Any CryptoFags here? Recently I've been complimenting my aesthetic gains and

Any CryptoFags here? Recently I've been complimenting my aesthetic gains and
gains with some financial gains.
Thoughts on Eth? Any alt coins you're looking at?

Feel free to post portfolios. Right now I've got 6k in ETH, 4k in Stratis and just dropped 2k into DICE. Started with 2k so I'm doing pretty well for myself

In other news hit 8 rep 45lb pullup today

I have 100k XBY and it has grown 4x in the last week.

feels great getting that bench press press to come back home to learn your coins been stacking up.

Started about two weeks ago with £1350, currently my stack is worth about £2500, really happy with myself & the progress,
still have a long way to go though

Stay in your contaminate board faggot

T. Sold a fuck ton of ETH at $50 and BTC at 800

Probably going to jump on the Golem train.


>buying crypto and not stocks
you might as well be buying gold, DESU

You can only really start investing when you know the essentials and have more than 100k in bank. I wager less than 10% have that here.

thats not how investing works. You can start with any amount

Ever since ether went up, all the guys at work and people on the internet are now apparently experts on it.

The thing is that crypto is ok to play with, but it's not an "investment" proper since there's no way to really predict the market since it's a commodity. What's more, it's a commodity that gets fucking hacked all the time, is extremely volatile, and totally unstable.

I threw like $400 bucks into it. Went up $100, went down $27. Just playing with it. The thing is that there are way more stable investments you there if you're serious about this. If you want gamble on fast moving stocks and stuff, you'd be better off investing in penny stocks because you don't have to deal with all the asinine exchanges turning your real money into monopoly money.

>If you want gamble on fast moving stocks and stuff, you'd be better off investing in penny stocks
aaannnnndddd stopped reading there senpai

I have 36,000 in 24th right now started with 11,000
Losing weight and getting girls left and right. About to settle for a gf but being a Chang is too much fun. Is this making it?


made .75 btc on sc today, breddy gud stuff
absolute bullshit statement. I started with 300 pounds and now have about 30,000. You should know about market analysis, but saying you need 100k (especially for something as volatile as crypto) is retarded


so you have some pretend money that you can never take out. How about investing in something real, like companies.

>that you can never take out
literally bought a holiday by cashing out some btc earlier this year but okay
>like companies
lol have fun with your 5% anual returns

Kek I've taken out my initial investment of 25k out already. Stay mad nocoiner!

>so you have some pretend money that you can never take out. How about investing in something real, like companies.

Show me a company worth investing in in this economy

>thinks that companies are outdated

it was a joke making fun of the mad nocoiner itt
But if you actually want to buy stocks, buy fucking Alexion stocks, shit's the safest investment in the world
Crypto is still cool though

Keep the shilling at Veeky Forums please. You crypto faggots ruined that board. Don't ruin this one too.

i got into crypto a few years ago and i just still let it build, only use it to buy shit online sometimes, anyway, speaking of a company worth buying one of the posters asked about...

an american company just bid on a german company that specializes in road building. for like 5 billion or something.

maga and all that shit. infrastructure might get a boost like a mother fucking rocket.

just saying, not trying to be cryptic lol, but yeah, look into it/

(im just getting into fitness and im middle aged already god dammit. ectomorph at least so not fatass, but ive been eating wrong my whole life. plus beer)


Back to biz with your bean threads

You're talking about thousands of US dollars? Omg. I'm so poor. I thought that board only had poor faggots like myself

What website do you use to buy the other altcoins? I can buy eth, btc, and ltc but dont know a reputable site to buy the others

lol at the nocoiners here