How do I, as a man, be happy Veeky Forums?

How do I, as a man, be happy Veeky Forums?

I am 25 years old, white male, 5ft 10, not bad looking. I shirk from conflict. I am quickly look away from other men when i am walking down the street. I have a good circle of friends. I play the drums, I work out 3 times a week, I have a 4 year old son who I love, but I feel I am letting down because I am not "man" enough.

I fap to sissy and femdom and cuckold porn, and have only had sex with 3 women in my life. In conversations with people, i am too busy thinking of what to say next instead of actually listening to people and worry that I come off as too boring.

Browsing Veeky Forums has helped me realise my unhappiness, or rather helped me realise I can make moves to escape it. But where the fuck do I go form here? How do I move forward and find happiness in my life when I am still basing my happiness on female validation?

>5ft 10

found your problem

Stop it, just...stop!! You, yeah you stop!

>I have a 4 year old son who I love
>I fap to sissy and femdom and cuckold porn
user, I...

>I have a 4 year old son who I love
And a wife right?...right?

This is what I mean, i want to be a good masculine role model for him, but how can i do that when my head makes me fap to weird shit like that?

I'm looking for anyone who has managed to get rid of this brain tripe, and how they did it.

Liked and subscribed my friend. Can't wait for the next episode.

I split with his mom. We get on fine though. I see him every 2 weekends.

Stop jacking off more than twice a week.

Why did you split up?

Good news is that it sounds like you have lots of potential.

It sounds like you just aren't happy with yourself and look to others for validation. That's the problem. You need to be happy with yourself before being happy with others.

Go out and live an interesting life. Start small like trying food from a new culture. Learn to scuba dive, rock climb, ride motorcycles, or something that people typically get in groups to do. Then work up to taking a weekend road trip somewhere not too far away. Maybe a new place to try out the new skill you learned.

Learn how to make one really good dish. It could be pasta, bbq, vegetarian, whatever.. but learn to make it 5 star so that people beg you to bring it to events.

As far as the cuck porn goes, you're likely just in a phase. Maybe find some other types of porn that's less beta. Ever heard of cuckqueens? Maybe you're into open relationships? That's for you to figure out.

Living a more interesting life based on YOUR success will make YOU happier. This will draw people into your life. I can't explain why.. Maybe it's some cosmic force that draws good karma or some shit, maybe it changes your attitude and people respond to you differently, maybe you just stop giving a fuck if everyone likes you or not.

Focus on your son faggot, and just try to come out of your gay bubble to experience what else is out there. Try doing stuff you wouldn't think about doing and even though you don't have a spine, create a fake one to gain the confidence you so desperately need. How? Be the man that kid deserves, and not the winp this world so does not need. Even though you're a manlet, don't let that discourage you from fapping to better and sexier stuff then that, you faggot. Also, when walking down the street, keep looking forward and don't you dare look down. Try doing that as a challenge and let that serve you as, if you own the sidewalk. Oh, and next time someone is talking to you, pay attention faggot! It's better to say whatever you think on the spot than to say something weird and sound like a rapist without hearing what they said. Also stop giving a fuck what cunts say about you, own every place you're at, and if someone gives you an attitude stand your ground, and fuck him up. With all that being said, good luck op, and don't you dare let that lil kid be ashamed of the man you're becoming, I mean, c'mon bitch you're only 25, time to grow tf up. Also, workout more. Lifting is life and you need them gains right more then ever.

Things were going shit, then she cheated. I stay god with her for the sake of my son.

>Things were going shit, then she cheated. I stay god with her for the sake of my son.
Is this why you jack off to cuck and sissy porn?

>Living a more interesting life based on YOUR success will make YOU happier. This will draw people into your life. I can't explain why.. Maybe it's some cosmic force that draws good karma or some shit, maybe it changes your attitude and people respond to you differently, maybe you just stop giving a fuck if everyone likes you or not

I see this alot in advice from other guys, the kind of "build it and they will come"mentality.

Care to tell me more about your life?

Poetic and brash advice. Reminds me of Zyzz.

Gonna start doing some cardio to gibe me an endorphin boost too.

Try NoFap man. That porn you're watching has a HUGE effect on your personality and confidence, you can't even imagine. I was like you and after a thousand years of trying to cut it, I managed to do it. I'm 500% more manly now guaranteed.

Weirdly, I jacked off to that shit before I met her, and even when I was fucking her, id think of her cucking me.

This seems like a weird half assed troll, but i wouldn't waste my time here. It still makes me cringe and feel shame.

Sure, why not.
>> 27 y/o
>> 6 y/o son
>> ex Army
>> married girl who took my v-card
>> got cancer
>> got a divorce
>> survived cancer
>> 38 notches on my bed post
>> currently in college on GI Bill
>> also going through a low point but I'm pulling it together

Every time I experience these low points, I have this bad habit of wallowing in self-pity. That only makes me feel worse and accomplishes nothing. I only ever move forward in life when I start doing things for myself. I lift because it makes me feel good, I study hard because I know it will benefit me, I trudge through the hard times because tomorrow is a legit mystery and it could be my time to shine. I'm generally confident that my life will pull through for me if I keep working at it.

>> married girl who took my v-card
>> 38 notches on my bed post

Respect. I thought after being married, you'd have forgotten how to pull women. Have you spent anytime learning game by the way? My head has been so fucked up for quite some time, and i feel it has eroded my natural charm. Want to know if learning game is worth it or I should just focus on improving other aspects of my life first.

>Lifting is life and you need them gains right more then ever.
We're all gonna make it bruh!

Not that guy but i havent ever given one thought to imporving my game only the value of my life and my work (am an artist) and that has women actually in love with me

I totally get that, i understand that women find male purpose and drive and ambition sexy. What I don't understand, or can't seem to learn, is how I would translate that to attracting women? How does success with my career and personal life manifest itself in getting good with women?

When I am successful, do i just go up and say "by the way, i own my own business and shit"?

i am over exaggerating to emphasise how clueles I am on this subject.

I actually got into PUA back in 2008 when I was 18 or so. It did actually help me pick up women. It forced me to go out and talk to girls and make friends.. there was no magic pickup line or anything. It just made me more social.

Anyway, I recently got out of a meh/10 relationship and I've been doing a lot of thinking. As douchey as this sounds, but I honestly feel like I could be pulling girls who are dimes. I've dated a very few of them before, but couldn't keep them around.

I'm just trying to make myself into the person I know I should be. That's the guy these dimes would want to stay with.

I really can't explain how it happens. People are just somehow drawn to passionate people.

I wake up and face my problems head-on. I may be making tiny steps, but I feel excited to make any progress. I keep working at it, being happy with what progress I can make, waking up each day excited to take on new challenges and see that next tiny step move forward.

The universe just seems to magically reciprocate my positive energy. Good news starts to flow my way, girls I haven't talked to in months send me a random text, a friend I haven't seen forever stops into town... It seems that doing things for my own sake causes completely unrelated things to go my way. I'm not superstitious and don't believe in karma, but this is a very real phenomenon that I've experienced multiple times.

My advice from my life. I'm not chad but I've gone from being almost suicidally depressed to, well, not being that.

1. Make yourself attractive as a man. Dress appropriately and get a good haircut, and wear the look with confidence. No need to go full zyzz mode. If you look good, you'll feel better, and people will react more positively to you and make your life easier.
2. Do something hard and productive. Best thing I ever did for mental health was to start my own company, which is a hard as fuck challenge with quantifiable rewards (money). It also provided purpose and drive to a life devoid of either of those and forced me into uncomfortable situations in order to better my position. It taught me to stand on my own two feet and to be solely responsible for my own success.
3. learn to fight at the most hard core martial arts gym you can find. Getting beaten up is an experience every man must have. Intense sparring makes you feel like khal drogo afterwards, and the adrenaline and self confidence it provides makes you tough and it makes you walk around like you can do anything. After getting your ass handed to you by a 6' 6 roiding beast of a man, the smaller things in life such as worrying about what people think of you become vastly less important.
4. Find out what you like and live it. Most people are uninteresting with similar tastes in fashion, politics, music, whatever, and people who are confident in their differences are always more charismatic and magnetic. An independent thinker is intimidating, inspiring and interesting.

Best of luck

Never change, /fit

I have similar beliefs about the universe. I don;t believe in God, or spirits or souls or any shit like that, but despite that, I can;t help but agree with what you say about positive energy.

>3. learn to fight at the most hard core martial arts gym you can find. Getting beaten up is an experience every man must have. Intense sparring makes you feel like khal drogo afterwards, and the adrenaline and self confidence it provides makes you tough and it makes you walk around like you can do anything. After getting your ass handed to you by a 6' 6 roiding beast of a man, the smaller things in life such as worrying about what people think of you become vastly less important.

This is something i have been told by many men before. I have only been in one fight when i was in high school, and i just landed a taekwondo kick which knocked him out in one go. I have never had my ass kicked, never been punched n the face. Do you think this will help me with being more confident around women?

I just want to add, I am grateful beyond words for all your advice fit, and equally as grateful to see the classic manlet shaming. Makes me giggle.

I want to save this thread, for whenever I am feeling down or losing sight of my goals. Does anyone know how to save a thread?

Yes, it will help. If you get punched about enough then you'll have the balls to do more in life. Plus, you'll have the toughness and confidence to do what pretty much no guy these days seems to have the ability to do and which just happens to be the best panty dropper in existence - protecting your girl from harm. Seriously, when girls see you justly beat someone up they get very very receptive to you.

Seems like you have a mental illness and are hoping that somehow Veeky Forums has a miracle cure for you (it doesn't).

i'm not seeking a miracle cure, only guidance to set me on the right path rather than being a ship without a sail.

When you looking someone in the eyes don't think about what he's going to do. Think why the fuck he's looking at you and why he shouldn't.

Stop watching this shit. Fap once a week if you really need to. And cut the submissive stuff - you can't be a man when you want to be someone's bitch.

When talking with someone be substantial and concrete. If you want t say something just fucking say it. Don't dwindle around the subject.
If someone might think bad things about you - fuck him and his stupid face.
People will think you're a pussy if you act like one. It's that simple.
Always voice your opinion if it's necessary but be smart about it.

Be happy with the little things and don't worry about things you can't fix - just deal with the consequences. Life's hard enough as it is.

That's about it.

3 things.

1. That porn has gotta go. Im not an advocate for compelte no fap but cuckold and sissy shit unacceptable. Stick to primarily monogamous heterosexual shit if you must watch.

2. Seek conflict, find what is difficult to you and make mastering it your purpose. Through adversity a man is made, make goals and stick to them.

3. Read books. Id strongly recommend starting with Starship Troopers personally.

3. Read books. Id strongly recommend starting with Starship Troopers personally.

I own an old copy of it, loved it. I already believed most of the philosophy of it.

I'm gonna cut down on the porn.

You have to get rid of the idea of "supposed to." I delayed doing so many things that wound up being great for me because I thought I was supposed to be doing something else. Also, don't suffer now for the promise of future happiness because it's not actually promised. If you can look out for future user and present user, definitely do that but if it comes down to it, look out for present user. Don't get it twisted, don't get all hedonistic and shirk work, but don't get Asian salaryman about it.

I love how we speak the same language but I understand nothing


>she cheated
are you sure the child is even yours in the first place?

A few things helped me "become a man", and get over all the weakness that I had.
Going to a therapist and talking/actually understanding past unresolved events from my life.
Learning more about psychology(Jordan Peterson's personality 2017 lectures are great for this, not only do they cover alot of driving factors that influence humans but there is also quite a fair bit that will help you with child rearing which I imagine would be invaluable to you).
Models by mark mason is a great book on relationships if that's also something you are looking for

Where are you from OP

For me its more of a build and they will come thing. In being as honest as I can on a taiwanese cartoon forum I am legitematley handsome, intelligent and confident. But it wasnt until I got passionate about my work that women started to really notice me. Then it was simply a matter of having small talk and when you find someone who gets you at least a little (they laugh at witty stuff you say shit like that) they just become attracted to you. The game thing is more natural (and it only works when its natural) than people think it is.

When youre successful you will invariably be meeting alot of people and what weirdos on this website dont understand is the line between being freinds, fucking, and marrying a woman is nonexistent. If you can get a woman to enjoy spending time with you, you can date her. With experience you will be able to almost instantly know kind of relationship you will have with a woman. Its not that hard, people have vibes and the more you talk to people the better you will be at picking these vibes apart.

You shouldnt be freinds with women you want to date but wont date you. This is literally a waste of your one and only god given life.

I am not saying you can have female freinds (i have plenty) Im saying you cant have a female friends you are trying to pursue who wont pursue you.

Yeah got a dna test on the sly.

Her Majesty's Great Britain.

Maybe just embrace the sissy/cuck life and become someone's bitch? There are always people looking for a cute little twink to fuck.

Take some fucking tren man. It will give you the back bone you need.

Ayy lmao checked.
Quint of wisdom has spoken.
Get on dat dere trenbolone.

This, plus if op doesn't get his shit straight out, he'll eventually be sucking dick for approval.

>Star ship troopers
>I own an old copy of it, loved it. I already believed most of the philosophy of it.
By the sounds of what you have been saying, maybe you're into fifty shades of faggot.

It's been proven that if you emulate a specific personality type for long enough, you'll genuinely turn into that personality type. So, whenever you're doing this shit, just ask yourself "am I doing the manliest thing I could be doing right now?" and do it. Eventually, it'll come naturally.

God has spoken

This is so true. Is there any reading on this?

Good solid advice. Nice one user.

Good shit cuz

Whatever you do don't start wondering what to do with your arms whenever you talk to people.

Quints of truth!


The less frequebtly you fap the more you stay away from sick shit

>good dish

Its time to hop on a cruise of like 200mg test e per week

It will come naturally. If you're successful at anything, you will gain confidence in your abilities and that will naturally shine through in your personality. Confidence is not something that you switch on and off, it's not something that you have to think about. It happens naturally when you KNOW that you have achieved something. So really all you have to do is work hard.

As for success in itself, it doesn't even necessarily have to be career or financial success. Any accomplishments that satisfy you are a success and will build confidence. So look at what you're good at - some people find satisfaction in lifting, and have confidence that comes from the success of getting better. Like another user said earlier it could be cooking, if you successfully learn to cook a good meal then you will gain confidence and satisfaction from that.

You said that you play drums - are you in a band? If not, you should join one. Playing gigs will absolutely increase your confidence naturally, you'll learn to be comfortable being the centre of attention, and it will be justified because you know that you can put on a show and entertain people which is something most people cannot do.

Success is knowing that you worked hard at something and it paid off, so just work hard at what you love and your success will breed natural confidence.

>allowing your son to be raised by a single mother
You've already failed as a man. Your son's going to be a fuck-up

>asking Veeky Forums how to be happy

you've hit rock bottom

>I fap to sissy and femdom and cuckold porn
fucking stop! If my father had done that, I'm sure I'd turn up even more fucked up. Stop being degenerate, for your son!

beat your wife's son to make yourself feel better

Here you go bud

A good start:

Nofap/ Coldshowers / Meditation

Get your life together user, you have a son at 25, be proud of that



Well firstly take your choice of picture.

Is that "manliness" in your eyes?


Those guys had no fucking choice. See the bodies on the beach? Do you want to be one of them? Is that "being a man?" I'm detecting that you're from the UK, if so, get a shotgun licence, and blow your brains out. Very "manly".

If not, realise that most "manly" things are normally a sign of inner-conflict, insecurity, lack of intelligence, and often suicidal ideations. That tough guy who starts fights in the pub? Hates himself. His father probably hates him, His son probably hates him. I know people like this, and the only reason they don't kill themselves is due to them actually being too weak.

What I would say is you're probably too boring.

Let me guess some things about you -
Long term partner who isn't a looker? Balding? Late 20s/early 30s? Job you hate? Never do drugs? Don't go "out" aside from maybe the pub once in a while or some horrible chain pub with your kid? You're interested in something cool, like motorbikes for example, but can't actually afford one? You live in a boring, likely rented, semi-detached house on a new build estate somewhere in middle-england? You work in an office lit with cat-2 florescent lighting that gives you a headache? Little chance of meaningful promotion?

Manliness is fixing all of these things.

half of this shit is gay as fuck

>start an argument with someone
>write some poetry

rolling nevertheless


You will not look back.
Do you have the self discipline to be a man?

Rolling for manliness

you want him to become a tranny like Kroc?

Does anyone else have dreams that they are in war situations like pic related?

I get them when I'm worried about something and they really put things in perspective. Even though it's a dream, I feel the adrenaline and the terror of situations like that (although obviously nothing could ever match the actual situation) and when I wake up I see the world in a new light.

Weird stuff.

