

You do know what boxing is, right? Two well-trained men of basically equal talent punch each other in the face as hard as they can until one of them faints. That is going to cause brain damage, even if it affects speech or not

My dad played a bunch of different sports as a kid and died at 53 from ALS. He legit didn't know who I was when he died

Were you wearing a disguise or was it because of the ALS?

>Symptoms of CTE generally begin 8–10 years after experiencing repetitive mild traumatic brain injury.

>I don't like the idea of grabbing other men by balls.
Whom do you think you're fooling?

you fucking pretentious nonce

I had several serious concussions playing lineman and linebacker. A decade out of high school I have fits of rage I can from inside tell are ridiculous but I lack the ability to stop myself from having them. It's like I am watching myself meltdown about minor stuff while screaming from inside for myself to stop.

I get flustered and upset with my wife, and only friend about things that shouldnt, and I am terrified that one day she will just throw her hands in the air and be done with me.

I recall being hit so hard sometimes, while watching game tapes with the team, we would rewind and fast forward like ten times, just to watch my head hit the ground and feet end up where my head was supposed to be. So fucked up.

whom is the object of the verb "fooling," dummy.

Dunno about NFL but I've been injured to fuck playing rugby (not brain shit tbf) and I wouldnt trade it for the world, you only get once chance in this life having bants and friendships with the lads

Let's talk about the bullshit NCAA football system. College students are playing at near pro level and getting a lifetime of brain damage, but they don't need to get paid because free tuition lol.

Name me one college athlete who isn't a filthy homosexual.

idk man i'm about to graduate a marine biology degree at a top university with a good GPA so, i feel pretty fucking good about it desu
>fuck off football was fun as fuck
>guess what i did after football..... boxing
still thinking bout thos brain gains senpai?

>marine biology

Hey lay off man, the world needs marine biologists to suck off our surfers and beach bums.

I've known some very smart football players before. Not everyone that plays gets a TBI or CTE. Mostly just the ones that do a lot of tackling.

kek. i spend my weekdays playing with expensive lab equipment in a white coat and my weekends taking hot chicks scuba diving, driving boats and eventually boning them.
>problem bruh?

>In spite of all of that I need to validate myself on an anonymous image board
Problem bruh? Lmaoo

Sorry bro.
Maybe get your brain checked out.


i-is this what validation feels like user?

I played football from as early as I can remember to college. Banging cheerleaders was worth it

I had a good buddy that sustained multiple concussions playing football in high school. His parents made him keep playing despite the danger. His older brother was a star athlete and I think his parents wanted him to follow in his footsteps. He was never that great a player so he was always given the older equipment like helmets, which ended up causing him multiple concussions during practices/games.

We finally managed to talk him out of playing after a while but I think the damage was already done. About 4 years out of high school he abruptly started to decline and become reckless and depressed. It was like something switched off in his head and he couldn't turn it back on. He eventually killed himself at age 22.

This was before the whole CTE think burst on to the scene so maybe im just projecting, but I think it was what killed him. The way his behavior changed mirrored the symptoms of the disorder.

Not to drag the mood down but you guys got to remember that you only get one brain, make sure to take care of it.

That picture is legitimately one of the scariest things I've ever seen. Real glad I've never had any head trauma, heart's aching for you bros that have.

One in a million guy will take little to no shots. Look at Muhammad Ali. Wait, that's a bad example. Look a at Vitalij Klitschko or Floyd Mayweather. They talk perfectly normal.

no archive
cerebrolysin will heal the damage, blast first 5-10ml a day and cruise with 5ed or 5eod.
should be mandatory and in every contact sport.
brain gains 4u

There have been examples of high school football where this was identified. I imagine they were probably from some of the truly hardcore football states like Texas.

>Tfw I played Gaelic football instead
>No brain damage
>Crooked nose from 2 breaks
>Constant knee and ankle pain
>Tore ligament in wrist
>Hurt my hip (undiagnosed)
>Jammed all my fingers numerous times
>Hurt shoulders more times than I can count
>Broken toes

Gaelic football isn't even as contact intensive as American. Think rugby but you can only slam into someone shoulder to shoulder if they're going for the ball.

I sometimes wonder about that - more than once I've been in a meeting or working on something and thought to myself 'I'm pretty sure that ten years ago, I would have solved this / gotten this by now.'

Maybe you could've majored in physics or math if you didn't play football

It's not a faint, they fight until one of them gets a serious concussion or the last round ends.

Football isn't a death sentence lads - some people seem to be built to take it. The best lb on my high school team KO'd at least six opposing players per season for three seasons and then did the same in uni until he managed to tear some major muscle - killed his pro hopes completely. He's doing fine now and it's been well past 10 years.

>this isnt common knowledge yet

Is this an American thing or something to not know how bad head impacts are? Even if you play soccer headbutting the ball leads to micro trauma on your brain.

Every single time you see guys in football impact each other, they are causing brain damage.

My only regret is that my parents didnt pull me out of sports entirely. Would have been fine had I stuck to just swimming and running, but I took lots of balls to the face when I was younger.

You cant always tell if you have had a concussion. Some are more serious than others, but all physical blows to the head lead to some level of brain damage.

i'd like to physically blow one of your heads

>hedonism is life
Yeah you fucking ape, hope someone shoots some heroin up in you when you're asleep and the faggot you are you will never stop taking it since youre a weak willed subhuman

ur moms pussy tho

>implying you will survive where I live

I don't need to fend for myself. I'll just hide in your mother's pussy, friend. You did.

But how when you're a loser?

Your mother fucks and gives birth exclusively to losers.