>be me
>be a christcuck
>joins local Christian youth organization
>me: Great, I've been meaning to become active in the community of God, I can't wait until we learn about the theology and the message of Jesus again
>It's going be great, I say
>Goes to a meeting at night, sings a few foreign songs praising Jesus, wow that's pretty neat
>One of the guys hosting the weekly meeting talks about the issues facing Christianity and the world
>Yes, we live in a fallen world we need to address these issues. Society has become more cruel, there thousands of homeless people, and various ills in society and around the world, I'm game, I say
>he begins to address the issue
>We need to be more inclusive and embrace other cultures, the biggest issue facing our world is racism, white privilege and microaggressions
>me: WTF?
Okay, not to turn this into /pol/ but this is the topic of religion so thus by the grace of god (it is allowed), but what the fuck? Really? That's what's facing Christianity today?
>No mention of Christians being persecuted in parts of the Middle East
>Generalizes against rural white people
>Thinks microaggressions and white privilege is more problematic to this world than, oh I don't know the possibility of a war breaking out in the near future in Korea or the current fuckery in Syria.
>No mention of helping the homeless
>hurt feelings matter more than murder and real suffering
Is this what Lutheranism looks like? I've made a mistake.
Inb4: It's not history faggot, mods sage and delete this thread.
It's about religion so its allowed
Be me
>the biggest issue facing our world is racism, white privilege and microaggressions
Things that never happens for 800, Alex?
Christian universalism and ethnostates don't go well together. Sorry mate. Also . Stop being a little bitch.
Lying nigger
You can do all you want after you go back to europe. America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans.
How is this hard to get?
>American protestants
Well, I shouldn’t throw too much shade, my church ladies are all about muh refugees nowadays. Our priest is alright at telling them we’ve got people who need our help closer to home, tho.
Universalism means spreading the word of God not trying to undo Babel. God created the nations, trying to undo them is a sin.
Found the problem.
Seminarian in a mainline domination here.
Yes, it's as bad as you think it is. 70% of my class or more is in favor of creating a transgender version of the liturgy to not trigger those who don't "fit" into the two "made up" genders.
I literally leave the classroom wanting to commit suicide at this point.
shlomo plz
Is there even anything worth saving in the West at this point , it feels like America is having a psychotic breakdown. tbf if the Chinese go ahead and take over everything I'm willing to let them have it, they deserve it.
So you agree with european replacement?
Yeah, sure. If the Euros want to fill themselves up to the brims with Muslims, they can go ahead and do it.
Amerimutts are so stupid, it's so embarrasing...
Stick it up your ass.
try a PCA church...
>Thinks microaggressions and white privilege is more problematic to this world than, oh I don't know the possibility of a war breaking out in the near future in Korea or the current fuckery in Syria.
I've noticed this is something that a lot of people feel OP, not just random Christians.
The people I talk to are always on about the state of education, or gay marriage, or government scandals etc., yet when the threat of war looms over Korea and the Middle East it's like they're totally oblivious to it.
I don't understand. It's like such an event is literally impossible in their minds.
nice blogpost retard. take it to tumbler
larp thread?
Nope. The west isn't worth saving.
>I'm allowed to post my personal blog here if it's about religion
Go to a conservative catholic or orthodox church. Or if you MUST be protestant high church lutheran.
Shopping around for churches is such a disgusting, and seemingly entirely American, practice.
It’s just a business, if Christians actually did what they preached they would make no money
Nations in the sense you’re talking about only exist historically after 1800.
Lutheran sects are pretty variable. More conservative synods probably wouldn't have this sort of thing.
I'm reformed Baptist. We usually just get political indifference or nationalist populism.
You can always become a pagan like me.
Like hell they don't you americans might be retards but the chinese are subhuman monsters so Iwould prefer you as the world police at this point.
Finding a church with a theology that is orthodox is not "disgusting," it's right to do. Don't stay in an apostate church just because you were born into it, dumb ass
Go out side for once.
stop whining and become a chad. Show them whats really the problem. It's always the fucking wierdos that are the loudest. Speak some sense to them.
>joins local Christian youth organization
Fatal mistake you've made, even at their best they're fucking losers more concerned with doing baptism at a beach (usually for someone already baptized) than doing fuck all for the unfortunate
>Universalism means spreading the word of God
UU here, it means spreading the love of God, not proselytism. We can barely get our own congregations to say G-- or J----.
Oh Great Unknowable Something or Someone, please gently nudge user toward a more inclusive understanding of grace!
maybe he thinks racism is an issue or something. silly person didn't guess it wasn't your favorite one.
>(usually for someone already baptized)
I was originally shocked by the blasphemy of that statement... then I realized all the other blasphemic shit they do so I don't know why I was surprised.
I used to work with the most dyed in the wool evangelist girl, her church had a fucking skatepark called the "godbowl", modern Protestantism is such a fucking meme religion
Lutheranism is based, but not liberal versions of it. Thi, what you have been describing, is heresy and it should be combated by any real Christian on this planet.
Educate yourself on Luther and his ideas, read the bible and make an appropriate Interpretation out of it, spread your ideas and get other people away from SJWism, replace said Thing with conservative and Family values.
Ethnostates are directly approved by the bible, mixing between tribes or different groups of people is considered a sin, impure blood is a sin and means bastardization.
>going to Protestant gatherings
Big mistake. American protestants are a lot of cucks.
Join an Orthodox chruch
Skateparks and social justice are the only ways churches can hope to reach and retain younger people. Just like Prosperity and individualist gospels have been the best ways to reach and retain Boomers.
Churches have long been trading on people's desires and self-obsession; if the new generation has different desires or self-perceptions than you then so has every preceding one.
It ceases to be a religion when it becomes a social outing tbqh, I wouldn't even care if they at least didn't act as if they were the height of piety and insist on posting gay bible verses they don't even follow all over their fucking social media
Dude, that is absolutely nothing new. You don't think "kids these days" wasn't a common refrain when they shortened the astrological program at Stonehenge to make more time for dancing and snacks?
If you're really internally driven to extremes of self-denial and rigorous daily ritual, you probably didn't even get that from church but from some other experience or character quality God gave you. It's evident because most people who've sat in the same sermons as you are just not called that way. Church itself makes up a small portion of your spiritual life. I'd argue that in light of this, church is primarily a function of community for most people.
What a load of horseshit.
The man made Churches will all become corrupt user
But the truth won't
How disgusting of them to push they're agendas in the house dedicated to the father
Well there's your first mistake.
And people make fun of the Orthodox Church, in my parish women are not allowed to enter with trousers.
Babel is a punishment not a commandment and therefore solvable by the grace of god.
t. based catholics
>apply effective charity
>eliminate degeneracy
>connect minorites to Jesus instead of treating them like scared little children
yes but you still prefer non white christians over whites you cucks.
gtfo of greece you spiritual semite
Why are American mainstream protestant churches so shit?
What? No way.
Baptists confirmed for the chads of Christians.
Please pray for me then.
>le white religion
I was once an attendee at a Coptic orthodox church and talked personally to the priest. His family luckily evaded persecution by Muslims but his attitude was nowhere near as obnoxious as your (literally privileged) ass.