I started SSRIs a while ago and my drive to lift and eat right has fucking vanished

i started SSRIs a while ago and my drive to lift and eat right has fucking vanished

lexapro makes me complacent and unmotivated to change, not just my fitness

i can't stop filling my face hole with gross expensive dogshit food, yesterday i binged at mcdonalds and a few hours later ordered mozzarella sticks and fries

please god help me fit i don't know where else to go

Don't take antidepressants, or try a different one. A doctor will understand if you say a med is interfering causing negative effects on your lifestyle. I got off lexapro because it killed my dick.

my desire to fuck my gf is gone
and when we do fuck i don't finish
it doesn't matter too much because she's like borderline asexual

what meds did you try after lexapro?

>she's borderline asexual

You mean she is just using you as a mental crutch(possibly also as a provider) whilst she is out fucking Chad?

>taking fucked up jew poisons that don't even do anything
lmaoing at your life
>what meds did you try after lexapro?
It's called unfucking your shit and men have been doing it for centuries without kike chemicals


>Have urges to do healthy activities
>be sexually functional

Yet you take these pills? What the fuck is wrong with you. Nearly all cases of people who take anti depressants can be fixed with changing your life or attitude. You need to become wiser.

I suggest you get off SSRI's ASAP. They can destroy up to 50% of your serotonin receptors.

Leave that shit behind and get on testosterone.

I'll bet money your test levels are low and that's the root of your problem.

Why try to disguise a broken leg with morphine when you could just fix the leg?

I've experimented with various ssris, now I'm on mirtazapine which is an anti depressant but not an ssri. It has no effect on my sex drive and doesn't make me unmotivated.

See your doctor to change your drug. SSRI's are notorious for all those things you listed. They made me all limp and completely indifferent to life. Solution: Lift more and make your own testosterone. Much better than any drug.

>testosterone easily accessible if you aren't a 50 year old man

>tfw SSRIs made me gain 80lbs and it took me 2 years to get it off

they increase your appetite by so much and fuck any motivation.

ssris are fucking terrible, you've been had by (((psychiatry)))

>falling for the 'antidepressant' meme
The pharma-medical-industrial complex has trolled you into believing that a pill will solve all your problems.

Want to know why antidepressants have become so goddamned popular? Because they save health insurance companies money, that's why. Taking an antidepressant is like putting a band-aid on a gunshot wound: it may stop the bleeding temporarily, but the bullet is still inside you, causing damage.

You want a REAL cure for your depression problems? I'll tell you how: It's called 'cognitive therapy'. You learn to identify that you're feeling depressed, and how to self-analyze WHY you're feeling depressed, so you can DO SOMETHING about it. This process, over time, naturally re-wires your brain (your cognitive processes) so that you don't suffer chronically from depression anymore. In other words: You learn to handle your own shit yourself, rather than popping a pill.

I'm going to take endless amounts of shit from people in this thread for saying this.
>..but user, you obviously have NEVER suffered from depression, you have NO IDEA what you're talking about!
Wrong. I suffered chronically from depression for YEARS. I was on STUPIDLY HIGH amounts of antidepressants. People who know me from back then tell me I WAS TURNING INTO SOMETHING NOT HUMAN, LIKE A ROBOT because of it.
>..but user, some people NEED to be medicated!
Bullshit. Until the pharmaceutical industry and HMOs started shoveling pills at people, Cognitive Therapy was the 1st line of treatment for depression. But it's EXPENSIVE and they wanted to save money. So, here we are..

I got off the stuff. You, OP, (and anyone else reading this) can get off that shit too. It's not fun, it's not easy, and it's not quick, but it's a PERMANENT set of coping strategies to fix your own shit as it comes up. Free yourselves! Don't be drug addicts!

Normally I disregard the whole "big pharma out to get you" opinions, but this guy speaks the truth regarding depression. I've long suspected I'm depressed but absolutely refuse to turn into a robot with medication. Instead, I stay active, force myself to socialize, meditate, and keep myself focused on my own goals involved with running my business. I still have depressive episodes and this poster is probably much better at coping than me, but at least I'm aware of my depressive thoughts and actively try to readjust my outlook to something positive.

Shit... I was taking them for a while, is 1-2 years recoverable?

Titrate yourself off them; the last thing you want to do is 'crash' off them. People get suicidal when they just stop taking them suddenly.

>Nearly all cases of people who take anti depressants can be fixed with changing your life or attitude.
In other words, what this guy was saying:

>taking SSRIs
Well, you're going to commit suicide at some point if you're taking them, so you might as well get off them and roll the dice on it

user you replied to here.

I tried Zoloft for a bit afterward but made my heart have an irregular and fast heart beat whenever I did anything that wasn't sitting still.

I'm off of everything because I've tried so many different antidepressants that either made things worse, or fucked with my lifestyle too much.

That stuff was alright but gave me really weird deliriums and restless leg syndrome when I'd try to sleep. Also gave me stoner-tier munchies and made me lazy, even though I felt happy on them, I was sick of feeling so lazy.

Been taking various SSRIs / SNRIs for like 12 years now. Without them I can't get out of bed or function. That being said, I still fucking love lifting, it's one of my favorite things to do. If you don't want to/can't get off of them, try switching to a different one. Some make you more lethargic than others. I take Effexor, however I wouldn't really recommend it because it's pretty intense in terms of other side effects. I literally cannot cum from sex

>other side effects. I literally cannot cum from sex

I'd quit them just from that.

once they treated my depression with bipolar meds i got better. within days my life was different, two months later its like im a new person.

HELP Veeky Forums

How do I clear this shit (prozac) from my body?

I can only cum if she convinces me she loves me. Other than that, I can't really cum.

Good luck to all anons suffering with depression ITT, lock in we can all make it.

During sex tho. Fapping is fine.

I'm on lexapro and go to the gym 6 days a week. it's actually the only thing that ever gives me joy

Call your doctor and set up a plan for tapering off of it.