Does he post on Veeky Forums?

Does he post on Veeky Forums?

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it's me

What a fucking chode.

I have no political feelings whatsoever but I definitely support plowing through a crowd of cunts.

Like, in my field I simply can't afford to miss a day of work. If I'm on my way to work and a crowd of SJW's was blocking my way I'm gonna force my car through them. Maybe not at high speeds like this guy but I'm getting through, I can't simply turn around and go home, it's not an option.

Really, what the fuck does inconveniencing normal, working class people achieve for these losers? You think I'm gonna change my mind and wholeheartedly support your position because you held me up on a road one day? Get fucked cunts, I'm running you down.

Damn I'd love if he ran me over

I don't think so, but he should.

he didn't do nuthin wrong

Fuck you , pussy. Every pussy on this site is always posting threads about how to be alpha this or that, how to get a azn gf blah blah blah. This guy is living that life.

Fucking neck yourself you low test cuck, thats what testosterone looks like, get you some

I LOL'd at this retard.

>I definitely support plowing through a crowd of cunts.

You can use another route. Their protest is ineffectual, but supporting the reckless endangering of lives is pretty extreme just because you have to get to work.

He's right. They guy's a chode. Now he's a chode in jail.

It says in the pic that all he got was a ticket for reckless driving.

First of all, what other route? Maybe in this specific case but how many protests have they done where they block highways or main streets?

Secondly, I leave home with enough time to make it to work. IE, if it's gonna take me 20 minutes to get there I leave 20 minutes before I'm needed. If I'm taking a fifteen minute detour I'm late. I can't be late, ergo these people are getting out of my way one way or another.

> , but supporting the reckless endangering of lives is pretty extreme just because you have to get to work.

If you stand in the middle of the road and get run down the only one recklessly endangering their lives is the idiot standing in the road.

Reread these ^ and apply them to yourself

why do poor people like motorcycles and tattoos so much?

Jail? Wtf are you talking about? You can't block a public road or stand in the street without getting run over, you liberal faggot retard.

Rich people like those things too, bozo.

>Dillon lives in San Fransico and owns a Porsche Cayman, a present from his wife, as well as his BMW motorbike
>Though he didn't hit anyone, Dillon sparked chaos among the crowd by driving close to the protesters and revving his engine loudly. Many rolled to the side of the road to get out of his way before he did a u-turn and came back. After he was detained the 39-year-old told some of the crowd: 'You guys were blocking the intersection and now you’re not. See how that works?'.
>In another social media post Dillon's face has been inserted inside a Jack Daniels whiskey sign under the words 'missing person', and his 'concerned' friends describe him as: 'An infamous womanizer, world traveler, partier and gym rat.'

He didn't even hurt anyone, he just made them cower in his presence. Also, is this achievable natty?

And if he hurt someone he'd be in far deeper trouble.

It's amazing to me how 4channer "alt right" losers can bitch about "niggers breaking the law" but when this absolute douche canoe breaks the law he's somehow a hero.

This double-standard is hot garbage and your brains are broken.

Being an obstacle in the road is reckless endangerment itself

It is not. Just look at that neck. He's the hero we deserve.

no we don't.

>takes fake news titles seriously
>doesn't even watch the actual unedited video

Tell me how what he did was terrible?

Which law did he break? Is it a natural law or a liberal cuck law? Have you ever seen a vagina?

Fuck off, pussy. Go have your test level checked.

Don't judge him. Doing that stuff is part of his culture and all cultures are equally valid.

Reckless driving. It's against the law.

Yeah, it's not a rich/poor thing, it's just a low class thing. Poor people can luck into money, but they will always be low class

We learned a valuable lesson today, boys: the difference between abhorrent "nigger" behavior and alpha behavior is skin color only.

Just another unethical steroid faggot that should have been lynched long ago.

Don't use the "n" word.

Old people and women and immigrants do this every time they get behind the wheel. LET THE WHITE MAN BREATHE

No, fuck em. Throw a temper tantrum in the road like a group of children and get run over. Go throw a fit somewhere else where I can ignore you and get to work.

lmao he does realize his children will be the most beta tier ethnic for males there are... lol white pride indeed


Shove your hypotheticals up your dickhole, cry baby faggot.

This. Never say "No" to a nigger, or he might kill you.

>marrying this

pick one

dude is a joke, being sub-actual rich in the most unrespectable legal industry there is, taking steroids to look like a failed teenage mutand ninja turtle, of course beta Veeky Forums drumpfets would be here praising a guy who calls himself "Dillionaire"

i saw the video. Honestly, those protesters shouldn't be blocking a god damn road. And even if they block traffic, they aren't getting back at trump at all even if they were trying to indirectly.

No blocking a highway is against the law you fucking retard liberal. There are some states that have recently passed laws giving you permission to run down fucking morons blocking the road with their "protests"

>a guy who calls himself "Dillionaire"

A lot of losers on Veeky Forums look up to these guys, believe it or not. Dillionare and all.

They will blame him for this.

>blocking a highway is against the law you fucking retard liberal.

None of the protesters were cited nor arrested.

Dude looks like he would deflate like a condom that has been used for a party balloon if he missed a test injection.

how would you know no protesters were given citations if you don't know any of them? They were blocking the damn street. They might as well start blocking streets to prove that 2+1=7

getting embarrassed by an alpha on a motorcycle is punishment enough

lmao you're so fucking mad

Don't listen to these betas giving you shit. You're right. This guy is a chode.

>there are people here right now who are STILL butthurt about Trump
Fucking lol. Must be from California. Trump would do well to annex that state then nuke into the fucking ocean. Bam. No more SJW, feminazis, or beta low test "men"

Awww, did I hurt someone's fee fees? Why do you care so much about this guy? Sucking his dick isn't gonna make you look like him if that's what you're going for.

Douche bags are not alpha.

>butthurt libtard defending trump protesters
>calling other people mad
oh boy

>guy on vehicle trying to get down road
>several people lying down on the road ready to attack anyone who tries to use the road

tell me again which one you thought the douche bag was?

>betas actually believe this

This. He showed appropriate restraint and shouldn't have even been ticketed. Fuck those protesters for being a danger and a public nuisance; why respect anyone who won't respect you, or your right to travel on a public street unmolested?
the 'white pride', 'dillonaire', and shitty tattoos are cringe, but other than that, dude has his shit together. Dude has an attractive wife, is in shape (yeah I know he's a roider), can afford to live in SF, doesn't take shit from useful idiot cucks. On the balance he's a winner in my book.

>actually believing protesters were the alpha in this case

He didn't even run them over, look at the video
He slows down and avoids them

>attractive wife,

you say what

yeah bro I bet yours is much hotter. post pics

You're a good little wagie. Your boss must be so proud.

Don't play on roads, cunt.

Neck training in full effect

Do you honestly believe they would make way for pencil-neck?

You're only allowed to mow people down when you're an inbred Muslim pedophile, nice double standards liberals.

What a fucking madman. Kek

His girl is pretty banging I don't know what you're talking about.

Marriage material? Maybe, it really depends on her personality. She has the 6/7 looks to be marriage material and seems to keep up with her body. If she's submissive and does the dudes laundry and acts feminine why not?

I wanna be a dillionaire and I don't care who knows it

>None of the protesters were cited nor arrested.

And that is legitimately terrible.

>All these low test beta replies on my Nigerian sand mining forum
Harden the fuck up you pussy faggots

It's spelled "Chad".

>excellent neck
>superb gookwaifu
>uses his assault motorcycle correctly
>really, just look at his fucking neck, my name is mirin and i like jelly
>celebrates white privilege
>is job is to literally zap the life force out of betas by distributing the pornography he doesn't even ned since he's got a slanteye sucking his dick 3 times a day
>jesusfuck, dat neck tho
>these fucking losers are lying in the public street
>Jeff operates his vehicle lawfully
>hits no one
>somehow he's the bad guy because it's San Franshithole

Seriously, every libtard should watch this, so you can see how retarded your friends look.

If it's true that he took juice, then
>roiding for this
I don't give a shit what your political alignment is, if you take gear and look like that you have Blaha-level genetics

is this whole "wagie" and "wageslave" thing a coping mechanism to deal with the fact that at this point you are nothing but a tax deduction and when your parents die you'll have nowhere to go?

hey kid, don't post downrange of Hemingway when he's got a .308 in his hands

Let's see your natty body.

what's the point of a human road block if you're just going to move out of the way when someone goes through?

Keep it up. You didn't hurt anyone but you showed them that a lot of people think they're stupid.

This is the board that worships dan fucking bilzerian, why wouldn't they worship this retard?

dumbshits and literal 14 year olds who think its a big deal to take roids or drive a porsche, something literally anyone of age can do with ease on this board. sign up and agree to some retarded lease rate and get tren from your local high school dealer, wow what a badass.

Jaywalking is a crime so this is justifiable homicide.

>produces porn
>friends describe him as a womanizer
>shamelessly triggers sjws
>Veeky Forums as fuck
He's living the life most men want you sad faggot.

Since when did Veeky Forums get infested with faggots


>Guy gets arrested for riding his motorbike on a road

>Privilaged white right-winger gets arrested for riding his motorbike on a road

>pays money to record two people have sex for pennies in ad revenue online
>faggy friends look up to him like the teens and testosterone-deficient college students on Veeky Forums do
>giving a single fuck about your self-worth being better or worse because you pissed someone off on the internet
>takes steroids with reckless abandon, have an arrest on record, refers to his ostensible lifelong companion as a slant-eyed import, and is such a little insecure bitch he STARTED a facebook group because twitter and internet memes about white people disturbed him too much

yeah dude, what an awesome guy i wish i could be him!!!!11!!!111! fucking faggot probably sped by on his motorcycle in the first place because he was late for an appointment to record a cumshot

>White pride Trump supporter
>Race mixes
>Participates in the Jewish porn industry
>Uses steroids
>Has tattoos

Degenerate. Not one of us. Cuckservative with mental problems.

>First of all, what other route?
There are these things called streets. I dont know what kind of a shithole you live in, but its a matter of minutes to get on a parallel streets.

And what if instead of protesters there is a traffic jam, or police pulls you over or there is a construction work ongoing etc? Youre gonna drive through that? Your reasoning is moronic, nobody on the street owes you nothing and you getting late is your problem

You're right. We should strive to be like you. Let me try
>I'm a sarcastic anonymous internet guy who complains about real life people doing things on a Rwandain grub foraging forum and people should be like me.
Haha yea dude, now I'm fucking AWESOME!! Smash that button like button 100%

Lol, are you fucking kidding me.

He literally did nothing wrong.

>released without being booked into jail

Gotta love that white privilege club

A millionaire of dicks?

i never said that queer was 'living the life most men want' or implied he was like you directly did or other in this thread are implying.

nor did i ever say 'im living the life most of you faggots want try to be more like me'


Reminder that Conservashits always vote against their own interests

Are there any threads on this site that aren't in some way created or hijacked by shills?

This site is nothing but advertising.

>using 4channer

Back to plebbit cuck.


>Now I'm going to make a long winded and unecessary list of complaints while denying implications that I insinuated that I am objectively superior.

>Also a bunch of other non-whiny faggot stuff.


shut you

Reminder that blocking roads is illegal

Reminder that thia guy literally did nothing wrong

>2 wrongs make a right

"getting the last word in" just got this guy arrested while also giving up his personal information to any crazy person that wants it.

>turn the other cheek
>but only if the side thats slapping is on the right side of history

>porn boss
>slant eye import
>runs people over

betas shouldn't be allowed to take steroids