Thread stolen from /r9k/

Thread stolen from /r9k/

>But there's also a big problem. There are no people of colour in the game beyond people from the Cuman tribe, a Turkic people from the Eurasian Steppe. The question is, should there be? The game's makers say they've done years of research and found no conclusive proof there should be, but a historian I spoke to, who specialises in the area, disagrees.

>"We know of African kings in Constantinople on pilgrimage to Spain; we know of black Moors in Spain; we know of extensive travel of Jews from the courts of Cordoba and Damascus; we also know of black people in large cities in Germany," the historian, Sean Miller, tells me. Czech cities Olomouc and Prague were on the famous Silk Road which facilitated the trade of goods all over the world. If you plot a line between them, it runs directly through the area recreated in Kingdom Come. "You just can't know nobody got sick and stayed a longer time," he says. "What if a group of black Africans came through and stayed at an inn and someone got pregnant? Even one night is enough for a pregnancy."

Is this true Veeky Forums? Should this game be patched to fit in more historical accuracy?

Other urls found in this thread: Miller historian&source=bl&ots=XOG7S_Bi_P&sig=WbhDFD5FwXx-Y1RArsxypNMdAxo&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwin9_6n3rfZAhWHfFAKHcfXAqQQ6AEImAEwEQ#v=onepage&q=Sean Miller historian&f=false

The possibility is here, but it would break immersion and step into too improbably borderline fantasy category. The best option is to patch the game but give an option to be truly realistic (turn off black characters, whatever).

Author can't go a page before mentioning Africans knocking up Polish tavern sluts

Ima need some black african names then. Otherwise Ima have to assume the author is full of shit.
Except Spain that one actually makes sense.

if he had a wikipedia page it'd say "born to an Ashkenazi Jew family"

> "You just can't know nobody got sick and stayed a longer time," he says. "What if a group of black Africans came through and stayed at an inn and someone got pregnant? Even one night is enough for a pregnancy."

What the fuck is wrong with Americans, they would be ostracized to hell for being a rampant whore or have their spawn thrown in the river. Even if this ridiculous scenario was possible in any sort of way.

I'm alarmed that a historian thinks that a person filled a backpack with trade goods and walked the entire length of the silk road to do business with the other end personally.

Slavs should tell wh*tes to fuck off(like Dugin did) to not be confused with them.

Most blacks would be eunuch slaves traveling with their Muslim merchant owners anyway.

I remember shit like this with the third witcher

What time period is this even based on? "Medieval times" is just a little vague.


Game shows like a hundred people out of the millions Bohemia had at the time

So even if there had been a dozen of niggers in the kingdom, this wouldn't be enough of a percentage for it to make it into the game

>Jamal von Nassau, can you pass the mead?

There was a black yugo soldier in new hercules Hercule Poirot, they should just select characters at random to make them black and asians
it would be bizzare as fuck

I feel the same


Lol'd, I think a "turn-off black people" button would trigger even more people.

It should have a nigger bandid in the middle of the jungle just for trolling

>one or two possible blacks
>lol it should be full of them!
>also let me mention black breeding
It's like a satire

This talk about african representation in medieval times is americacentric. There are different ethnics in the game. There are Cumans for fucks sake.

Someone should mod it in anyway just to spite them.

>we know of extensive travel of Jews

>some literally who meme historian corrolates literally ONE case of some moor (who he memes as a black man) in spain is somehow proof that there would be a bunch of black people running around Bohemia in 1403

>literally making up some what if bullshit scenario to justify it

Ah yes, from the Mary Beard school of history. Seirously, people like this soundnt even be considered historians. They are cultural marxist ideologues who simply use history as a tool to further their own agenda. And in this case, try to lie to the kids who will play this game, but thankfully, Varva wasnt having any of this.

You're going to tell me that Bohemia had no abbo knights?

Fuckin racist cunts.

Who is this historian he spoke to? Did he mean a high school history teacher?

Every game depicting east Asia before the age of imperialism should be filled with white people.

Imagine a white man staying at a Chinese tavern and impregnating every chink there.

This is silk route, by the way.

Uighurs are presumably descendants of whites and Chinese. Occasionally they get green/blue eyes. The Chinese features are dominant, though.

>we know of black Moors in Spain

Ah yes, the famous ginger-haired, blue-eyed black Moors of Spain.

more than likely considering a Sean Miller historian yields no results. More than likely a "cool" highschool history teacher the writer knows irl who just fed him some bullshit. Pic related is the guy who wrote the article to give you a sense of what we are dealing with here

I also tried to google "Sean Miller historian" but only this shows up. Miller historian&source=bl&ots=XOG7S_Bi_P&sig=WbhDFD5FwXx-Y1RArsxypNMdAxo&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwin9_6n3rfZAhWHfFAKHcfXAqQQ6AEImAEwEQ#v=onepage&q=Sean Miller historian&f=false

Chinese and Japanese films and games literally do this already.

From Nioh's "Le Lost Gaijin Man" main character, to Iranic Princes in Tang Dynasty-set movies.

>Czech cities Olomouc and Prague were on the famous Silk Road

What film is this?
And they could easily be Iranic, Khwarezmians or Soghdians often had pretty pale features.

What movie is this?

There's a UK history teacher named like that so yeah it's probably him

Have to wonder why they'd do that if their audience is entirely Chinese. They COULD be Persians as those people did seem to hang around royalty in China.

No need to repost threads from r9k to his

the soylent grin

Lady of the Dynasty. On the life of Yang Guifei, concubine to the Tang Emperor and one of the 4 Great Beauties of Chinese history.

It's bad, don't watch it.

Those people are representatives of the Sassanid Nobility that fled the Muslim Caliphate's expansion there and into Tang China. Also one of the main characters is a visiting Byzantine Monk (the Narrator).

I GUARANTEE that this guy plays John Green videos for his classes.

This nigger has been spamming this exact same thread on /v/ for a week

>article written by a bong
>blames americans anyway
fuck off. youre OBSESSED

>"there is no evidence in arts and records of Blacks in Germa-"

>"Blacks were always slaves and not nobilit-"


>Artistic expression of a North African Roman leader in Gaul means that there were black people in Late Medieval Central Europe.

OP here. Just wanted more verification that this author is a retard. I found out interesting that this article came from a European website and not an American one.
Don't ever go on /v/ so it wasn't me. Not to mention this article was published yesterday. And don't ever call me a nigger again.

Something like this is already happening, Eastern nations in EU are distancing themselves from Western Europeans.

Saint Maurice didn't live in Germany, and wasn't nobility, so I'm genuinely not sure what these posts are implying.

He starts out okay but quickly descends into historical fantasy then goes full retard and starts talking about he's interracial fantasies.
What the actual fuck lol



See how the black guy looks reasonably realistic and compare with how people painted lions or giraffes during the renaissance. This means he worked from a life model.

Thanks for the pic i was wondering what the hell that historian was smoking.
>Olomouc and Prague were on the famous Silk Road
That dense motherfucker. How did he graduate with such an inept grasp of history.

Holy SHIT i’m so tired hearing about this game and the blacks.

If the historians they worked with said “probably not” then obviously that’s what they’re going to go with. FUCK OFFFFFFFFFF ALREADY FAGGOTS

He doesn't look anymore realistic than medieval paintings of lions

How do you know the artist didn't go to northern africa and not the other way around?

Someone should make it for real life

Or that a black african could follow the silk road to Bohemia.

And drifting closer to Russia.. All according to plan.

Who is Mary Beard and why do people keep talking shit about her?

>Roman Saints


Shes a British historian who claims there were lost of black africans in Roman Britain, because "north Africa was part of teh Roman Empire".

Mary Beard is a historian who claims there were black people in the Roman Empire

people got triggered by that.

Maurice was an Egyptian, painting him as black dates to nearly a thousand years after his death. Meanwhile, pic related is an image of him from his homeland.

>Except Spain that one actually makes sense.
They were black people in Spain but they were not "Moors"

She defended pic realted and is a labour shill who constantly pushed we wuz tier revisionism in the name of promoting diversity

looks pretty modern how old is it


The absolute state of historians. I'm surprised there aren't more people like him on this board.

We tell them to go back to r/politics usually.

>societies in history were always comfy for liberal pseudoutopians
Gaming journalism, ladies and gentlemen...

>also one of them is a nigger, because fuck being accurate when it comes to white people's history!

The black africans could of been escaped slaves from the Umayyad Caliphate.
almost had me going there for a minute.

Why don't black people feel insulted by this PC bullshit? It's like a whole bunch of people being treated like a kindergartener.

>whole bunch of people being treated like a kindergartener
Looks like it's working on them

Black people were not always slaves in Moorish Spain, quite a lot were free men.
Anyways, with this kind of reasoning you can justifie anything, why not put chinese in medieval Lybia, after all SOME could have been there somehow.

What do you mean there weren't any genderfluid polyqueer trans POC women in 15th century Bohemia? This game devs are litruhlee Nahtsees

Oh shit, is she the one that supposedly btfo PJW

This is the most infuriating shit about all of this. They even flip shit when they cast white people as historically white people if the Basketball-Americans think WE WUZ about it (see: every movie about Ancient Egypt ever made, casting white people as Hannibal in documentaries)

I actually mind this a lot less, since they at least admit that it's a creative decision. Normally they just insist that this is how things were and you're racist if you disagree

As I said they were black people in Spain, they just were not Moors, except if you use Moor as a catch-all for any muslim living in Spain.

A reminder that the man from Nioh is a recorded english sailor who ended up in Japan. Two entirely different scenarios.

Its ridiculous to us now, but the generation being raised with this shit will grow up "knowing" that Europe has always been racially diverse.

It was, just not to that extent i.e. they got arabs, slavs, germans, norse, cumans, greeks, moors.

It really has been though

He said race.

>Not the same

Is this really what Veeky Forums has become?

It's what Veeky Forums has always been

>he legitimately thinks moors were arabs

Those are all white tho. Well, there were soem black Moors I guess, but mostly they were white.
That's not what I'm talking about, a nignog in that time would have been a curiosity and an exotic, but our kids are being taught that nignogs existed in all walks of life and where considered totally normal throughout Europe.

Then maybe this game's cuck of a developer shouldn't try so hard to suck wh*te dick. For fucks sake, he's a Czech and is portraying the German settlers who stole his lands for lebensraum as the good guys. His whole life he has been trying to be accepted by wh*tes, it's pathetic.

>>"We know of African kings in Constantinople on pilgrimage to Spain;
I really, REALLY need to know when did this happen

He means white African kings. He might even be talking about teh Vandal king who made a pilgrimage there, i forget his name.

>Normally they just insist that this is how things were and you're racist if you disagree
That's funny because i've literally never seen that happen.

Europe has always been native American as well.


>muh historical acuracy

This is just a weak excuse considering the game doesn't even pretend to be historically accurate, you can drink potions to heal wounds for Christ sake. Also it doesn't help any that the developer himself is a /pol/tard.