
What are something in history that people commonly get wrong.

sorry for the poor english
misconception was what I ment to say

The jews didn't have it coming

FDR's New Deal solved the Great Depression.

Thought for sure you were going to post that meme article from those schmucks that claimed that the New Deal worsened the Depression.

everything in this image

Paul Revere's ride

That the Knights Templar control the world when it's actually the Knights of Malta

The Austrians won the kettle war

>In liberal Oakland suburb school
>Teacher is a code pink activist who was marching against the then-Iraq War
>Keeps crying about this country called "Palestine" and how it's being genocided
>Look it up
>Palestine isn't real


That Germany's invasion of the USSR failed mostly because of winter


Eventually I hit college and took actual WW2 classes from people with PHDs who knew what they were talking about, and you I understood Germany lost the war on June 22nd 1941 if not earlier.

Just watch the show QI (Quite Interesting).
It's a pub quiz that tackles common misconceptions and curious truths.

by replacing them with more misconceptions. i swear to god the propaganda on that show...

the New Deal didn't go far enough

The Holocaust never happened

Even the Israeli government refers to Palestine as though it is a country when it needs to invade it. It's not a country when they want to establish settlements there.

Palestine is a country when it's convenient and it's not when it's not convenient. It's vital to Zionists and conservatives to keep Palestine in a limbo state.

Either way, Palestine is recognized as a distinct region if not a country. Some people don't recognize that the place ever legally changed hands, for which there are some reasonable grounds, but it isn't necessarily appropriate for a schoolteacher to proselytize what may be a moral truth when it isn't the political reality.

that any of that shit really happened. maybe, MAYBE world war 2 but anything before that? fucking castles and princesses and shit? togas and sandals? corpses wrapped in toilet paper? nigga that's all made up


this but unironically

God made the world last week. Everything before is a false memory imprinted to test our faith.

Shhh, He's resting. You only THINK it's Friday.