Anybody else do this?

Is there a specific way to pack your shit so your knees dont feel like shit forever?

heavy low and close to your back
light on top / further from you back
try to balance left/right

How low?

You can't
It's not the bag moving that causes knee shit

It's the act itself with the extra weight

If you weigh 300 lbs, you're going to fuck up your knees if you try to run for a long time

k thanks

light at the bottom

heavier on top

make sure everything is as compact as possible, use your straps and tape the ends

You can pack so things are more evenly/better weight distributed but ultimately this only makes things more comfortable for you. For packing I recommend seeing what Ray Mears says on the topic.

In the long term though, rucking with heavy weights will inevitably wear down cartilage and joints irrespective of how you pack.

This is barely fit related. Post these stupid rucking threads somewhere else.

PS, how you pack isn't going to save your knees or spine.

I swear to fuck OP please don't blow out your knees. Here's some key things

-Don't run
-Stride it out
-Get used to your ruck, do squats with it and train your legs
-Start low weight then progress up
-Don't fucking run

ya im getting mixed opinions. Some people are saying heavy should be low and some say heavy should be high

it doesnt matter unless you're a soldier carrying 20-30 kg of shit in your pack

Anyone saying put heavy low is straight wrong, you keep it high but centered and close to your spine. if the heavy items are too low it's just going to pull down on your shoulders, too high it will just pull you down

Also OP, I would honestly go to /k/ for more advice for rucking. They'll give you a lot more small but helpful tips.

Rucking is just a term for backpackers to make it sound like they do a real sport. Anyone who isn't physically retarded can do it.

You aren't fooling anyone.

you're a fucking potato whose never had to ruck march before

Thanks for this awesome image user.


when did you serve user?

Like this, you fucking civilian

Are there actually civvies who go for ruck marches on their own time?

Nigga save your knees and go do squats.

Nigger I was earning my EIB when you were still shitting in a diaper.

still serving my man

Your knees are going to be fucked regardless, even if you follow the air-soft queers in this thread and pack it accordingly.

Ruck marches, and just marching in general put a lot of pressure in your knees and is a reason why the majority of us in the army have bad knees, especially those that are now out.

Reconnaissance Marine of 7 years here, so I ruck pretty often
Get some bungee cords / some type of elastic band and use it to draw weight to the top of the ruck while putting soft, lightweight bulk at the bottom (cloth or some shit)

Where knee supports and take glucosamine supplements like animal flex or whatever to keep your joints healthy.