current body thread
187 lbs
lifting for 10 months, started out pretty chubby at 197 lbs


Feel like my chest looks weak despite it being my best lift by far.

105x2 kg bench
145x3 kg dead
125x3 kg squat
55kx5 kg ohp

back xD

Is it advisable to do a mini cut while bulking?

I'm at 62kg 5'9, and uh I have a small belly from bulking up from 56kg. (Just started lifting a few months ago)

My numbers are pathetic,

52.5kg x 4 bench
80kg x 4 dead
55kg x 4 squat

2 months of lifting. Pretty dyel. 5'10 180

>145kg dl
>skeleton noodle arms
>claims to bp 105kg twice

post proof

Op here, i DL 190kg, squat 115 and bench 80, My lifts are as uneven as it gets. It aint impossible


I wouldnt believe you bench 105kg with that chest if this wasnt an user board.
Looking great otherwise

Damn breh, mirin

good job user. lookin cut..time to bulk

1 2 2 3 for reps
lifting for too many years before i focused on the big 4


Mirin chest,
im still at like 15% body fat, will i just look like a skelly if i try to cut down all the way to 10%? Maybe i should do a bulk then after i've added a bit of mass try to get down to 10%?

My six week progress...

I mean, there's SOME progress, right? ;_;

used to be obese, lost weight, slower bulked and am now cutting but might switch to something else.

Apparently I'm around 17% according to Navy Body Calc. What do you guys think and should I cut, recomp or bulk?
I will have another pic and obviously, pic of related
And lifts:

DL:200lbsx4(just switched back from sumo where I was 270lbs x2, basically just getting back into groove)

Pt 2

tfw will never acheive 10% body fat again

fucking solid


congratulations, you're fat

Just took the June one today.

I look like shit, but it's only been 6 months of gaining instead of losing to auschwitz levels so I might have somethin to look forward to

depebds on end goal.
if aestheticsfag then cut down
if strengthfag then steady lean bulk

im thinking you never actually got to 10%

how bad is it Veeky Forums

Pretty bad desu, do you lift?

Pls tell me I look like I lift 213 > 182 since December. Cutting from my winter bulk

Your physique is great. I think this is the body most girls go after

How did you get stretch marks there of all places?

6'0 170 lbs. How do i look Veeky Forums

You look great man, mirin'.

And maybe some dudes.

..No homo of course.

Cut tubby


Thanks desus, and homos

My girlfriend hasn't talked to me in three days so I need to be ready for the breakup body

I use to be 280 so I have loose skin and stretches from about 3.4 years ago

Only thing that progressed is your bodyfat

You got fatter congrats

And the last one

Nice blank canvas, now start lifting.

You stopped being fat, good job

None of you lift desu
2.5 years
U mirin

5'9, 150 lbs

You'd be laughed out of any gym not named planet fitness.

181cm is 5'11 you mong

181 cm is 5'11"

I accounted for you exaggerating your height, manlet

Burn. And 150 lbs is girl weight (if she got big tits and ass).

best body posted so far
mirin your veins on pecs and abs
whats your diet like?
get some tan

5'9 170

Guess stats?

Nice. We have nearly identical stats. 86kg 179cm here.

Figured I should take these pics at the worst possible angle to see what I have done so far

63 days of cutting, Day 5 of PSMF. Gonna run PSMF for 2 and a half weeks and see how shredded I can get before bulking again.

>tfw terrified to bulk and get fat again

6'3 211 lbs... Plz no bully

do you take any thermogenic drugs to get that lean? Like yohimbine?

Pseudo-keto combined with intermittent fasting. Eating ass helps too

Ive not weighed myself since started lifting again but I reckon about 90kg and not fussed about bf just now just enjoy lifting and eating.

This is 20 Dec to 1st June

Nope, just preworkout and fasted volume training with lots of supersets

Forgot pic lol

must be estatting



decent.. keep eating


very nice. myron

you dont weigh 200 lbs

8/10 user. looking great

you got fatter?



good upper back

great progress

its pretty bad

bretty gud.

good chest

incredible desu

looking good but you are very light

nice job my dark friend

lifts? Looking strong

great progress!

i weigh 90 kilograms.

no you dont

whatever you want to believe brother.
im not proud i look the way i do at that weight.

He very well might. He's 6'3 with a bit of muscle and a bit of fat. What is with all these retards on Veeky Forums that think they know what everyone weighs and how tall they are?

Newfag at the gym here, I have only gone twice so far but (no homo) I want the body that you have. I'm taking your advice to heart and routine but can you show another pic of the legs?

Bodyweight fat reporting in.
6' 198 lbs

What needs work bruhs?

Not focussed on body building but getting ready for the military.. A year ago I could count all my ribs :^)

Still feel like I look awful but performance>looks


A little bit of everything. Probably could've standed a cut as well.

What's your routine looking like? You doing your pull ups and dips heavy enough for progression via sets or reps, along with everything else?

Lift heavy and eat more. 5'11 at 130lbs is fucking skelly.

You also want a strength base when you join, or the rucking is gonna fuck you up. What branch?

6ft 165lbs
Home workout/calisthenics only. Just figured out that isometrics exist and I'm excited to go workout now.

replying to

Your my fucking hero. Keep pushing at it.

Living it home with a pretty tight budget is impeding on the amount of food I can buy

Going to try for Royal Marines

Push ups: 50
Sit ups: 85

I need to reach 65kg to join, I was 50 a few months back when I started seriously preparing

You've got wide hips, you need to work on bigger shoulders, chest, and lats.

bench 1RM - 105kg
deadlift 140kg x5
squat 130kg x3
ohp - ??

fuck Veeky Forums raped my quality, heres a fullbody

chest and core needs some work, i guess arms could do some aswell

those stats suck for how you look. Are you natty? Those androgenic muscles say otherwise ;)

confused if i should take that as a compliment on my physique or critique on my strength lol

i am not natty, but not a roidmonster either

Get yourself some gymnastic rings and a decent sturdy bar. Do some heavy pull ups and dips (staying in the 3-8 rep range) for 3-5+ sets. Pull ups and dips are the squats and deadlifts of the upper body and they will build good mass.

Throw in some horizontal rows, shoulder work, rear delt flys, and arms isolations and there you go.

You can surely bulk for cheap if you know what and how much to buy. Make it a little dirty if you have to.

One of the biggest mistake I see as a fellow service member (U.S.) make is joining thinking all they gotta do is run fast and they're good.
Outside of fitness tests, you're never gonna run slick. You gotta have strength. The military will also feed you quite a bit of food as well

5'11 175

Been trying to hit abs hard for the past ~3 months and still not much definition. Oh well. Going to cut another 5 lbs, probably eat around maintenance for the summer months then go on a big bulk and try to gain ~20 lbs in september.

Starting in september*, before anyone tries to comment that gaining 20 lbs in a month is impossible

I'm 18 (NATTY) 2.5 years into lifting and I outlift you on every lift lmao seriously kys

Nice delts. Could use some more arm

5'7 170lbs Triceps of peace reporting in

All I've got so far is a couple of 8kg Dumbbells so it's probably time to invest

I was running 3-4 times a week but dropped it to 1-2 whilst I'm trying to get bigger. That's been the hardest part for me, working on everything without neglecting parts of it

I've got 2 years before I finish college, even I should be able to gain 3kg a year

All hints are noted down, always helpful to hear from somebody with experience

5'7, 135, 7 months

Lul just tell people you're natty brah

wtf, why?

Dude don't sweat it, you look awesome. You'll look even better once you finish that cycle and do new ones, that's for sure.

Current cycle? Routine? Diet?

Ayy found u toboo

How many calories a day are you eating? I'm 5"11 and 145lb on a good day. I'm at 2750-3000 calories a day and not gaining anything. I lift 3 times a week and play hockey 3 times a week. My work is also very active.

>once you finish that cycle and do new ones


If your range of calories is that large then I don't think you are accurately measuring them every day.

I've been cutting the last ~2 months so I'm eating like ~2500 cals a day. During the summers I work manual labour so 2500 is pretty low. When I'm not working manual labour and trying to gain weight I eat like 3k. I don't count liquor calories though which probably adds like 1500 on Friday/sat.

If you have active work + hockey + weightlifting then I'd eat more than 3k if you're trying to gain.

It also just takes time. It might not look like it (have never taken it too seriously), but I've been lifting for like 4 years.

Current cycle is 250 test-e and 400 tren-e, added some dbol at 30mg from week 2-4, worked really well with the tren

Routine is just a typical bro split, but i try to get chest and back worked 2 times a week, since i lack thickness on my upperbody, will eventually get a coach since im thinking of trying out mens physique, hopefully that will give me a more "complete" look

Diet is eat everything i can, focus on lots of carbs before and after workouts, atleast 60-80grams, and 2-3g proteins per kg bodyweight, not intrested in cutting (yet) since i'd rather look like a bear (despite my genes) than some men's physique athlete, but since thats what my genetics currently allow, thats probably the best bet to go for if i wanna try out competing

pic related is me 2012-2015-2016
2016 was a hard cycle with alot of bloat, later drug abuse made me lose alot of gains during a period, but im clean now and more motivated than ever

orange tanktop here
mirin hard!


Fucking solid dude. I'm currently week 5 into my cycle, and I'm trying to cut for 2 more weeks until I go into a hard bulk. I was coming off a 2 month natty hard cut, and I just wanted to see it through before I start blasting food again.

You definitely got the proportions for competing, solid on you. I'm not so genetically blessed so I got wide hips, big rib cage, and long limbs. Maybe I'm more of a bear mode type of dude than you lmao

Keep at it man, you'll for sure make it

sweet! what you running?
with the description of your physique maybe you should give classic bodybuilding a try if youre interested in competing?

halloo!! are you in LA?

I'm running 500mg of Test E 3x a week right now, along with Anavar 80-100mg ED. I just added in some superdrol for a bit to make myself look full and vascular on this PSMF I'm doing right now. I feel shitty, but I'm looking lean.

Lol I'm gonna have to get a LOT bigger before I can even think about something like that. I have an unhealthy relationship with food and tend to overeat a lot, so cutting at such low cals for the last 3 months has been literal hell. Plus the fear of rebounding on the fat once I get off is real. I wanted to stay on the superdrol for a little longer so I can just go back to eating a fuck ton of food with little rebound, take a small break, then get back on the sdrol

If anything I'd like to give powerlifting a go. Who knows? We'll see.

well the positive side is that if you once where overweight you have easier on putting on size since youre used to eating alot and you probably got decent mass from the beginning, plus calves!

is that your first cycle? test is love amirite?
i have yet to try anavar, seems interesting but i love dbol, gives me a nice mental state, positive outlooks on everything
A tip is to not sacrifice wellbeing for gains, once i did a cycle of 60/60 dbol/anadrol and 1g test/week and i was a stereotypical roiduser, one hour i would be horny as a bull, next hour raging out cus my phone was slow, and next hour id be crying cus i saw some semi sad commercial on tv, had to stop the anadrol cus i was NOT prepared for the bitch slap it gave my mental health

if you got the potential you should definetly go for powerlifting, manly af

post some pics man!

Sometimes I will fit in an extra cup of yogurt before bed which puts me at 3k. Otherwise its 2750.

I don't generally count liquor calories as well. A few beers here and there is all I drink though. It seems impossible for me to eat above 3k unless I eat like 2kcals worth of mcdonalds and drink a protein shake in the same day. I can't do that everyday though. What do you generally eat? Considering you're still somewhat lean. Also, what are your basic lifts at?

>post some pics man
Oh fuck.... is me. I know for a fact that I'm going to get flamed to hell for this but fuck it. I look disgusting, but once I start bulking again I hope to god I'll put on some good size.

Unfortunately I was skinny fat, so a little eh on the calves. Basically I was/am genetically fucked.

I'll try to remember that tip. I was thinking about throwing in some tren on the back end of this cycle to see what would happen. But my job sometimes has me going out into the field for weeks on end, so the only thing I can really manage are heavy pull ups, dips, single leg squats, etc. I hate it.

Anavar is great, just way overpriced. You'd probably be better off with winny desu. I've yet to experience the full benefit of rest because I haven't started eating a lot of food yet lmao.

Appreciate it tho man. You got more potential than me, that's for sure