/fraud/ - chinese bathtub chemicals are good enough to replace diet and dedication right? ya...

/fraud/ - chinese bathtub chemicals are good enough to replace diet and dedication right? ya, just kiss yur liver enzymes goodbye!

read all of reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki before asking your absolutely retarded questions. no exceptions.


previously on stupid fucking questions general:

What do you think losing 80lbs is like?

I was 260, now 240lbs. Goal is 180. I'm 6'1. I'm actually going below my "true" goal weight of 200lbs for health reasons and 180 is the lowest my doctor told me I can go. I'm intermediate according to symmetric strength.

I'm on 300mg test.

post your raws

>tfw you can't decide if you want to try anavar, epistane or superdrol next

post your raws, goyim, so we can take the EXIF data as evidence in court, good goy...

>not knowing how to strip exif data
what the h*ck



Wew lad

you haven't asked for that shit to be reshipped yet?

that's the west coast canadian customs location for international packages. mississauga being the east coast one

Girl from previous thread, why are you guys such assholes to women?

show us your moustache

too lazy to brew your own oils or what?

my last pack was in customs for nearly a month and some guy on reddit said he had a pack stuck for 2 months before he finally got it.

I'll probably email him next week though

Hey homies. I got some nolvadex and am coming off a 12 week test-e only cycle soon. 500mg/week. Problem is my nolva is 25mg per pill. I know the classic PCT is 40/40/20/20. Would it hurt to do 50/50/25/25 with these capsules? Or should I try and open the capsules up and dump a bit out to make it 20mg caps?


Tfw same raw source

Use sdrol desu

50/50/25/25 is fine

>dump a bit out

You good at eyeballing mg quantities ?

Not really. I've never done it. But I figure it can't be that hard?

ramenrater is so full of shit hes a shill now for whoever ships him boxes of his bachelor chow

ah that sucks, it always goes straight through for me, but I'm on the east coast so it might be different

>tfw waiting for source to put on a special
He hasn't checked in for 17 days, so I'm hoping something soon. Want to destroy my liver with sdrol.

Leaving for vacation in 4 days. Should I
1. continue the course on a nice tren/test/ephedrine
2. run dnp, maybe lose a pound of fat, and risk bloat
already pretty lean and hard, i notice when i go off dnp i look way more hard

DNP at this point will just make you look like shit. Stay the course.

think i just needed someone else to say it. i was on tren and making great gains, then did like 3 weeks of dnp and i feel it completely wasted it.
live and learn.
just getting to a point now where i'm looking much more hard and full. but the dnp absolutely helped. from now on i'm running 250mg at night - thats it. you can run that a while without feeling like shit and wake up each day leaner

Source only stocks UDCA and TUDCA would be a 6 week journey from India. Is it just as good or should I just wait for TUDCA?


>tfw since seeing gf again, RHR has gone from 100 to 75

Is TUDCA illegal where you live or something?

>tfw rhr is 47
Lord almighty you need to do cardio before your heart asplode.

Live in shithole.

Gf wants me to start running with her. I genuinely think the cardio in sex has helped a ton.

.....meaning what? You should be able to buy it on Amazon.

that's not how amazon works outside the US my dude

iirc udca is fine, just was a bit more expensive?

Anyone here tried halotestin? I'm looking to jump on in next few weeks but not sure if I'll need to pct

As in, only halo?

Indeed, I no longer have a source for oils

Or should I wait and run test at same time?

Why would you be running halo?

Blessed sevens ty

>should i run test?
yes. get a new source.

I have been considering doing a low dose each night and im currently cutting on test/tren 200/200. Did you find 250mg was enough to wreck your workouts?

Oly lifter, want to increase strength but stay in my weight class


Will do

UDCA is what they use in hospitals in my country. Just as good and far more less likely to be cut with corn flour

anyone else notice fraud took a massive activity nosedive when crusader starter posting

any oral suggestions for a first cycle? currently looking to kickstart on dbol, but not knowing how much AI I'll need is a little scary

Halos pretty dope, but I would only really use it while peaking because I at least don't really keep the strength gains that I get from it. Unless you're competing in a non drug tested federation I think that you'd do better to just use anavar/prop and come off cycle 3 weeks or so before a meet. Assuming of course that you ARE a cheating fraud.
Imo you would do better to see how you respond to just testosterone instead of mucking it up with adding in another variable in the form of an oral.

Wow someone with half a brain.

Not gonna make you are strong but you wont look like a slob on winny.

Just punch some aromasin in after 5 days at a low dose (6.25mg +/-) EoD, if you start getting side effects up it.

Winstrol is a bit of a waste really, the idea of Dbol as a kickstart is that it can function just fine on it's own while the long ester testosterone starts to accumulate in the system. Winstrol doesn't really pack the same punch for that purpose.

I drove out all the other shitposters

I personally hate dbol so i confess i am bias. Dbol is great for fast gains but so much is water and just evaporates once you stop taking it.

Are you so fucking retarded that you can't find domestic tudca

Bostin loyd basically says tudca is to liver support as creatine is to performance enhancement.

If you need liver support to run pussy dose orals, don't run orals. You know what pros run? 400mg orals at peak. With tudca I'm sure. And you think you need tudca on your little gay boy blast of 50mg dbol? Oh sweetie...

>calls someone retarded
>listens to bostin loyd

Yeah why listen to a professional bodybuilder, who is engaged to a female bodybuilder who happens to be the daughter of a former pro bodybuilder. A man who has undoubtedly the best self researched self built physique, 21" arms, honesty about synthol (even Steve cook uses it), plethora of forbidden knowledge about drug protocols - basically a library of Alexandria where you can uncover information on peptides, HGH, insulin - and not get diabetes like Jeremy Beundia, health effects, funding this lifestyle...

He's a self made man.

You're a retard on Veeky Forums.

Thanks man, lol of course I cheat but not looking to compete for a little longer. Honestly just wanted to test out how halo feels, I know I won't keep the gains but I'm not really worried about that.

Also should I get 5mg or 10mg pills?

Why don't you suck his cock some more baby

Why do i only get pip in my left quad? Are the jews behind this?

Insult me one more time, and I will have Zydrunas savickas will insert his girthiest limbs into your anus

Just did my first pin of 250 mg test eth. Shot it in the side of my upper leg. Was fing scarry and im still trembling. Pin itself and the injection didn't hurt at all. Just took it real slow concentrating on keeping breathing. Leg starts getting a little stiff now. Hope next time will be easier!

Thats a big ice cream

How fat am I gonna get on 5000 kcals/day and 600mg Test E per week? Lifting every day of course

I dont mind getting fat, what I mind is not being able to lose it or having loose skin afterwards

That depends on your maintenance

Will EQ give me a horse dick?

Maintenance is 2800

No but it will give you horse teeth.


My dick has gotten girthier and for some reason, more square recently

Anadrol is my go-to

Sdrol is nice as well, start with a short run (2-3weeks) at 10mg for it though

Yeah you will get fat as fuck and probably rationalise it with muh gains before you realise xou fucked up bad.
Not even 600tren would save you from that

Not only that but eating 5000calories relatively clean is a fucking chore in itself.
Why not bulk based on weight gain requirements and if you honestly dont care about bf have a cheat x2 a week or whatever. Dont go powerlifter mode. Nobody wants to go powerlifter mode

Feel like misery from coming off the tren and NPP

>tfw on the phone to gf crying my eyes out because she's telling me all her happy thoughts of me

I love monogamy.

You are a seriously fucked up individual.

I'm a pretty normal guy irl, it's okay user. I just like feeling emotions.

>look mommy, i can order drugs off the internet!!! look at me!!! i'm so special

have fun with your bleeding intestines. their raws are unbelievably caustic and youll understand after your first anavar dose.

his girlfriend isnt related to dave palumbo you moron

180 is small for 6"1 unless you go ultrashred mode.

i get and understand what u r trying to do but
you're a fuckin idiot too

do u know that black grizzly was selling fake TUDCA for awhile and everyone still posted on PLEBBIT how good their liver enzymes were coming out??

go ahead and tell me how tudca is good for your liver, explain to me how it is a wonder drug. im not implying it doesnt do good for HEPATIC CHOLEOSTASIS but you guys that just dose it alongside orals without knowing how the drug actaully works are retarded

go to a knowledgable doctor who specializes in liver diseases and tell them how you take tudca with your oral drugs and then see what tehy say to you

it pisses me off a little you think you are SOOO SMART and come to shit talk people acting like you know your shit and that boston lloyd is some grand daddy science teacher

fuckin retard. ppl like you are sheep. u just parrot what you hear online and repeat it without actually knowing anything yourself. morons following morons.

TUDCA is a glia cell inhibitor. have u ever seen a liver biopsy of a tudca user and compared it to control? did u know other glia cell inhibitors like naltrexone drastically improve liver enzyme values too? do you know what these enzyme values actually mean in relation to liver health?

fuck u ppl seriously fuck off

p.s. using TUDCA alongside "400mg" of orals is basically putting a bandaid on a festering infected sore and claiming it makes things ok. you arent solving choleostasis, you are merely making it less damaging to your liver while the bile acids eat away at healthy tissue and you poop white

orals are BAD For you full stop
taking TUDCA and thinking you are ok, and reccomending it as being ok to others, is simply irresponsible

its ppl like u that have normalized drug use to the point where u are actually responsible for spreading misinformation and all the negative health effects people suffer

oh fuck youre dumb

removing the tracking number but leaving all the date and location information

picture saved for future blackmailing

ur gonna shit bricks when i post your signature image

FBI spotted

>still unironically saying "shit bricks"

This heat is getting me so short tempered. Not even on gear atm, got in a fight with a friend of a friend who was off his tits on cocaine last week. Then today some dumb bitch honked at me while I was parking into a tight spot, so I got out of the car and she shit her pants and reversed rapidly up the road.

Was going to start tren in a month. Maybe not now.

Yeah good idea to wait it out in your case.

Does your raloxifene smell so damn good too?

>Implying you can do anything with that information

Im starting my second cycle on monday if my moldawian roid seller doesnt fuck up

Ill take 500mg test and 200mg deca e5d and a 4 week dbol kickstart with around 20mg

What anti gyno supps should i take and whats good again hairloss?
Any more tips? Greetings from Germany

inb4 taking steroids and even going to the gym if youre a white male is classified as a hate crime because its toxic masculinity and threatening/intimidating to immigrants.

>200mg deca
>500mg test

Oh boy nigger hope you got hella AI to keep that estrogen in check or caber to deal with it when it turns to progesterone/ prolactin

You'd be better off bumping the deca to 3-400 too

As he said keep your e2 /prolactin in check
Should know that stuff before you start seems you arent ready.
For hair folllow masTs memestack

>tfw every ai/pct/prolactin drug at home
>500t 500deca no ai needed
Thanks genetics

Greetings from austria

deca is going to fuck you up if you're this unready for the sides. You realize it takes people months to recover from it even with pct right, and you're prepared for it?

How do I open this?

you arent ready for steroids.

pull off the plastic thing and it will expose the spot where you stick the needle

What are the differences between running Tren Ace at 50mg ed and 100 eod?

You pop it open and drink the liquid

>A man who has undoubtedly the best self researched self built physique, 21" arms,

You need to break the weak point in the neck. Normally a kitchen knife with a towel on top will suffice

You don't have to deal with as much potential PIP or tren cough if you pin eod.

there is a much bigger fluctuation in hormones with eod which can lead to more side
if you dont like pinning ed just get tren e

a lot

I'm swaying towards eod.

Tren E is side effects in a bottle. It's bloody awful.

Thanks for posting this. Can I ask what website it's from?