Just a message for you Veeky Forums

just a message for you Veeky Forums

Literally no one is triggered by this, fuck off back to your hentai board, sage

You have been visited by the magical pepe of h- eh just fuck it. Someone derail the thread. Gay.

>no counterarguments

stay mad, meat eater filth



There's already a vegan thread for you to post your retarded shit in.

This is now a spiderman thread


The meat's gotten to their head, meat is the worst drug out there. They're addicts


Jokes on you op, i got a lactating fetish

>bottom looks rad as fuck


Who cares, they don't know if they suffer or die.

Same as me dying while being blackout drunk.

>implying one vegan thread is enough

Veeky Forums is a health board. Veganism is literally the healthiest possible way to live.

Fuck you man.

My company used to give out steaks to employees as a summer gift, now because of pussies like you, they're giving out vegan ice cream.

God damn you.

here's my "mental gymnastics":
I just don't give a fuck. Meat tastes good. It's high in protein and fat.
and btw humans > all other living things

>animals don't feel pain

Meat really makes you retarded, huh

The maximum amount of energy the vegan lifestyle gives you, due to malnutrition, lack of food and poor health
The meat eating master race's off day warm up. Vegcucks will never know this feel

>waaaaaa my company decided to kill less animals, waaaaaa

Stop crying, crybaby.

100 calories of broccoli is 4 fucking cups of raw broccoli. 100 calories of steak is about 3oz.

Meats is a much more efficient form of protein



your moral only works because stronger people allow you to have your faggy morals.

That's why I compared it to being black-out drunk: I feel pain too but I don't register it or remember it, animal consciousness is not evolved enough to matter.

Just need to eat 40lbs of brocolli per day now
That sounds reasonable

>tfw when you realize milk has free hormones
no wonder GOMAD is making me swole as fuck

>I just don't give a fuck
Would you give a fuck if someone raped your mom?


>t. triggered """""animal lover"""""

>due to malnutrition, lack of food and poor health
This propaganda bullshit again.

>waaaaaaa I have to chew more
>waaaaaaa I need to kill more animals to CHEW LESS

fucking kill yourself

Non vegan eating is literally the only reason for the obesity epidemic everywhere.

>imagine being so retarded

It sure sounds more reasonable than killing billions of animals.

>not ingesting rocket fuel with your whey
Never gonna make it

My mom isn't an animal. Sorry that your shit analogies suck. Maybe we should stop wild animals from killing each other as well and make them eat broccoli instead huh?

>I like animals, but I find it acceptable to kill some of them so that I can enjoy the nutritional diet humans have evolved to eat
Your shitty comic is false equivalence.

>animals are the same as people and should be treated equally
Do you have separate rooms for your pets? Do you let them eat at the table with you?

Would you give a fuck if someone cut your arm off? What is your point bucko?

>argumentum ad absurdum

Come back when you have some REAL arguments.

Just to spite you, I'm gonna shoot twice as many deer this November. We usually get between 40-60 deer over the course of 9 days. Mmmmm, venison

I wanna be a fighter pls

>WAAAHHHHH animals are being killed muh fee fees
Fuck off moralfag. Eat less soy and you'll stop being so emotional

Dude you don't have to eat meat, the point is you can get protein from other non-corpse, healthier sources

bla bla bla bla. You're so fucking boring, user. Get something more interesting to do. Cease your shitposting



Im vastly unreliable amounts. Are you telling me you're going to legitimately eat well over 10 pounds of broccoli every single day to get your protein intake?

You sound so pathetic.

>It certainly doesn't have to come from animals

But I like the taste of meat and hate animals, especially cows.

Literally name me 5 things cows are useful for aside from being killed to be eaten or producing milk. Don't worry, I'll wait.

>imply it's possible to eat 100 calories of kale in one sitting
checkm8 faggot

>waaah he does things I don't like
>better call him pathetic

God, you'd probably quiver at the thought of killing something for the benefit of the population and to feed your family. What a cuck

>another sedentary, malnourished vegcuck has to spend his days shilling on a deep water Jew gymanistics enthusiast forum because he has no energy to go to the gym
Sad, really. Keep being happy with your 0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4 after YEARS of natty training though

I meant to say you don't have to eat broccoli, you can get it from other sources like lentils and fortified meats

100 fucking calories of kale?! My sides are gone just thinking about some vegan shitlord eating 7 entire bunches of kale


Meanwhile all fertile females in the vicinity vacate due to how fucking disgusting you look trying to stuff 7 entire bunches of kale in your emaciated piehole.

Lol stay vegan pleb.



so if we plug milker machine onto DFC it'll make it bigger?

>Being this retarded

Or I can just eat meat and have no worry about what someone on an anonymous forum thinks of my diet.

Chicken is the most efficient form of protein aside from powders. Therefore I'm gonna eat it for my protein.


I wanna be hard

give me something neat

Please educate me why we have to care about well-being of beings who don't have sentience?

Only a few animals can recognize themselves for a mirror and even they are primitive.

I don't care about animals that much

I wanna be YUGE


No it's not, chicken is unhealthy as fuck and you can protein much more efficiently from other healthier sources you fucking retard

I like meat
That's it
No gymnastics
I couldn't possibly care less about the animal I'm eating
It's also much easier to get the nutrients I needs
Not that I can't without meat
It is just my preference and I don't need to justify it

Roll my guy

Wow user, you acting like an asshole sure is convincing me to switch to being a vegan. Maybe if I switch to veganism I can gain the powers to be a giant cunt and make no gains.

BY the way, you still haven't named me any reason as to why I should give a fuck about cows, since they're literally only good for making milk and getting killed for food. Damn, burgers sure are tasty.

rollllllllllllllerino if roll ends in 7 I contact le ex gf

>chicken is unhealthy as fuck
>more from other sources
Name them.

4oz of boneless skinless chicken breast is 140kcal and 25g protein.


>L is for Lactose Intolerance

ITT: triggered meat eaters

plz be my ai gf


>I want to cause destruction upon myself, animals, and the environment. I don't care that it happens, that's my justification.

>I want to rape girls because it feels good on my peepy. I don't care if it ruins the girl, I don't need justification

Yeah "not caring" is not good enough, buddy

>all these fucks who are okay with the literal genocide of billions of animals a year

>animals who are literally born in a concrete warehouse, abused and then brutally murdered all while feeling insane amounts of pain and emotional trauma

>they think they're good people

Jesus christ, you fucking faggots make me sick. I AGREE that meat tastes good, but it should not come at the expense of the absolutely immense suffering of the weakest in our society.

The farming industry is insanely fucking evil lads. Why are you supporting them? Are you that weak willed? Do you just not care about male chicks being thrown into grinders while alive for being born male?

In my opinion, eating meat should be allowed, however the meat should only be harvested after the animals die of a natural death. This would decrease their numbers drastically, increase the price of meat and would benefit the earth immensely.

Cry about it cuck.

Nice, roll


please lookup how much 100 calories of kale is. It would be physically impossible to eat that much in 1 meal

You're not a good person.

ITT: butthurt vegans that have literally never lifted a weight in their entire life.

I actually have a vegan friend. He's cool, doesn't talk about it, and doesn't push his vegan bullshit on anybody. He just does it because he wants to. He also has pretty much zero gains, so there's that too. But I mean hey, it's not like this is a fitness board or anythi- wait

That's nice



>healthiest way
>denying yourself meat
>pretending your a herbivore
Mentally and physically not healthy.



Lets go necromancer.

>Non vegan eating is literally the only reason for the obesity epidemic everywhere.

There were way fewer obese people in the US in the 50s, yet pretty much everyone ate meat.

HFCS is the main reason for the US obesity problem you dumb faggot. And I'm not even particularly ideologically pro-meat, if I could eat vegan and make gains as efficiently as doing a traditional clean bulk I'd be happy to try it.

I need to eat over 150 grams of protein

It's like you don't want any gains



>falling for the protein Jew

If you've ever killed a bug then you are also a terrible person and should hang yourself out of shame and regret.
Fucken roll nigger


>steaks contains steroid
Im sold

The animals we eat are annoying, but they are fun to kill and they taste good.
Killing them is a legitimate way to get a good source of nutrition.
Humans are the top of the food chain, prove me wrong.
We aren't doing them any favors by breeding them and killing them, we are doing ourselves a favor.
Plants don't have feelings but they can respond to stimulus which often confuses morons.


[autistic rambling]

Peanut Butter contains animal products you stupid faggot.

...could we do that to humans?