Is this the greatest commander of all time?

>head of the most powerful military in human history at it's peak
>years of dedicated training and combat education
>years of experience
>incredibly successful in many battles displaying decisive wit and sense for strategy

He was an interesting blip on the revolving door of generals in the middle eastern theatre, nothing more.

it´s not like he defeated the wehrmacht or the red army

>head of the most powerful military in human history at it's peak

The US Military had already started degenerating into a fucking cesspit of waste and corruption well before Petraeus was noteworthy.

pic related

I think that it's sad that he got fired.

>announce date of pulling out of Iraq
>suddenly insurgent activities drop
>"yes, this worked out great, obviously the insurgents found something better to do. Mission accomplished"
>sudden massive insurgency restarts when americans left
>ISIS grows and takes over

Nah, he's a fucking tool. His analysis of the Iraqi insurgency shows a total lack of regard of the change of the tactics of the enemies.

When the insurgents knew for sure the US would retreat, of course they would take a small break in their actions against the americans, to conserve their numbers, and reorganize for the real battle to come. Yet Petraeus didn't understand this. He's playing chess like a mongoloid, only thinking of his own moves, and not thinking how his actions affect the actions of the enemy.


Lol terrible thread

He was your run of the mill corrupt carrier general.

>head of the most powerful military in human history at it's peak
This was by no means of his own doing. Also
>at its peak

>years of dedicated training and combat education
Again, this is a prerequisite not a major accomplishment.

>years of experience
Again. a prerequisite for the job. You may as well list "graduated from elementary school"

>incredibly successful in many battles
Against a vastly inferior foe.

We are talking about the full might of the US military, vs an insurgent group that does not even have an air force.

>displaying decisive wit and sense for strategy
This is all that really mattered to him. Looking good.
He did not fix anything or win the war. He just wasted a bunch of money and lives in the desert to stroke his ego.

ha. career. Fucking auto correct.

>lose war
>get fired

He seemed to have some success at the time, but at the end of the day his policies (along with a lot of other people's) are what created ISIS.

>Failed miserably at stopping the taliban
>Failed miserably at stopping ISIS
>Went the back door after a sex scandal

He surely is the greatest commander of JUST


The US hasn't had a remotely competent commanding general since Stormin' Norman and Powell.

>inb4 some Trump shill mentions Meme Mattis

Mattis hasn't actually won any wars. Not that he couldn't, but he's never been given the opportunity.

Implying that invading Iraq was a good idea in the first place but point still standing.
Didn't this tool also say that we should try to ally ourselves with Al-Qaeda in Syria?

>It's another episode of "autistic child spergs over his favorite color getting retired"

He is not da commanda

>yfw Vinning in the foreground

Mcmaster was good. He wasn't amazing, but he's had a good track record. So has Kelly.

I remember when the lady he fucked was on Jon Stewart a year or two before the scandal broke. She was ripped and beat Jon in a pushup contest easily

How is this possible ?

They’re lowering physical requirements to allow women to get in

bulk mode

We need a good war for ol Matty boy
They say he feeds exclusively on the blood of his defeated enemies to stay young and he’s been looking pretty old lately

People slip through the cracks, especially when you're hurting for manpower.

Modern military doesn't require physical fitness as much

Pure muscle

No, he was a poseur, a machine fabricated as a pentagon prince, somehow LARPed himself into a big job as some type of expert absent any real experience in the field of his supposed expertness, an absolute tool

Reservasarus Rex.

Multicam contains soy

Neocons are good at killing rural peasants but can they face a true army?

>Iraq Republican Guard
>rural peasants

They were probably one of the most experienced forces in the world when it came to conventional warfare in 1991.


That's not Multicam, you knob!


Petraeus's brilliant plan in iraq involved bribing half the insurgents to fight the other half. Smarter then anything Donal Rumsfeld or the rest of those morons could manage, but hardly the most brilliant plan ever concocted either.


UCP is the same poison

All wars are won by capturing and holding territory. Even policing can be seen as a never ending conflict whereby officers patrol society and assert the rule of the current government. This is unquestionably a good thing as the opposite of a monopoly on sovereignty is war. Anyways, Petraeus realized this in his COIN strategy so he had American soldiers patrol constantly, night and day, when before they were locked up in FOBs training Iraqi police who absolutely did not care about their job. Anyone who denies his strategic success is lying, or they elevate the criteria for a strategic success to wining a war.

I actually got some statistics to back this up.

The pull out date wasn't his idea, he wasn't even in command.

290 Now we suffer the evils of a long peace: more cruel than arms, Luxury hath invaded us, and avenges the conquer'd world. No crime is absent, or foul deed of lust, since Roman poverty was lost.

La creatura....