Short Guys Try Being Tall For A Week


>none of them even get above 6ft
when will they learn
also is the asian a ftm transgender

Why do numales literally all have the same fucking glasses

Does buzzfeed and other shitty numale media like huffpo only hire people if they wear the numale glasses? Or do they give them to the employees? Or is having poor eyesight just another consequence of the shit genetics, premature balding and low test that also cause lack of confidence, weakness and feminized mindset that define the Numale? Does the Numale Glasses Company own the Numale Media Consortium as well? Who's really behind this, Jews, reptilians?

What should manlets be learning?

Those are three different styles, user

>even with three inches added they are still manlets


That they'll never learn

Really makes you huh

Honestly, I feel like this is BS. I know people who're taller than me and I don't feel emasculated or dominated by them. Actualy, its the opposite they look so clumsy that they look emasculated by normal looking people.

>that tiny asian grill helping the bald manlet cope

apparently he hasn't learned yet

The real kicker is that one guy who tries it on as a joke, becomes 6'1" and his gf notices it immediately and likes him more because of it too kek.

If you use numale unironically I can garuntee that you are a loser too

Kek this.

>being on Veeky Forums
>not being a loser
pick one



I'd fuck the guy on the right in his butthole. I love those cute nerdy boys, they're so submissive.

how many types of glasses do you think exist, because those are 3 clearly different styles

I think you are just retarded and think all glasses look the same. PS, only the middle guys glasses are numale glasses. Typical of the manlet

>tfw blind
>need glasses
>look like a numale

He goes from manlet status to tall and is liked. The rest of them stay manlets and no one cares about them.


>get glasses with these frames
>numale meme emerges
>stop wearing glasses



As a non white conservative, I have gotten so much venom from pussy ass white liberals over the years. The term numale summarizes them so succinctly. I love it.

Suck my dick numale bitch, white liberals are pathetic.

Every single one of them does the becky talk.

Even with pad things they are still not even above 6f. I'm 6.2f and I can't say I feel more confident because of it, but maybe I would also feel insecure if I was shorter

those arent even the same glasses rofl what an autist


there was a better video where connor murphys mate who was 5'8 asked girls about height. he was wearing 4 inch shoes then he put it down and still got laid with chicks that night
for some reason he deleted the entire channel

LMAO r/asianmasculity BTFO

whats with all the redditors lately
fuck off back

Because that's rape by deception look it up.

youre joking but yeah probably someone was complaining considering he picked up at least one chick in every video
its a shame because it was actually a good lesson amongst all these ask drunk girls series.

>more buzzwords




They are still manlets tho even with the heels.
When Will they learn.

It makes perfect sense to me that short men would enter a contest called Mr. Olympia dear.

>average American man
>not fat as shit


>this hurt

You aren't wrong but you're also still a numale faggot.

Are they all gay?

>they think being 5"10 is tall.

Funny that only Arnold is known and remembered. Probably because being over 6 feet.

No because of his funny accent, being governor, terminator and being a meme in general on top of being Veeky Forums in the past.

He got all those thing from being above six feet. Nobody in hollywood was interested in casting any manlet strongmen.

I think its kind of dumb and for other reasons

I fucking hate people like these in the vids, might be trust fund babies sjw who got a job easily.. fuck them

They should skip the inserts and go straight to their nu-male endgame.


honestly i would pay plenty to see your face

I wouldn't pay anything so see your face :^)))

money isnt a problem for me

Is that how you cope with your ugly mug?

So they pull a Robert Downy Jr.


youre the only afraid to post face incel cunt

geez being an asian male would fucking suck

At least people are willing to pay money to see my beautiful face. No one even wants to see your ugly-ass for free.

Frank Zane is literally the most aesthetic bodybuilder of all time

post it you little bitch



Just learn your place manlets.

Stay thisty pham.

You're so autistic that people can't even imagine how fucked up you look
>pic related
thats how you look like most likely


Fucking this. God I love going to Asian countries and staring those "men" down. They always look away while their women eyefuck the shit out of me.

I don't look like you m8, delete that shit.

lololololol salty noheights coping this hard


Thats fetal alcohol syndrome. That kid is legit retarded

Get eye surgery. Jesus fucking Christ they offer 0% financing and it's cheap as shit.


Why is she wearing heels to a baseball field of all places? burn it all down

>this much cope

It stings doesn't it?

And there's not a God damn thing you can do, because your puppet masters have handed me a victim card and I use it against you shit heads all the time just to be a dick.

Stay mad.


Because they match her dress dude. She's also like 6'4"

She's a tv presenter, not a player you idiot. Women don't become presenter by wearing sneakers, they do it by wearing heels that make their legs/ads look better and skin tight dresses- especially if you work for fox. If you think it's stupid, blame horny old men


What the fuck, can they not choose completely queer as fuck looking men to run this experiment.

These guys are complete pussies in tone except for the bald asian guy, he's just not as bad.


No more games, imma change what you call rage


i agree, these guys are just betas. confidence and money go a long way

>being over 6' 0"

Pic related

y-yeah bald guys are more masculine and badass RIGHT HAHAHA YEAH

because almost everyone, numale or not, wears that same style of glasses?

I'm not saying it's because he's bald. I meant the way he spoke and carried himself, a step above the rest of the guys.

>tfw bald

I have been here for 7 years and I still don't get the height meme.

Jesus fucking christ this.

>ftw tallest guy there becomes as tall as me
you told me normies think 5'11 is manlet. wth Veeky Forums


It is. The only manlet that gets any compliments in this video is the one who put it on for 5 minutes, becomes 6 foot 1 and watches the mires from his gf flow like butter.

>Veeky Forums shitting on people for something that is literally genetics and can't be fixed besides completely unnecessary invasive surgery
>not mocking fat acceptance people instead


Jesus what's up with their voices? Is this normal in the US?
Is the xenoestrogen in the water meme real?

did it go over your head?

no excuse to be under 6 foot in 2017. Hit the gym, lazy logs!

what the fuck is with this influx of unsolvable captchas

this desu senpai
