
What was so extraordinary about Zyzz? I see plenty of generic fitness models who look just as good as him... Please tell me what I'm missing

He made it


He was one of us. And his transformation from absolute DYEL to what we all know him as was legitimately impressive. Even with steroids.

To add onto this, he went from an Andrew to a Chad.

he was a sikkunt

He started as a stick figure WoW playing bitchboi who browsed /b/ to a pussy slaying machine.

cause was a sick cunt who showed his progress on Veeky Forums and /b/.

Plus, he made me avoid saunas forever.

Every pic I have seen with zyzz and girls usually had some 6/10 or below in them

did he actually turn into chad, I highly doubt that

he wasn't just some normal chad, he started out as you see on the left and decided one day to transform himself. turns out he had excellent genetics and insertions and everything and he turned out aesthetic as fuck.

the main reason is because of his online personality though, to an outsider he just seemed like a douche but it was basically all just bants. he made a ton of videos and posted here a lot and stuff. he was just a funny dickhead sort of guy. his personality totally changed with the new body and confidence and i think that transformation is what resonates so much with fitizens.

He posted on Veeky Forums. If he never posted on Veeky Forums and exclusively posted on or on YouTube instead, then you would never have heard of him.

Zyzz was chad as fuck. Died from cocaine. That's a chad way to go

do you even know what chad is?

I only liked his cuz his body, arrogance and tattoos tßh

He was probably the first person who ever actually made vids about it and personified the idealization of fitness chadification. He was the dude that showed that you can be an autistic WoW playing faggot and with some degree of success and still change yourself into a personified ideal.

You homo

Men he was chad

he was a /b/ tard that turned into zyzz, and shitposted on Veeky Forums all the time. his videos are funny too.

He made it and he made you believe that you could make it too

quads of truth says it all

I admire the idea he represented, not what he was.

>turns out he had excellent genetics and insertions and everything and he turned out aesthetic as fuck.

And steroids, don't forget the steroids.

He became chad

He went from zero to hero.