Why do my knees hurt so bad a day after squatting. It never used to be like this until I started SL 5x5...

Why do my knees hurt so bad a day after squatting. It never used to be like this until I started SL 5x5. I tried switching it up to low bar but that didn't seem to help much. I even got squat shoes.


possibly knees caving in during squat?
try and watch that shit next time. really focus on pushing your knees all the way out
and otherwise maybe foamroll the shit out of your quads, that helps me a lot

I make sure they dont cave in.

I personally get pain in my legs at this point if I sit in the squat position, unweighted for 5 seconds. This came after I've done 92.5kgx5, now it was painful to do 50kgx10. High bar

I'm starting to think im just going to never do squats again and just be a skinny leg fag.

I'm having the opposite problem, my knees always hurt doing half-assed squats but now that I do them according to SS I get fucking insane inner thigh (like the hip area but on the inside of the leg) pain on my left side that even interferes with my deadlifts. I've been on program for a month and I'm starting to miss reps because of it. I had to bail out of a squat this morning and roll it. Not even to 2 plates yet. Am I fucked?

I tried doing leg-press slowly and I felt more activation in my quads than I ever do with squats so I'm gonna take a month off squats and do those + deads.

I used to get tendon aches/pains in my left knee from squatting too much prior to a meet.

Was getting stronger without weight gain so I figured my tendon was doing most of the work

Laid off squats and did bodybuilding style training

gained more leg muscle and its doing more work than the tendon, now theres no more pain

What do you suggest then?

Stair climber + Excessive bodyweight squats.
Like 100+ reps every leg day. You'll have a mastery of your bodyweight and your knees won't be pussy anymore. Then you can go back to the bar.


>knees hurt
>do 100's of repetitive movements that use the knee
OP you need to drop the weight and focus on form. Take a couple of weeks off beforehand if it feels like you need it and spend the time watching form videos on youtube to see if you can catch what you're doing wrong

I literally dropped my squat in half when I started SL 3 weeks ago.

You gettin OLD senpai

For me, its my hip flexors.

No more squats or squat accessories

Two weeks of lower body training "bodybuilder style", 8-20 reps, 2-3 sets of equal amounts of
Good mornings
Leg press
Leg curl
Leg extension

Do a lower body session 2-3 times a week of a little bit on the end of your existing workouts, stop if it gets painful.

Keep it light, focus on squeezing the muscle
If you can still front squat without pain, do them but ramp the set up into one working set of something you can handle but nothing that'll hurt you. Deadlift, if you can deadlift

Neurofen or other anti-inflams are your new best friend, loooots of fish oil and water, and make sure you see a doctor

After a while, try to squat with the bar and add 10kg/22lb at a time to retest yourself, if still painful, stop and repeat for a week

Im 18

You are squatting wrong then.

I dont even know man ive spent so much energy trying to improve my squat.

You are squatting incorrectly if your knees hurt.

Well first of all it doesn't hurt during the lift, its the either directly after or a day after. And second I've tried pretty much every way possible and nothing other than quarter squatting fixes it.

>I've tried pretty much every way possible
Well there aren't that many ways to squat correctly, so if you are trying a lot of different things you probably don't know what you are doing. Find a competent coach or actually read a book or two.

i am buying a power rack, with pul up station, lat pulldown and obviously pegs for squat bar and spotting,

i have been stuck squating what i can get up to my shoulders and over my head from the ground since i started,

please explain to me why this purchase is the best thing i will ever do ever?

>btw my form is 10/10 since squating weight for 10+reps for months

I managed to get rid of knee pain while squatting by doing the following in the up:
-Feet shoulder width apart ( a way to figure this out is to do a jump - where your feet land should be approximately shoulder width)
-Point your feet slightly outward (11 and 1 on a clock)
-Start the squat by focusing on bending at your hip, and not at your knee. A good way to practice this is by sitting (squatting) onto a bench or box. Feel the full movement through your hips, not your knees.
- Push into your heels through the movement.

Try practicing a few bodyweight squats with this set up and see if the movement feels any different to you. I haven't had any knee issues since setting up my squat this way.

Some people need to realize that knee genetics play a huge role in whether or not you can actually squat.
Born with retropatellarthrosis here, I can't squat without my knees hurting.

No you're just not practicing mobility enough